EVERYTHING IS NOTHING : It’s just that simple to quiet your thoughts and enjoy perfect peace
Many people ask me, ‘Robert, what is really the fastest way to quiet the mind?’ Many of you realize now that when the mind is quiet, liberation comes by itself. There is really nothing else you have to do to become liberated. When the thoughts stop, everything takes care of itself. Then you are in your natural state.
Therefore what should you do to quiet the mind? Should you practice self-inquiry? Should you become the witness, the observer? Should you do pranayama, breathing exercises? Should you practice the I-am meditation? All of these things are good, but yet ours is the easy path, the direct path.
Here’s the easiest way to do this. If you would realize in your heart, that everything is nothing, your mind would become still. You would become perfectly still. Ponder what I just said. If you would only realize in your heart that everything is nothing, there would be no thoughts.
This is very profound. This is really all you have to do. Realize in your heart, not in your mind but in your heart, that everything you behold, everything you see, is actually nothing. There will be no thoughts. You will become free.
~ Robert Adams 20th century American Advaita mystic
Many people ask me, ‘Robert, what is really the fastest way to quiet the mind?’ Many of you realize now that when the mind is quiet, liberation comes by itself. There is really nothing else you have to do to become liberated. When the thoughts stop, everything takes care of itself. Then you are in your natural state.
Therefore what should you do to quiet the mind? Should you practice self-inquiry? Should you become the witness, the observer? Should you do pranayama, breathing exercises? Should you practice the I-am meditation? All of these things are good, but yet ours is the easy path, the direct path.
Here’s the easiest way to do this. If you would realize in your heart, that everything is nothing, your mind would become still. You would become perfectly still. Ponder what I just said. If you would only realize in your heart that everything is nothing, there would be no thoughts.
This is very profound. This is really all you have to do. Realize in your heart, not in your mind but in your heart, that everything you behold, everything you see, is actually nothing. There will be no thoughts. You will become free.
~ Robert Adams 20th century American Advaita mystic