Monthly Archives: February 2020

Direct v Progressive path


PROGRESSIVE VS DIRECT PATHS = Traditional (Feeling), don’t go directly to true nature but go to true nature via steps or stages, like guru, sound, object to purify. In the end, sink attention into Source. VERSUS (Direct) don’t focus on body but go directly to presence of awareness.

Progressive vs Direct PATHS

How do you recognize a truly enlightened guru?

If they dress in orange, carry the paraphernalia, utter non-duality sayings …? No!

Ramana Maharshi recognized his true nature (in a near-death experience) was at odds with his everyday life.

All [bad, amoral, unethical] actions are perpetrated by people who believe they are temporary, limited, separated selves – to aggrandize or protect them.

PROGRESSIVE PATH involves gradual purification, cleaning up, growing up.

No cleaning up on the way with Direct Path.

Make a firm decision NSG

You must come to a firm decision. You must forget the thought that you are a body and be only the knowledge “I Am,” which has no form, no name. Just be. When you stabilize in that beingness it will give all the knowledge and all the secrets to you, and when the secrets are given to you, you transcend the beingness, and you, the Absolute, will know that you are also not the consciousness. Having gained all this knowledge, having understood what is what, a kind of quietude prevails, a tranquility. Beingness is transcended, but beingness is available.


Universal hypnotism

“Let us look at the example of the parenthesis in eternity, and see how Joel has dealt with the limitations that take place between the cradle and the grave such as “good” humanhood, “bad” humanhood, and all those conditions that are warring with themselves.

Joel tells us that we must recognize this activity as universal hypnotism no matter what the problem may be. The problem may be disease, lack, poverty, greed, lust, hatred, war, depression, or rivalry – all these forms are universal hypnotism in operation and are without presence or power.”

Virginia Stephenson
1993 Gold Coast Class
October 2013
Monthly Lesson
Recording # 9311
on Aloha Mystic’s website.