Don’t you see?
If the personal I is gone there is no body, there’s no mind, there’s only consciousness.
But as long as you believe there is a body, there’s a personal I. Therefore you cannot say, “I am consciousness appearing as a body.” That’s wrong. Consciousness does not appear as any body. It doesn’t have to.
Consciousness is always self-contained pure awareness. It is something we cannot even discuss, for there are no words to describe it. It’s something you have to find out for yourself. But I can tell you for sure, it has nothing to do with your body.
It has nothing to do with your experiences. It has nothing to do with karma.
It has nothing to do with your god.
It has nothing to do with the universe.
It has nothing to do with self-realization or liberation.
It just is.
And it is beyond our finite thinking. There are no words to describe the infinite.
~ Robert Adams
…from TS, ‘The Fourth State of Consciousness’ February 7, 1991
NOTE: Personal “I” = Physical “I”. Robert Adams is clearly emphasizing we are NOT that “I”. (Rupert Spira drops the personal & physical distinction and likens “I” to God, Awareness, Oneself.) DrRobinStarbuck