STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS HEALING Knowing that Spirit, God, is all, I look around and realize that’s not true and that’s not real and this is not any part of reality and then I start to see what really is going on and it’s so unbelievably beautiful and perfect that I can hardly keep my eyes open but Hey that’s OK ’cause I don’t have a human body with human eyes anyway. I am fully Spirit and everything I see is Spirit as well. If you were to ask me whether I can see beyond this room that I’m in I would say What room?? Is it well with my body? What body? And how about my friends’ and families’ bodies and rooms? What friends and families? Jesus walked right through the midst of the angry crowds time and time again, knowing full well that there really wasn’t any angry crowd or any crowd at all! He saw spiritual reality right there wherever he was and right wherever anyone at any distance was! It’s time for you and me to Wake Up And Stay Awake!!! Don’t talk about pain and sorrow and suffering and bring all of that into a state that seems like it’s real when if you just see the spiritual reality you, your friends, your family, your everything will be healed of those false beliefs that bedevil you all the time!!! Don’t go back! There is no place to go back to! Perfection is here now and you don’t need to suffer and suffer and suffer and bring everybody down around you! Pull everybody up and stay up! What about a major catastrophic threat? Will you focus on spiritual reality then? Wouldn’t it be a wonderful thing to be proactive and be the observer of the glory that is right here and right there instead of the screaming mortal mind ? Right now you get to choose but you can certainly imagine a situation where it may just seem to be a little bit too late to choose… I’m just saying choose aright and rejoice right now. Tell the truth that you are perfect! Let your body go – you have none ! Be free right now! Not for a moment or a few hours or a few days – be absolutely free right now because that is exactly what you are and it’s only world mind hypnotism that is convincing you otherwise . To say all you have to do is wake up sounds a little counter-intuitive if people are so hell-bent on going right smack back into the dream again! Why do you listen to anything that is unlike Spirit, God, reality?? Don’t listen to it, don’t take it in!!! Don’t ask the same questions all the time: “what about this pain? what about that threat? what about what so-and-so said or what so-and-so is doing? Get the hell out of the 3rd dimension and stay in Spirit where you belong! This diatribe is being dictated to my recorder with the hope of benefiting every single person who takes the time to plow through it and everyone around them, in their mental purview whom their thoughts fall upon. They can all receive such a spiritual impulse when they finally say I am fed up with all the nonsense! No I am not looking around to see how the body is doing or how another person’s body is doing I am seeing perfection right here right now permanently!!!
NUMBER 2 STREAM- OF- CONSCIOUSNESS HEALING Words cannot express just how freeing it is to have no agenda whatsoever! I’m not working for any goal in the human realm whatsoever and there’s no such thing as a goal in Spirit!! Spirit is all that there is and that certainly includes myself and everyone that may want to benefit from what I’m seeing! You can’t hurt a person who has no attachments … that’s right no attachments whatsoever! They don’t want this or that from you or me! All they can do is give give give and the more they give the more they have. Popularity??? Give me a break! I am not a slave to that stupid stupid stupid slave driver! Money? To take me away from Spirit, God, perfection, Christ, awakening, a permanent knowing that doesn’t come and go, come and go? Do I need to be first in line all the time? Do I need to have the most love buttons and other forms of proof that I’m number one? No let my every-brother be your number 1. Is there anyone that you see that you really don’t see at all because you see garbage and nonsense and world mind created poppycock? Take this direct path with me and refuse to be bombarded by your own or anybody else’s bodily complaints and mental anxieties that just go on and on and on, ad nauseum!!! Do you really think that that junk will ever just leave of its own accord especially after you give it so much attention? If you were a pile of junk would you leave the very person that’s coddling you??!! Either Spirit, God, is true or is not! You don’t need to use the word God or the word Spirit or the word potato you simply need to understand that in the 4th dimension where there is no matter there are no material developments to go into and into and into. Yes they’re titillating at first! O my goodness they are so scintillating and captivating and impressive and the next thing you know you’re once again hopelessly lost!!! 🥵 Finally all you can hope for is that you reincarnate into something mildly tolerable, you have no choice, not with mortal mind in complete control! Get the hell out of it! Stay the hell out of it! You’re not here to do the bidding of the world mind hypnotism that has the world in its grasp seemingly yes seemingly… I said seemingly. But believe me that seemingly sure as hell seems to be very very real and very very threatening! Well guess what? it’s very very nothing! But that doesn’t do you any good at all if you don’t make enough of an effort to understand what it means and stop saying that you don’t understand. Once you know it’s true you hang on to your truth and let that truth which some call Spirit, some call God, some call Christ, some call atman, some call any other name… don’t worry about that, just be so thankful that God is all and everywhere and guess what God is all in every country in every culture and nobody needs to say a certain number of memorized sayings in order to fit in… fit in to what? All that there is In the universe is God , good, perfection, righteousness right now. Do not go back!!! Do not go back!!! Do not go back!!! And for goodness sake Don’t tell the lies of the carnal, the mortal mind to other people and pull them down!!! Why would you want to do that!!! Tell them the truth even if you’re not seeing it and feeling it as you think you would like to. If you’re thinking and you’re wanting to like to, you’re in the wrong realm. Get the hell out!!! You don’t belong in that LIE anymore.
