Distinguishing between “faith” and “belief”.

When the Truth is crystal clear, there's nothing left to do.
When the Truth is crystal clear, there’s nothing left to do.

Faith does do something! . Something very big! . But maybe not what you thought….

Simon Yap explains

Your faith does not save you. It merely ushers you into a reality [of] which you were ignorant before. The truth is that your sins and flesh had been taken away on the cross.

Now we need to make a distinction between ‘having faith’ and ‘believing’. When you know something to be true, factual, undeniable, there’s no need for faith: the fact simply is.

Simon Yap continues

Your believing thus brings you to a realization that you are already reconciled to the Father.

Sadly when you don’t believe this truth, you live as if [Jesus’] work was never done for you and never finished for you.

You can have faith that your friend will call, as he has for the past 10 years: that’s faith. You can believe that 2 + 2 = 4. It just is!

Now here is Simon Yap’s conclusion and supporting scripture for the need to believe that which is patently obvious:

It’s Jesus who saved you!

1 Timothy 4:10
That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe.