Monthly Archives: June 2020

Shri Ramakrishna Paramahansa

To meditate, you should withdraw
within yourself or retire to a secluded
corner or to the forest. And you should
always discriminate between the Real
and the unreal. God alone is Real, the
Eternal Substance; all else is unreal,
that is, impermanent.
By discriminating thus, one should
shake off impermanent objects
from the mind.

Shri Ramakrishna Paramahansa

Consciousness is everything -RAdams

“Consciousness is everything—never forget this. Consciousness is absolute reality, pure awareness and pure awareness is Brahman. If you could only realize that consciousness is everything, you’d be at peace and you’d be very happy.

For consciousness is peace, love, God, bliss. And if you remember that you are consciousness, and so is everything else, how can you be sad or upset or depressed or feel there’s a problem going on?

It’s virtually impossible to have a problem of any kind when you consider and ponder that consciousness is everything. Everything, everyone, every situation, no thing is apart from consciousness. But when you know that consciousness is bliss, nothing will ever disturb you again.

Whatever your eyes behold, whatever your ears hear, wherever you are, wherever you go, realize that consciousness is all of these things. Everything is consciousness, everything! Again, this means that everything is harmony. Everything is good. Everything is perfect, just the way it is!”

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)

Unless we revolt against
this craving for experience
and let go the manifested
altogether, there can be
no relief. We shall
remain trapped.

Nisargadatta Maharaj

Unless we revolt against
this craving for experience
and let go the manifested
altogether, there can be
no relief. We shall
remain trapped.

Universal mesmerism denounced -JSG

There is a universal mesmerism which strikes one person as disease, one as false appetite, one as sensuality, one as poverty, and another as something else.

It is a universal hypnotism, and everybody by virtue of having been conceived in his mother’s womb is a victim of it.

The effect of this universal hypnotism is to make a person accept disease, death, lack, limitation, unemployment, depression, wars, or accidents as reality.

Lay the ax at the root of the tree: Do not bother about picking off the branches; do not bother about healing a little piece of flesh here and a little false appetite there.

Realize that in healing you are not dealing with a person or a condition per se: You are dealing with universal hypnotism.

Art of Spiritual Healing: What Did Hinder You?

Mind keeps you earthbound until you let go -RAdams

“When the sun is covered by clouds, you think there is no sun, the sun has disappeared. Yet once the clouds dissipate, the sun shines once more with all its glory and splendor. And so it is with the mind. You have believed that the mind causes you to function, to shine, and this is not necessarily true. The mind is here to keep you earthbound.

When you stop thinking, the mind becomes the infinite, becomes God, becomes boundless space, nirvana, pure awareness. It doesn’t really become that. You’ve always been that. The mind merely disappears, as a mind, and your true nature is expressed.”

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)