You don’t have to give up anything. Mentally detach. -RAdams

Never pray to God for release of your problems.
Never pray to God to change your life, and to give you something better.
This is wrong prayer.

If you have to pray to God, pray to God to give you the strength and the wisdom and the courage that you need to be able to handle the situation that you’re in. This is correct prayer.

Do not try to change anything. Be yourself. Work on yourself. Begin to see things in a new light. See your situation differently. There are no bad things, there are no good things. But thinking makes it so. Stop thinking of the extremes, good and bad, right and wrong.
Rather look at yourself in the moment.
Stay centered.

See yourself as a Divine Being, an Infinite Being, totally free and liberated. Do not feel sorry for yourself because you are in a position and in a situation you don’t like. This just holds you there more. And again as we mentioned before, even if you run away from a situation, you will attract some of the circumstances elsewhere.

Running away is never the answer. Changing yourself is the answer.

Take a look at your own life and see if it is not true what I’m saying. The changes you’ve gone through in your life. I know so many people who have left their home and family and gone to India to meditate, to find gurus, teachers. They have come back very depressed, even suicidal. For they’ve given up everything. Remember, there’s nothing you have to give up. Only mentally do you give up attachment.

Always look at the world as a reflection of you. You are the world. The world can be nothing without your approval. It sounds strange, but true. You have to stop identifying conditions apart from yourself. I know it seems hard to do. When you see the riots we’ve just had, the murders, the looting, it seems really difficult to realize you are one with this. But think about this.

Why should you only think you are one with the good things? If you are One, you are One with everything. Never just the good things that you enjoy and you like and bring into your life. You are All-Pervading,
Omnipresent, and you are One with all there is.
The correct way to observe this is to look at everything in the world intelligently without any comments, without any
Do not be for or against anything.

Train yourself to observe, to watch, to look without any reaction.

~ Silence of the Heart, Dailogues with Robert Adams.

T.155@This is your Dharma.