Protective work

P R O T E C T I V E . W O R K

Are those two words you don’t exactly relate to? Let’s check ’em out. I’d like to comment on the latter and leave the former entirely up to Joel.

‘Work’ is not a concept I’d shy away from … not anymore! We need to build a spiritual foundation – the very first step being recognizing that Spirit, God, OurSelf does all the work, and not us humanly.

I can’t tell you the number of times in my life I was taken, kicking and screaming (lol) to sit down and dig in with lots and lots of meditation and stick-to-itiveness. When I finally acquiesced, God collapsed time for me and the next thing I knew, I was done! I was exactly where I wanted to be. (My first recollection was at about age 15.) We grow from our honest efforts alone.

Joel Goldsmith, in “The Only Freedom, Chapter 1, astutely advises us:

“In living the Infinite Way, then, you are doing two things all day long. You are doing protective work and you are doing treatment or healing work. You are engaged in those two activities all day long whether or not anybody asks you for help….From the moment of your waking in the morning, you are doing protective work. Do not think of protective in the sense of protecting yourself from evil or anything else. Protective work is the realization that there is no power from which to protect oneself….Protective work is living in the realization that since there is only one power, there are no other powers to do anything or to be anything, and any suggestion of such is this mesmeric influence or mortal mind, or “arm of flesh,” or nothingness.”

May I add that doing our protective work pays tremendous spiritual dividends.
