Dear Georges –
You asked me why you weren’t seeing any healing in a very sensitive area of your life. Well I do have good news for you if you can get over the fact that it sounds exactly the opposite, i.e., like bad news! You wondered why Jesus hasn’t answered your prayer and given you the blessing that you crave – a green light in your career path like your other friends have. The worst answer that one could give you is “I don’t know.” But that would not be my answer nor would it be the answer of any other believer! It’s so clear what’s going on (Or, not going on!)
You give God a grocery list of all the things that you feel you have a perfect right to have and you are most adamant about this list; but you don’t care one iota about God’s plan for you – you just want to issue demands and then blame God when these demands are not met. You’re very passionate about the things that you want and the things that you need. The issue here could actually be made very clear in a mathematical equation: your passion for everything else is about 98% and your passion for Jesus barely reaches 2%. These two items need to be switched!! This is not me getting on my soapbox and preaching at you: this is hard, cold fact! You shouldn’t even say or think that you trust Jesus when you also trust other gods that are diametrically opposite to Him.
The good news that I alluded to earlier is that you haven’t failed – you haven’t ever even tried! Therefore if you ever choose to trust Jesus, you can expect a very wonderful result, unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before!