I’m not attached to the belief that I need or want healing.
I am in the 4th dimension where matter and all its limitations including disease, pain, suffering are unheard of.
I am Spirit itself.
Yay! Hallelujah! So grateful!
The “pain” was never fully seen through. The above affirmations were done with 3rd dimension mindset instead of eliminating the human mind altogether. The goal had nothing to do with permanent inner healing and deepening spiritual growth. The declaration “The* pain* is* back*” includes 4 lies and no truth at all.
You could:
(a) Switch from this Direct Path attempt and apply the Progressive Path which takes you step by step through the pain as it addresses your anxiety and whatever else may be causing the discord.
(b) Re-apply the Treatment above expanding it exponentially until you really, really see the absolute unreality of anxiety and pain.
Consciousness is the knowing with which experience is known. Body, mind, world are objects in the foreground. Consciousness is the knower in the background. Objects seem to appear TO consciousness but they’re really appearing IN consciousness. Finally we realize the objects are made OF consciousness. THE OBJECT-NESS OF THE OBJECT BECOMES PERVADED BY THE SUBJECT-NESS OF THE SUBJECT. There’s no longer a subject and object. It’s no longer I know this object. That’s what Rupert means when he says the outshining of the body, mind and world by the light of pure consciousness. It’s not the object that dissolves but the object-ness that dissolves. Don’t look for a magical experience with objects! Don’t be satisfied with occasional glimpses. The dead, inert stuff that is other than myself we call matter. The only thing I can know of the world is the knowing of it and that knowing is my own infinite self. It’s not what we see that changes, its the way we see that changes. This seems to change what we see. It does and it doesn’t. The appearance stays the same. The appearance is no longer mistaken for the reality and because we see the reality in the appearance, the relationship with the appearance changes. Maya is the appearance. Ignorance is to mistake the appearance for reality. When the subject object relationship collapses the separate me in here – inside my chest and the separate world out there – collapses it is felt as Joy and peace. In relationship to people it’s love; in relationship to objects its beauty. When SAT and CHIT (being and consciousness) are one, the third element shines and that element is happiness. What I essentially am CHIT and what it essentially is – existence – are seen to be one and the same and this third element, the experience of happiness, peace or joy, shines = SAT CHIT ANANDA.
If you have a problem
And you know a perfect
solution or two
But can’t quite connect them
Remember this:
It’s not your job ‐
or that of your mind –
to make anything happen.
Get into the truth you know
And rest with it.
“God couldn’t have this issue
So I can’t.” Why not?
(a) I’m attached to nothing.
(b) There is no such realm.
(c) There are no fallible mortals.
Let yourself be lifted.
See Spirit completely.
No opposition possible.
All is perfect Love
Regardless of the world.
Behold the Absolute
and know no other case.
Do you see it now?
The Truth, I mean?
Don’t look back –
don’t ever look back.
▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎ ADDENDUM OF VICTORY: I’m on the verge of a full-fledged flood of grateful tears. I wrote the above as my own real-time treatment for a very nasty, long-standing problem that had re-emerged and which was giving me much grief, anxiety and fear. I swear to you … 20 min. after I finished writing, the perpetrator put everything right, with a glow I had never seen before! I am so elated!
