Where’s the soup?*

Where’s the soup?*
September 16, 2017QUANTUM DIMENSIONS of HEALING: You can heal yourself – BOOK Edit
The words alphabet soup conjure up visions of the ABCs swimming in consommé. Yet, when scientists talk about a prebiotic soup, technical terms define the content and make the soup much more difficult to describe. The assumption that a vast pool of concentrated prebiotic molecules on early Earth must have brewed for a very long period of time serves as the popular explanation for life’s origin. But, what ingredients did such a prebiotic soup contain? Or did one even exist? Examining scientific clues for a prebiotic soup leads to another essential “fact of life.”According to the naturalistic explanation, the waters of the world were filled with amino acids, sugars, and others compounds that form the building blocks of life. New research now permits a look back in time to see which of these building blocks might have been an ingredient in the legendary prebiotic soup—if one actually existed.

Research over the past fifty years has failed to produce a viable explanation for self-assembly of prebiotic compounds on or in Earth.

Fazale Rana & Hugh Ross
Origins of Life