Simply be. -RAdams

You have not come to this earth to struggle, to fight, to become anything, to hurt anyone, to be hurt, you are here merely to be. Not to be this or to be that just to be. You allow this beingness to function properly when you get yourself out the way, that is your thoughts, your preconceived ideas.
When you keep the mind still, perfectly still and calm then you will always find that you are in the right place going through those experiences that are necessary for your unfoldment and your fulfillment.
Do not worry about the future or the past. Do not concern yourself with events in the present. Just be! Be the Self that you are. You will be satisfied. Everything will be okay.
There is nothing that wants to hurt you, cause you pain or give you any problems. It is only because you keep thinking continuously, constantly that you have this belief that somebody wants to hurt you, cause you problems, upset you.
There is only one. There are not two or three. There is only one Self and you are that.

Robert Adams

“You can see how foolish it is to become angry over something, to judge something, to think something is good, something is bad, something is right, something is wrong. You are supposedly truth students. Students of the highest truth. You can never get anywhere by judging this world, by coming to conclusions, by taking sides, by feeling angry. All it does is keep you back into humanhood, pushes you back into humanhood, thousands of years back.”

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)