Are you aware? Yes I am. How do you know that? I go to my experiencing of being aware. Excellent. Are you aware of being aware? Yes, I “see” myself being aware. What are you? I am awareness. What are you made of? My substance is Spirit. Where are you? I am at once everywhere. Are you a human being? I am not. Do you know me? Yes, I am you. What is your name? My name is I.
(Are you beginning to see how superior to the whims and wiles of the world you really are? The very substance of your own being can heal anything!)
On my true, whole, homogeneous state just a small ripple appeared, the news came, “I Am.” That news made all the difference, and I started knowing this; but now I have known my true state, so I understand my true state first, and then I understand that this ripple is coming and going on my true state. While, in your case, you take interest in the ripple and don’t take interest in your true state.
Out of my existence as the Noumenon has come this state of the phenomenal. The homogeneous understands the play of the attributes, the projection of the mind, but the play, the projection of the mind, cannot understand the homogeneous. The moment it tries to understand It, it becomes one with It. Everybody is trying to understand the meaning of all this. You are not understanding because you have all the swaddling clothes of “I-am-this-or-that.” Remove them.
BIOGRAPHY of Robert Adams with JSG, RM, Yogananda, NYC
Robert Adams with Ramana Maharshi
Robert Adams (spiritual teacher)
American philosopher
Robert Adams (January 21, 1928 – March 2, 1997) was an ●●American neo-Advaita teacher. In later life Adams held satsang with a small group of devotees in California, US. He mainly advocated the ●●path of jñāna yoga with an emphasis on the ●●practice of self-enquiry. Adams’ teachings were not well known in his lifetime, but have since been widely circulated amongst those investigating the philosophy of ●●Advaita and the Western devotees of ●●Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. A book of his teachings,●● Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams, was published in 1999.Quick facts: Born, Died …
Early life
Robert Adams was born on January 21, 1928 in ●●Manhattan and grew up in New York City, USA. Adams claimed that from as far back as he could remember, he had had visions of a white haired, bearded man seated at the foot of his bed, who was about two feet tall, and who used to talk to him in a language which he did not understand. He told his parents but they thought he was playing games. He would later find out that this man was a vision of his future guru Sri Ramana Maharshi. At the age of seven, Adams’s father died and the visitations suddenly stopped.
Adams said that he then developed a siddhi whereby whenever he wanted something, from a candy bar to a violin, all he needed to do was say the name of the object three times and the desired object would appear from somewhere, or be given to him by someone. If there was a test at school, Adams would simply say ‘God, God, God’ and the answers would immediately come to him; no prior study was necessary.
Adams claimed to have had a profound ●● spiritual awakening at the age of fourteen. It was the end of term finals maths test and Adams had not studied for it at all. As was his custom he said ‘God’ three times, but with a phenomenal and unintended outcome:
Instead of the answers coming, the room filled with light, a thousand times more brilliant than the sun. It was like an atomic bomb, but it was not a burning light. It was a beautiful, bright, shining, warm glow. Just thinking of it now makes me stop and wonder. The whole room, everybody, everything was immersed in light. All the children seemed to be myriads particles of light. I found myself melting into radiant being, into consciousness. I merged into consciousness. It was not an out of body experience. This was completely different. I realised that I was not my body. What appeared to be my body was not real. I went beyond the light into pure radiant consciousness. I became omnipresent. My individuality had merged into pure absolute bliss. I expanded. I became the universe. The feeling is indescribable. It was total bliss, total joy. The next thing I remembered was the teacher shaking me. All the students had gone. I was the only one left in the class. I returned to human consciousness. That feeling has never left me.
Not long after this experience, Adams went to the school library to do a book report. While passing through the philosophy section he came across a book on yoga masters. Having no idea what yoga was, he opened the book and for the first time saw a photo of the man he had experienced ●● visions of as a young child, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi.
●●Paramahansa Yogananda
Journey to the Guru
At the age of 16, Adams’ first spiritual mentor was ●●● Joel S. Goldsmith, a Christian mystic from New York, whom he used to visit in Manhattan, in order to listen to his sermons. Goldsmith helped Adams to better understand his enlightenment and ●●advised him to go and see Paramahansa Yogananda. Adams did so and visited Yogananda at the Self-Realization Fellowship in Encinitas, California, where he intended to be initiated as a monk. However, after speaking to him, Yogananda felt that Adams had his own path and should go to India. He told him that ●●his satguru was Sri Ramana Maharshi and that he should go to him as soon as possible because Ramana Maharshi’s body was old and in ill-health. Sri Ramana Maharshi lived at Sri Ramanasramam at the foot of Arunachala in Tamil Nadu, South India.
