Monthly Archives: March 2021

Wonderfully, gloriously meaningless -TP

Excellent beginner interviewer

24:37 There is a shift in the world away from authority and teaching – something anarchic: THIS IS PURE FREEDOM! There’s no hierarchy, there’s no lineage, there’s no authority! There’s nothing to look up to and try to achieve: there’s just freedom.

There are non-dual teachers out there who say “Just let go!” but it doesn’t work because the me, the mind, the I, can’t do anything BECAUSE IT DOESN’T EXIST!  The nature of me is living in what’s next. What is illusory is the belief that there is a me that can choose to let go. 

Nothing has to happen. -rjs

Nothing has to happen. 

● Nothing has to happen. 



■ But . . .


● Nothing whatsoever has to happen. 


■ But . . .



● Nothing has to happen. 



■ But . . .


■ Nothing has to happen?



■ Not even …..?


● Nothing.


Ode to nothing -rjs

Ode to nothing

Can you imagine never having been born?
You don’t exist . . . and yet, here you are!
Or are you?
Go deeper
And still deeper.
You. Do. Not. Exist.
There’s absolute proof!
Nothing … absolutely nothing exists.

Not now, not ever.
A feeling of tremendous relief,
joy, calm excitement,
Indomitable peace
Simply are.
But there’s no you.

Nothing to strive towards.
Nothing to leave.
Nothing to give up.
No progress.
Nothing good.
Nothing bad.


The Void -rjs 2018

The Void – rjs 2018


No need to fill the Void with


No characterization, just

Endless Void, nothing’s calling, nothing’s


No need for company, I am 


Don’t leave. Don’t go. Stay on


Silence is singing Its precious 


Stillness … Oh, the burning, glorious


There’s no me, there’s no you, there’s

Emptiness sublime. 

Vastness inexplicable. 

Beyond describable joy. 

Nowhere to go for it 

Nothing to learn. 

Nothing to do. 

Don’t leave … see the Void

With your feelings. 

Everything is nothing. 

Nothing is All. 

No need to sleep. Simply

No need. 

Breathing’s unlabored, 

Strivings ceased. 

What incredible Void

Of emptiness


Praise No One –

Just Be.



Tim Cliss 2 Non-duality mtgs 2/8/21 “It’ll all go” vacuous! Rebekah Maroon “This is GOD” recommended by TC

It seems like a lot is lost when you lose ‘self’.

The whole of psychology is a joke!

RELATIVELY SPEAKING, there’s nothing wrong with a good therapist or a good friend.

Everything is the void.

The work ethic is the biggest hoax.

The void, the Abyss, Utter emptiness – THERE’S NOTHING TO FEAR ABOUT NOTHING!

Everything is the void!

Rebecca moreau?? MAROON?? Wrote a lovely non-duality book called “This is GOD”. 1:10 . She retained the word God but it’s a completely empty God which is everything.

I couldn’t find Rebekah Maroon or her book on Amazon until I Googled it!!!


Stepping-stones to higher awakening!


One would think you’d be there by now, given your degree of commitment to the Absolute, right? Please stay with this article, I think I may hit on what you’re missing….

You’ve never been quite so committed, quite so in-your-face with the world mind’s machinations, quite so exacting in your study and application of spiritual Truth, but when your mind slips, it slips big time!

I’m afraid I’ve got to address that slippage, for it proves that you’re not as far along as you thought you were and everything is skewed accordingly. Keep reading, we’re almost there…

I’m trying to be as gentle as I can, not out of concern for myself but out of concern for you. You see, if there’s still one person that you aren’t able to love, if there’s still one incident in history that you cannot forgive, if you only see yourself as spiritual and perfect part of the time . . . . . okay, here it comes . . . . . YOU DO NOT BELIEVE Spirit, God, is all.

Think about it, and be brutally honest. Of course I wouldn’t bring this up if there weren’t a very definite solution available, but you’ve got to become entirely honest with yourself. You say you know you’re the image and likeness of God, but you don’t: the very fact of your absolute perfection should propel you right out of the realm of the limited, physical, dying body altogether.

You see, you can no longer afford to merely visit pure spirituality and then, with every fiber of your being, deny everything you thought you understood and believed: you neither understood nor believed that you were the image and likeness of God or you would be acting as such 100% of the time.

The aforementioned statement, blatant as it is, is actually very very good news for you because there’s got to be some reason why you’re not where you want to be. May I assume that you want to be fully aware of yourself as entirely spiritual, perfect, immortal and eternal? Now here’s the clincher. how can you take in – and effectively apply – enough infallible, undeniable spiritual Truth long enough to have it OUTWEIGH ALL THE ERROR you’ve also taken in over the years?

The answer is insultingly simple: JUST DO IT !!!

You alone need to ‘open out a way’ for more truth to take over than the error you’ve been coddling for years and years. You need to want truth more badly than anything else under the sun and beyond. You need to hold yourself accountable for your multiplicity of error-affirming thoughts that you refuse to dismiss.

There are plenty of good teachings out there which you can study AND APPLY at your own pace – teachings that don’t cost a penny, so you know that no ulterior motive is involved. I earnestly believe that what you need is a consistent moment-by-moment flushing out of your precious consciousness a ton of contradictory feelings, opinions, compromises, loyalties, addictions, seductions and all other distractions. Then and only then can you hope for a replacement by … well … the kingdom of Spirit, God.

I would, however, avoid like the plague the notion that “everything’s gonna work out in the end”! That right there is why millions of people never quite arrive at their cherished destination.