Being in Christ – and knowing it – is heaven JSG

Let us not believe that the promises of Scripture are meant for human beings walking around living a purely human materialistic life. These divine promises are meant for us individually in proportion as we make our contact with God and receive those promises from within our own being. If it flashes into our mind, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased,” that is a divine promise, and we can rely on that. It is better than a note from the Bank of England. When we receive such an impartation from within, it will never leave us or forsake us, and it will always bring us back to the throne of God.
Once we hear in our ear, “Fear thou not, for I am with thee,” that is all we need. That is as absolute an assurance of God’s grace as was David’s. We have attained God’s grace when we have heard the “still small voice” within us. Whether we have heard it as a voice or felt it as an impulse or just achieved it as an awareness, regardless of how it comes, we have attained God’s grace. Then, we can say with confidence, “Oh well, He will lead me ‘beside the still waters,’ even if I have to cross a few rough ones to get there. ‘He maketh me to lie down in green pastures,’ even if I walk through a few barren ones before I arrive there.”
The important point is not whether or not we have what we think of as complete happiness or peace today. As a rule, that is just some namby-pamby idea of what constitutes happiness or peace. What counts is whether or not we are preparing ourselves by study, by meditation, by companioning with those on the spiritual path for the hearing of that “still small voice,” for the actual experience of the Christ.
Once we achieve it, we are free from organization, from governmental support, and from all those bonds that the human mind wants to place on itself. Once we have achieved this contact with our inner being, with our Christhood, we are in bondage to no man, to no organization, to no government, to no form of economy. We are then free in Christ, and we can say, “Christ lives my life. It makes no difference whether we have capitalism or communism; it makes no difference whether we have depressions or booms; it makes no difference whether we have floods or droughts. The Christ lives my life.”

J. S. Goldsmith: Living by The Word. Chapter One; Be Still and Let the Word Well Up from Within; Kindle location: 340-362