Ramana Maharshi
With $14,000 of inheritance money from a recently deceased aunt, Adams set off for India and his guru Sri Ramana Maharshi in 1946:
When I was eighteen years old, I arrived at Tiruvannamalai. In those days they didn’t have jet planes. It was a propeller plane. I purchased flowers and a bag of fruit to bring to Ramana. I took the rickshaw to the ashram. It was about 8:30 a.m. I entered the hall and there was Ramana on his couch reading his mail. It was after breakfast. I brought the fruit and the flowers over and laid them at his feet. There was a guardrail in front of him to prevent fanatics from attacking him with love. And then I sat down in front of him. He looked at me and smiled, and I smiled back. I have been to many teachers, many saints, many sages. I was with Nisargadatta, Anandamayi Ma, Papa Ramdas, Neem Karoli Baba and many others, but never did I meet anyone who exuded such compassion, such love, such bliss as Ramana
Not long after this experience, Adams went to the school library to do a book report. While passing through the philosophy section he came across a book on yoga masters. Having no idea what yoga was, he opened the book and for the first time saw a photo of the man he had experienced visions of as a young child, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi.
Paramahansa Yogananda Journey to the Guru At the age of 16, Adams’ first spiritual mentor was Joel S. Goldsmith, a Christian mystic from New York, whom he used to visit in Manhattan, in order to listen to his sermons. Goldsmith helped Adams to better understand his enlightenment and advised him to go and see Paramahansa Yogananda. Adams did so and visited Yogananda at the Self-Realization Fellowship in Encinitas, California, where he intended to be initiated as a monk. However, after speaking to him, Yogananda felt that Adams had his own path and should go to India. He told him that his satguru was Sri Ramana Maharshi and that he should go to him as soon as possible because Ramana Maharshi’s body was old and in ill-health. Sri Ramana Maharshi lived at Sri Ramanasramam at the foot of Arunachala in Tamil Nadu, South India. Ramana Maharshi With $14,000 of inheritance money from a recently deceased aunt, Adams set off for India and his guru Sri Ramana Maharshi in 1946: When I was eighteen years old, I arrived at Tiruvannamalai. In those days they didn’t have jet planes. It was a propeller plane. I purchased flowers and a bag of fruit to bring to Ramana. I took the rickshaw to the ashram. It was about 8:30 a.m. I entered the hall and there was Ramana on his couch reading his mail. It was after breakfast. I brought the fruit and the flowers over and laid them at his feet. There was a guardrail in front of him to prevent fanatics from attacking him with love. And then I sat down in front of him. He looked at me and smiled, and I smiled back. I have been to many teachers, many saints, many sages. I was with Nisargadatta, Anandamayi Ma, Papa Ramdas, Neem Karoli Baba and many others, but never did I meet anyone who exuded such compassion, such love, such bliss as Ramana Maharshi.
Adams stayed at Sri Ramanasramam for the final three years of Sri Ramana Maharshi’s life. Over the course of this time he had many conversations with Sri Ramana Maharshi, and through abiding in his presence was able to confirm and further understand his own experience of awakening to the non-dual Self. In the first of these conversations, Ramana Maharshi told Adams they had been together in a previous life. After Sri Ramana Maharshi left the body in 1950 Adams spent a further ●●seventeen years travelling around India and stayed with well known gurus such as Nisargadatta Maharaj, Anandamayi Ma, Neem Karoli Baba and Swami Ramdas to name but a few. He also spent time with less well-known teachers such as Swami Brahmadanda “the Staff of God” in the holy city of Varanasi.
Later years
In the 1960s Adams returned to the United States and lived in Hawaii and Los Angeles before finally moving to Sedona, Arizona in the mid 1990s. He was married to Nicole Adams and fathered two daughters. In the 1980s Adams developed Parkinson’s disease, which forced him to settle in one location and receive the appropriate care. A small group of devotees soon grew up around him and in the early 1990s he gave weekly satsangs in the San Fernando Valley, along with other surrounding areas of Los Angeles. These satsangs were both recorded and transcribed. After several years of deteriorating health, Adams died on March 2, 1997 in Sedona, Arizona, where he was surrounded by family members and devotees. He died at the age of 69 from cancer of the liver.
