When your mind starts thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking about good and bad, yousimply ask the question,
“To whom do these thoughts come?”
You do not answer you simply pose the question to yourself.
Everything happens within yourself.
“To whom do these thoughts come?”
The answer will eventually come to you. “These thoughts come to me. I think them. I think them? I do?
Who is this I.
Well what is the source of the I?”
You hold on to the I, but you do not concentrate on the I, you concentrate on the source.
“Well what is the source of the I.” For it seems that all of my problems are attached to I.
For I say, “I feel bad. I feel upset. I feel angry. I feel cheated. I feel emotional,” or even “I feel good. I feel
happy,” that’s human happiness.
You feel happy because somebody gave you something you like or somebody did something for you.
That’s just as bad as feeling depressed.
I feel this and I feel that, I feel that I am a Jnani, I feel that I am not a Jnani, I feel all kinds of things.
But there’s always I, I, I.
If you investigate you will find that everything is attached to the I. And if you get rid of the I, all of your problems, the whole world, the whole universe, God and everything related to it, will disappear.
And the source will be your true Self which is pure consciousness, ultimate oneness, nirvana, emptiness.
This is your true Self.
And you will look at the world as your Self.
You will still see the world but you will see it differently. Nothing will ever upset
you again. For you will realize that the world is your Self.
How can you be upset at your Self?
You have become an embodiment of divine love, bliss, pure intelligence, ultimate
awareness, sat-chit-ananda, parabrahman, that is omnipresence.
So how can you be angry or upset over anything if you are pure consciousness, you just cannot.
Do you see what I’m saying?
If you learn to identify yourself with consciousness, you will always be happy. If you keep identifying with world conditions or with your body or your mind, you will be miserable and you’ll have short spurts of happiness, when things go your way. But then you will not trust people.
You will be suspicious of everybody’s motives and you will feel that there’s something wrong.
If you want to know whether you’re a Jnani or not, ask yourself,
“When was the last time I saw something wrong?
When was the last time something wasn’t right when I had a bad thought when I believed somebody was doing some-
thing to me, or when I became angry,” and that will give you a good inclination where
you’re coming from.
What you see in yourself, you see in everyone else. If you’re self-realized, then you know your Self as omnipresence and you can only see love, peace, harmony and happiness in everybody.
The choice is yours.
The only freedom you’ve got on this planet, in this universe, is to make the choice to go within and not to react to any condition.
Everything else about you is preordained. Everything else about you is prarabdhic
karma. Even when I lift my hand like this, it’s karmic. But what have I got to do with my hand? I am not my hand, I am not my body, I am not my mind, I-am that I-am. Absolute awareness, pure intelligence, absolute reality, parabrahman, nirvana.
I am spaceless, I am birthless, I am deathless. Water cannot drown me and fire cannot burn me. That is my true nature.
Find your true nature my friends and you’ll always be happy. Om shanti.
~ Robert Adams Satsangs
Transcript 27
Eternal Happiness
25′ November, 1990