Even trivial worldly happiness is joy of God, Brahman

अतो हेतोर्धर्मो न भवति शिवः कारणपरः।
हिरण्यात्माssदित्येsक्षिणि उदेतीह भगवान्
नतेश्चाधाराणां श्रवणवचनैर्गोपितधियः।।

To the one who can ‘see’, even the trivial
worldly happiness appears as the joy of
Brahman. For such there is no prop and
standard other than Siva and Self, the
cause of the lofty and the petty alike.
The sun, the illuminator and energizer
of the worlds, appears dawning beyond
the yonder horizon, when in reality it
is in the eye [the figurative I]
of the Knower.

Attention to the spiritual aspirants:
Resist the temptation of re coursing
to loud, exhibitory and ‘clever’ exercises
to reach the all-impregnating Almighty
who is verily the embodiment of peace,
simplicity, unostentatious love and
sweet quiescence. Worship him with
noiseless prayer, quiet joy, guileless
affection, supreme peace and total
self-effacement and you shall
see Him losing to you
in all fullness.

The Ribhu Gita
[Shri Siva Rahasyam]