Controversies xxxxxxx
Confessions of a Jnani
The teacher is really yourself. You have created a teacher to wake you up. The teacher would not be here if you were not dreaming about the teacher. You have created a teacher out of your mind in order to awaken, to see that there is no teacher, no world – nothing. You’ve done this all by yourself.
Adams did not consider himself to be a teacher, a philosopher or a preacher. What he imparted he said was simply the confession of a jnani. He said he confessed his and everyone else’s own reality, and encouraged students not to listen to him with their heads but with their hearts. Adams’ way of communicating to his devotees was often funny, and with interludes of silence or music between questions and answers. He stated that there was no such thing as a new teaching. This knowledge could be found in the Upanishads, the Vedas and other Hindu scriptures.
Silence of the Heart
Adams did not write any books himself nor publish his teachings as he did not wish to gain a large following. He instead preferred to teach a small number of dedicated seekers. However, in 1992, a book of his dialogues was transcribed, compiled and distributed by and for the sole use of his devotees. In 1999, a later edition of this book, Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams, was posthumously published by Acropolis Books Inc. As conveyed by the title of these dialogues, Adams considered silence to be the highest of spiritual teachings:
The highest teaching in the world is silence. There is nothing higher than this. A devotee who sits with a Sage purifies his mind just by being with the Sage. The mind automatically becomes purified. No words exchanged, no words said. Silence is the ultimate reality. Everything exists in this world through silence. True silence really means going deep within yourself to that place where nothing is happening, where you transcend time and space. You go into a brand new dimension of nothingness. That’s where all the power is. That’s your real home. That’s where you really belong, in deep Silence where there is no good and bad, no one trying to achieve anything. Just being, pure being.
Advaita Vedanta
Robert Adams – I Seem That. Robert Adams talking to students at satsang (4 November 1990)
Although Adams was never initiated into a religious order or spiritual practice, nor became a renunciate, his teachings were described by Dennis Waite as being firmly based in the Vedic philosophy and Hindu tradition of Advaita Vedanta. Advaita (non-dual in sanskrit) refers to the ultimate and supreme reality, Brahman, which according to Ramana Maharshi, as interpreted by some of his devotees, is the substratum of the manifest universe, and if describable at all, could be defined as pure consciousness. Another term for Brahman is Ātman. The word Ātman is used when referring to Brahman as the inmost spirit of man. Ātman and Brahman are not different realities, but identical in nature. Adams used a metaphor to explain this:
A clay pot has space inside of it and outside of it. The space inside is not any different from the space outside. When the clay pot breaks, the space merges the inside with the outside. It’s only space. So it is with us. Your body is like a clay pot, and it appears you have to go within to find the truth. The outward appears to be within you. The outward is also without you. There’s boundless space. When the body is transcended, it’s like a broken clay pot. The Self within you becomes the Self outside of you … as it’s always been. The Self merges with the Self. Some people call the inner Self the Ātman. And yet it is called Brahman. When there is no body in the way, the Atman and the Brahman become one … they become free and liberated.
Those in search of liberation from the manifest world will gain it only when the mind becomes quiescent. The world is in fact nothing other than the creation of the mind, and only by the removal of all thoughts, including the ‘I’ thought, will the true reality of Brahman shine forth. Adams taught self-enquiry, as previously taught by Sri Ramana Maharshi, in order to achieve this.
Sketch of Robert Adams in 1996.
