Monthly Archives: January 2021

Your Soul Understands rjs

We try to put our revelations into words which heretofore had been but unspeakably amazing patches of sheer knowingness. We offer them for mortal eyes to see and mortal brains to process, knowing full well that the body’s mind cannot comprehend such indescribable effulgence.

We can only hope that one more human mind will discover that it was never born into this world for in fact there exists no such world. Quantum physics’ claim (pronounced by Max Planck [4] and reiterated by Albert Einstein [5]) – that “matter as such does not exist” – not only proves my point … it IS my point. “SO WHAT?” is what this entire book (and my life as such!) is about.

It is my heartfelt desire to be a catalyst for every reader who still gets jammed up from time to time and earnestly yearns to be set free once and for all. This applies at every ‘level’ and domain. But, alas, the moment we commit our spiritual awakenings to words they cease being of true celestial nature. How to put together a manuscript whose message is far and above human language … that is the onus upon us. Submitted in Love from the depth of our Soul.
Dr. Robin Starbuck, Ph.D.

Someday scientists will have to acknowledge that there is no such thing as a fundamental particle. There was no such thing as a big bang: it is an exercise in futility.