When I was about 4 years old I learned that God is All.
I learned that I couldn’t have a tummy ache coz God couldn’t.
I learned I could heal kitties and puppies too.
I loved Jesus with my whole heart, soul and mind.
But I failed to fully ‘get’ that All means All.
The Allness that was and is God was and is me. All of it!
Oh, I knew it with my mind, else how could I have effected healings?
Now thanks to Neville, Rupert, Joel,
Herb, Adyashanti, Mooji, Papaji, et al
we have newer terms for Allness: Oneness, Omnipresence, Spirit, Soul, Omniscience, Self, Mind, Love, Life, and – oh yes – God.
We can cut through the miasma that is working, working, working its way up to Awareness.
Consciousness is I-Spirit, God.