In his weekly satsangs Adams advocated the practice of self-enquiry (ātma-vichāra) as the principal means of transcending the ego and realising oneself as sat-chit-ananda (being-consciousness-bliss). After acknowledging to oneself that one exists, and that whether awake, dreaming or in deep sleep one always exists, one then responds to every thought that arises with the question “Who am I?”:
What you are really doing is, you’re finding the source of the ‘I’. You’re looking for the source of ‘I’, the personal ‘I’. ‘Who am I?’ You’re always talking about the personal ‘I’. ‘Who is this I? Where did it come from? Who gave it birth?’ Never answer those questions. Pose those questions, but never answer them … do nothing, absolutely nothing. You’re watching the thoughts come. As soon as the thoughts come, in a gentle way you enquire, ‘To whom do these thoughts come? They come to me. I think them. Who is this I? Where did it come from? How did it arise? From where did it arise? Who is the I? Who am I?’ You remain still. The thoughts come again. You do the same thing again and again
Four Principles of Self-Realization
Adams rarely gave a sadhana to his devotees, however, he did often have visions, and in one such vision he gave a teaching as the Buddha. He visualised himself sitting under a tree in a beautiful open field with a lake and a forest nearby. He was wearing the orange garb of a Buddhist renunciate. All of a sudden hundreds of bodhisattvas and mahasattvas came out of the forest and sat down in a semi-circle around Adams as the Buddha. Together they proceeded to meditate for several hours. Afterwards, one of the bodhisattvas stood up and asked the Buddha what he taught. The Buddha answered, “I teach Self-realization of Noble Wisdom.” Again they sat in silence for three hours before another bodhisattva stood up and asked how one could tell whether they were close to self-realization. In reply, Adams as the Buddha, gave the bodhisattvas and mahasattvas four principles, which he named The Four Principles of Self-Realization of Noble Wisdom:
First Principle: You have a feeling, a complete understanding that everything you see, everything in the universe, in the world, emanates from your mind. In other words, you feel this. You do not have to think about it, or try to bring it on. It comes by itself. It becomes a part of you. The realization that everything you see, the universe, people, worms, insects, the mineral kingdom, the vegetable kingdom, your body, your mind, everything that appears, is a manifestation of your mind.
Second Principle: You have a strong feeling, a deep realization, that you are unborn. You are not born, you do not experience a life, and you do not disappear, you do not die … You exist as I Am. You have always existed and you will always exist. You exist as pure intelligence, as absolute reality. That is your true nature. You exist as sat-chit-ananda. You exist as bliss consciousness … But you do not exist as the body. You do not exist as person, place or thing.
Third Principle: You are aware and you have a deep understanding of the egolessness of all things; that everything has no ego. I’m not only speaking of sentient beings. I’m speaking of the mineral kingdom, the vegetable kingdom, the animal kingdom, the human kingdom. Nothing has an ego. There is no ego … It means that everything is sacred. Everything is God. Only when the ego comes, does God disappear … When there is no ego, you have reverence for everybody and everything … There is only divine consciousness, and everything becomes divine consciousness.
Fourth Principle: You have a deep understanding, a deep feeling, of what self-realization of noble wisdom really is … You can never know by trying to find out what it is, because it’s absolute reality. You can only know by finding out what it is not. So you say, it is not my body, it is not my mind, it is not my organs, it is not my thoughts, it is not my world, it is not my universe, it is not the animals, or the trees, or the moon, or the sun, or the stars, it is not any of those things. When you’ve gone through everything and there’s nothing left, that’s what it is. Nothing. Emptiness. Nirvana. Ultimate Oneness.
● There’s something within you that knows what to do. There is a power greater than you that knows how to take care of you without your help. All you’ve got to do is to surrender to it. Surrender your thoughts, your mind, your ego, to the current that knows the way. It will take care of you. It will take better care of you than you can ever imagine.
● Well, you know, the mind is nothing. The mind is only a bunch of thoughts. Thoughts about the past and the future, that is all a mind is. But, the Heart is a center of stillness, of quietness, of Absolute Peace. When you rest your mind in your heart, you feel a joy and a bliss that overwhelms you, and you will Know. Surrender your mind to your Heart, and you will feel it.
● I want to let you in on a little secret. There are no problems. There are no problems. There never were any problems, there are no problems today, and there will never be any problems. Problems just mean that the world isn’t turning the way you want it to. But in truth, there are no problems. Everything is unfolding as it should. Everything is right. You have to forget about yourself and expand your consciousness until you become the whole universe. The Reality in back of the universe is Pure Awareness. It has no problems. And you are That.
● Change no one. Change nothing. React to no one, react to nothing. Do not live in the past and do not, worry about the future. Stay in the eternal now, where all is well. After all you are me and I am you. There’s no difference. Do not react to the world. Do not even react to your own body. Do not even react to your own thoughts. Learn to become the witness. Learn to be quiet.
● For most people to be happy, there has to be a person, place, or thing involved in their happiness. In true happiness, there are no things involved. It’s a natural state. You will abide in that state forever.
Adams, Robert (1999). Silence of the Heart: Dialogues with Robert Adams, Acropolis Books Inc. ISBN978-1889051536