Only thing holding you back is your thinking -RAdams

Your job is to relax, to take it easy, to be peaceful. To observe, to watch, to look, never to react.

As you begin to go deeper within yourself, whatever you need to know will be revealed to you. Whatever you have to do will be done.

Yet what you really are has absolutely nothing to do with these things. Your true nature, Brahman, absolute intelligence, pure wisdom, sat-chit-ananda, is always available. It is always there. You are that.

To see your true self, and to feel your true self, and to be your true self, you simply have to negate everything else in this world. By negate everything in this world, I mean you have to look at a situation and never react to it, and realize this is not you. Good things, bad things, whatever you call good and bad, they’re all the same. They are not you. You are not that.
You are absolute freedom.
You have nothing to do with anything.

The world appears like a dream. It comes and it goes. You know by now that everything is subject to the law of change in this world, in this universe. Everything is going to change whether you like it or not. Why be disappointed?
Why be upset?
Change is the nature of living, yet what you really are, your real nature, can never

Identify with your real self.
Again, how do you do this?
By not identifying with the world. When you do not identify with person, place or thing, you are automatically identifying with yourself, and then you become your self. In other words you become your self by not being yourself.

You have to awaken, now. And let go of the dream world. Many of you are so concerned with your future. You’re so
worried about your past. You have all sorts of plans in your mind. You’re conditioned to believe this, to believe that.
This is what is keeping you back from waking up. You must let go, in its entirety, of any hold the world has on you.
You have to stand naked before God. In the last analyses you have to be your self without the help of books, teachers, systems, governments, religions. You have to step out of that rut of your conditioning. Become totally unconditioned, as if you were just born. Reading too many books simply adds to the confusion.

As you begin to dive deep within yourself, without the help from books, from teachers, you make mistakes in the
beginning. As you learn to dive deeper within yourself, as you learn to go within, those mistakes are good, for they push you forward. Never judge yourself. Never put yourself down. Never believe that this is too hard for you, or you have too much bad karma, or something is holding you back. Nothing can be further from the truth.

The only thing that is holding you back are your thoughts. Get rid of your thoughts and you’ll be home free. Quiet your mind. Keep yourself still and leave the world alone. When I say leave the world alone it becomes confusing somewhat. I mean mentally. Keep your mind empty and your body will do things that it came to this earth to do.

Your body will not sit still all the time and do nothing. But you can be still in your mind and be thought free. No judgments, no fears, no bewilderment, no apprehensions. Not thinking about tomorrow, forgetting about yesterday,
living in the now.
Being spontaneous and leaving the world alone.

~ The Collected Works of Robert Adams Volume 1, page 302.