One liners from memes

How can we “know the truth” that makes us free?
By filling our consciousness with the nature of God.

A drop of water is water, right?
A drop of God is

God maintains my life – eternally, immortally.
I am I.
“Be not afraid:
it is I.”

Once we become aware of the “I” that ‘I AM’ we’ll see it’s entirely independent of a body.
I AM spiritual.

Do you spend most of your time resisting evil or basking in God’s love?

Have you ever tried to lie to God? LOL hahaha!!!

What we do in secret – loving people more than ourselves – silently, secretly, opens our own awareness exponentially!

I have good news about that ‘loving your brother’ thang: it gets easier & easier and easier w consistent determination & practise

To declare that you love God but hate your brother is not unconditional love, according to the Bible.

Thinking ABOUT God won’t bring Him into our experience any more than thinking about water will quench our thirst.

Christ will never die. He’s closer to you than your very breathing.

Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free – as it is embodied in your conscious awareness.

To know Him aright is life eternal. You can experience this through the means of your own consciousness.

We are living our eternal life now! Let us cease from ascribing power to anything besides God!

No one is really praying while they’re thinking thoughts. The real and only prayer takes place when all the thinking and speaking is done.

Turn to it, it’s right there inside you. Whatever dares to claim your attention is not powerful, is not necessary, is not even real. I have a 2-word prayer that cuts through all the junk: “Jesus help!” It works instantaneously.

We have it within our power to change the world to a “heaven on earth”. Why? Because it’s already spiritually true. That’s why.

Can we possibly see and believe this – that people are being set free all over the world – thanks to our prayers? It .. is .. true

Let’s just pray for everyone – bar none! No one needs to be excluded … at all … ever … for any reason. God created them too

The kingdom of God is
His wisdom passes understanding.

People without Jesus seem to need outside noise to satisfy them.
But we know that God is at once everywhere!!!

This’ll really blow your mind: a total stranger is struggling & you reverse it in your mind. He looks at you & says “Thank you!”

This wonderful spiritual life is unspeakably fulfilling and joyful
😀 🙂 😀

JESUS always beheld the perfect man where distraught friends and family saw hopelessness. He ALWAYS HEALED EVERYONE !!!