Rising to the Mystical
“..How long does it take a student of the Infinite Way to attain spiritual consciousness? I can give you half of the answer. A student cannot even begin to attain that consciousness until his goal is no longer that of meeting his personal problems of health, supply, or happiness. He must no longer be preoccupied with personal gain. The search for God-awareness must become the primary motive of study. When that is true, then the spiritual student is halfway ‘home.’ He must decide that the attainment of Christ-consciousness is his only goal and that having help for his other problems is of secondary importance. I am not saying that anyone should neglect human situations or obligations, but these should be secondary. It then might not take a student too long.”
“Attaining that mind “which was also in Christ Jesus” should be the primary purpose in life. It is an interesting thing for me to watch this work and see some students who are attaining it beautifully, and then watch those who are seeking a healing for a minor physical claim and complaining because they have not yet attained heaven. In other words, such students are still living for themselves and are making themselves the goal rather than having as their goal the attaining of heaven.”
“Our concern must be to lift the world into the higher dimension of consciousness where all the “things” of the world are added. ‘I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.’ Let us hurry about this business of being lifted up, so we can lift others into the higher consciousness. Then all problems will solve themselves.”
— Joel Goldsmith
Courtesy of Bill Skyles
Mystical Principles
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