It is often said the Jesus spoke of Hell more than anyone.
And yet Paul, having received his revelation directly from Jesus, never once spoke of Hell.Why?
It has to do with audience relevance.Jesus came as a Jew, and as a witness to the Jews.Jesus predominantly focused on hell (gehenna) in his teachings and parables to illustrate the coming destruction of Jerusalem.
The Old Covenant of the mosaic law and sacrificial offerings was rapidly approaching its demise.It was not God’s intention to destroy any people, but to obliterate a distorted belief and sacrificial system that God abhorred. Those who remembered and heeded Jesus’s teachings on hell, escaped the horrendous death that was handed down by the Romans.
Paul’s mission was different. Paul was an ambassador for Christ to the Gentiles. He brought the Gospel into full disclosure and transparency. Paul showed us an incredible All inclusive Jesus, who valued everyone above no one, and no one above everyone.
Paul never spoke of Hell, because there was no hell to be found. Instead he taught that Christ was in the world reconciling us to the Father. The Apostle Paul minced no words, if there was a Hell to be feared, he would have been all over it.Again , look at his audience.
Certainly if Hell was a real and viable contender, then it would have been relevant to the Gentiles. After all, were they not the ones in darkness?If Hell was not a priority or even a subject for Paul;Then who in the Hell, is Hell for?!!!
Dan Shaffer