Monthly Archives: June 2020

Unsullied like a lotus -Gita

ब्रह्मण्याधाय कर्माणि सङ्गं त्यक्त्वा करोति यः।
लिप्यते न स पापेन पद्मपत्रमिवाम्भसा।।

The man who acts, dedicating all his
actions to God and abandoning all
attachment, is untouched by sin
as a lotus leaf is untouched
by water.

The lotus grows in mud, but its leaf
floats above the water. Ripples pass
over it night and day, but if you look at
the leaf, it is always dry. Not a drop of
water clings to it. So the lotus growing
in mud and water is yet unsullied by
them. Just so, the man, all of whose
actions are merged into God, and
who acts with total detachment
because there is nothing beyond
to be desired, is unaffected by action.
Yet he is busy with the performance
of action for the guidance and good
of the ones who are behind him.


Ego and I: clarification

अहमेकोsपि सूक्ष्मश्च ज्ञाता साक्षी सदव्ययः।

तदहं नात्र सन्देहो विचारः सोsयमीदृशः।।
As I am also the One, the Subtle,the Knower [the Supreme Knowerwho is ever present in all ourperceptions as consciousness,and who perceives even the ego],the Witness, the Ever-Existent andthe Unchanging, so there is no doubtthat I am “That” [i.e. Brahman].Such is this enquiry.
Adi Sankara[Aparokshanubhuti]

When I say, “I know that I exist,” the “I”of the clause ‘that I exist’ forms a partof the predicate and as such it cannotbe the same “I” which is the subject.This predictive ‘I’ is the ego, the object.The subjective ‘I’ is the Supreme Knower.
I, the ego, when stripped of all its limitingadjuncts, such as the body and the like,becomes one with “That,” the SupremeEgo, i.e., Brahman. In fact, it is alwaysBrahman; Its limitation being but thecreation of ignorance.
Swami Vimuktananda

Go with love = go with God -JSG

Probably some of you know how Walt Whitman spent many of his days and nights during the Civil War, visiting Southern and Northern soldiers in hospitals in Washington, D.C. It was a period of his life when he had very little money, but the little that he had, he spent for writing paper, pencils, and postage stamps. He would sit at the bedside of the boys and let them dictate letters to their parents or friends which he wrote on stationery and with postage stamps that he bought.
In this way he served the Christ. It was the only way he had, and he did it with his body, his mind, and with the little bit of money that he had. He was a person who knew his identity and the identity of the soldiers he served, whether they were Southern or Northern soldiers. What difference can that make to a person who knows the Christ of his identity and the Christ-identity of other persons? “The place whereon thou standest is holy ground,” not because it is selling for ten dollars a foot, but because God incarnate as your individual being is standing there. That is what makes it holy ground—not because somebody mumbo-jumboed a prayer over it, but because you are standing there.
To carry a blessing, to heal the sick, to comfort those who mourn, it is necessary to know your identity. As a human being, you cannot heal the sick; as a human being, you cannot comfort the mourner; as a human being, you cannot supply the poverty-stricken. But if the spirit of God dwells in you, you never have to say a word about spiritual truth or God: your very presence is a benediction. In fact, the less you say the better.
When Walt Whitman went to the bedside of those boys, he never told them the mystical truths that he knew: he just spoke to them about themselves and their families, and wrote letters for them. Very often doctors reported that men were raised up from the fear of death by his sitting there and writing those letters. Was that the reason? No! The reason was that he went there with love in his heart, and because God is love, he went with God in his heart, and his presence was the presence of God.
Anyone who goes anywhere with love goes with God, because God is love. Do you not see, then, that as long as there is love in your heart—not the personal kind of love that just picks out those it wants to be good to, but the love that is willing to share with the poor, the unhappy, the sick, or the mourner—you are carrying God in your heart; and therefore, your presence is a benediction to anybody and everybody. Without that love in your heart, you are barren; your presence is not a benediction or a blessing; and there is no blessing returning to you, because no blessing ever comes to anyone except the blessing he sends forth. It is the bread you cast upon the waters that comes back to you.

J. S. Goldsmith: Living The Illumined Life. Chapter Ten: Call No Man Upon the Earth Your Father; Knowing Your True Identity Makes Your Presence a Blessing; Kindle: page 175-177

Universal I Am is individualized but not in matter -VS

“The universal I Am is individualized as the I that I am, but It is never localized or finitized. Think of the Divine Influence emanating from this Consciousness of Truth.

Jesus knew this; he was called God Incarnate or the Son of God because he knew the truth. He said “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” The Truth frees us from personalization which is desolation.

The Truth unites us with all God’s universe including every spiritual being and idea. This is our starting point, and when we do treatment work, we must rise to this level of awareness.”

Virginia Stephenson, 1991 Asilomar Class, October 2012 Monthly Lesson, “Knowing The I That I Am,” The Recording # 9108-1 and The October 2012 Monthly Lesson are on Aloha Mystic’s website.

Being CALM = Do. Not. React. -RAdams

Robert Adams: “Ramana Maharshi said to me, “The only spiritual life you need is not to react.” To be calm is the greatest asset in the world. It’s the greatest siddhi, the greatest power you can have. If you can only learn to be calm you will solve every problem. This is something you must remember. When you are perfectly calm, time stops. There is no time, karma stops, samskaras stop. Everything becomes null and void. For when you are calm you are one with the entire energy of the universe and everything will go well with you. To be calm means you are in control. You’re not worried about the situation, the outcome. What is going to happen tomorrow. To be calm means everything is alright. There is nothing to worry about, nothing to fret over. This is also the meaning of the biblical saying, “Be still and know that I am God.” To be calm is to be still.”

~ Robert Adams

Know this truth and wonderful things will happen -RAdams

“All is well. Exceedingly well. In order for you to prove this you have to let go of those things that have been hounding you for years. Those things that appear to be wrong or erroneous. You have to turn away from these things and turn to consciousness [Self], which is your friend, your lover. Which will never desert you, never leave you, which is always with you under all circumstances. All you have to do is know this truth. That is all you have to do is know it. Know it intimately and wonderful things will begin to happen to you.”

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)

Innocency = cannot be hurt -JK

‘Innocency’ means an inability
to be hurt. It is not a symbol, it
is not an idea; it is actually to
find out if your mind is capable
of not being hurt by any event,
by any psychological strain,
pressure, influence, so that it
is completely free. If there is
any form of resistance, then
it is not innocency.

J Krishnamurti

‘Innocency’ means an inability
to be hurt. It is not a symbol, it
is not an idea; it is actually to
find out if your mind is capable
of not being hurt by any event,
by any psychological strain,
pressure, influence, so that it
is completely free. If there is
any form of resistance, then
it is not innocency.
J Krishnamurti