Monthly Archives: February 2020

No doer -NM, RSpira

There is nothing we can do, we can only let things happen according to their nature. Clarity and charity is action. Love is not lazy and clarity directs. You need not worry about action, look after your mind and heart. Stupidity and selfishness are the only evil. (496)

In reality things are done to you, not by you. Your desire just happens to you along with its fulfilment or non-fulfilment. You can change neither. You may believe that you exert yourself, strive and struggle. Again, it all merely happens, including the fruits of the work. Neither is by you and for you. All is in the picture exposed on the cinema screen, nothing in the light, including what you take yourself to be, the person. You are the light only. (481)

Life itself is desireless. But the false self wants to continue – pleasantly. Therefore, it is always engaged in ensuring one’s continuity. Life is unafraid and free. As long as you have the idea of influencing events, liberation is not for you: the very notion of doership, of being a cause, is bondage. (298)

Everybody wants to be active, but where do his actions originate? There is no central point: each action begets another, meaninglessly and painfully, in endless succession. The alternation of work and pause is not there. First find the immutable centre where all movement takes birth. Just like a wheel turns round an axle, so must you be always in the centre and not whirling at the periphery. (349)

The witness is that which says “I know”. The person says “I do”. Now, to say “I know” is not untrue, it is merely limited. But to say “I do” is altogether false, because there is nobody who does; all happens by itself, including the idea of being a doer. The universe is full of action, but there is no actor. There are numberless persons small and big and very big, who, through identification, imagine themselves as acting, but it does not change the fact that the world of action (mahadakash) is one single whole in which all depends on, and affects all. The stars affect us deeply and we affect the stars. Step back from action to consciousness, leave action to the body and the mind; it is their domain. Remain as pure witness, till even witnessing dissolves in the Supreme. (400-1)

Nisargadatta Maharaj
Excerpts from: I AM THAT
‘Pure Witness’

“It is not a person that DOES the thinking, sensing and perceiving. The person IS a bundle of thinking, sensing and perceiving.
There is no separate self located in this bundle. This bundle is made of the knowing, which is infinite consciousness.
The person is an activity, not an entity.”

Rupert Spira

I Am choiceless, effortless, Pure Awareness -RA

God Is All There Is


There is only the One Brahman, the One Self, the One Reality, and we’re all That.

Therefore, I will make Our confession.
The “I-am” confesses to you. Not my confession or Henry’s confession, or Dana’s confession or anybody’s confession. Our confession.
The confession is not coming from a person, it’s coming from the One Self, it is the One Self.

Close your eyes. I Am boundless space, infinite like the sky, I Am.
Not a person, place or thing, but I Am.
I Am choiceless, effortless, Pure Awareness.
I Am Parabrahman. I Am Sat-Chit-Ananda.
I Am Ultimate Oneness. I Am
Absolute Reality. I Am Nirvana. I Am infinite like the sky. I Am Absolute Consciousness. I Am That I Am. I Am. I Am. I Am.

There are some who want to awaken with all their heart and with all their soul. Yet they always forget that they have to
get rid of the stuff that’s keeping them from awakening. The concepts, the preconceived ideas, the dogmas, the belief system that we’ve had for so many years. This has to be given up.

We must develop loving kindness, compassion. If you are I Am, then you must practice ahimsa, non-violence to any living thing. For if you admit and confess I Am Absolute Pure Awareness, I Am Parabrahman, this is All-Pervading, this is Omnipresence. Therefore the trees, the animals, the mountains, the Universe, everything, is I Am. When I use the word I Am, do not believe or think it applies to the human body. There is no human body. The human body does not exist. I Am Consciousness exists, and the “I-am” Consciousness is everything.

Everything is holy. Everything is sacred. Do not believe that some things are sacred and some things are not.
Everything is sacred, even man’s inhumanity to man, the dastardly situations that appear in the world. It’s hard for the human mind to understand these things, but everything is very sacred.

Everything is God. God is all there is.

There is nothing else. So how can there be an evil situation someplace and also be God? This is duality. And we know and understand that duality does not exist. There is only the ONE, and the ONE is everything that exists. You consequently have to start feeling this in your Heart. For your Heart center is Omnipresence, All-pervading. It includes the whole universe.

There is nothing to be angry about, nothing to be upset about, nothing to be depressed about, for the whole Universe is God and nothing else. You are not your body or your mind. We still make the mistake in believing that when you say I
Am Brahman, you’re referring to your body.
Your body can never be Brahman.
The body is an illusion, a mirage.

There is only Brahman, only God, nothing else.

~ Robert Adams

T. 155 @ This Is Your Dharma – May 21, 1992

Beyond the impossible -HF AUDIO

There seems to be a man standing up there talking to a group down below.
Now look at the invisible, please.
You’ll find an ability to look at the invisible one day maybe sooner than you understand it can happen. When you look at it you will finally become aware that there is one soul that is teaching us. There is no physical person here teaching and there is no physical person there listening.

Meditation is No-thought

The suspension of thoughts

D.: What should one think of when meditating?

B.: What is meditation?
It is the suspension of thoughts.
You are perturbed by thoughts which rush one after another.

Hold on to one thought so that others are expelled.

Continuous practice gives the necessary strength of mind to engage in meditation.

Meditation differs according to the degree of advancement of the seeker.
If one is fit for it one can hold directly to the thinker;
and the thinker will automatically sink into his source, which is Pure Consciousness.

If one cannot directly hold on to the thinker,
one must meditate on God;
and in due course the same individual
will have become sufficiently pure to hold on to the thinker and
sink into the absolute Being.

~ The Teachings of Bhagavan
Sri Ramana Maharshi in His Own Words

We must comprehend life deeply and discern for ourself -JK

Question: How does the psychoanalytic technique of dealing with fixations, inhibitions, and complexes strike you, and how would you deal with such cases?

KRISHNAMURTI: Can another free you from these limitations, or is it merely a process of substitution? The pursuit of the psychoanalyst has become a hobby of the well-to-do. (Laughter) Don’t laugh, please. You may not go to a psychoanalyst but you go through the same process in a different way when you look to a religious organization, to a leader, or to some discipline to free you from fixations, inhibitions, and complexes. These methods may succeed in creating superficial effects, but they must inevitably develop new resistances against the movement of life. No person and no technique can really free one from these limitations. To experience that freedom one must comprehend life deeply and discern for oneself the process of creating and maintaining ignorance and illusion. This demands alertness and keen perception, not the mere acceptance of a technique. But as one is slothful, one depends on another for comprehension and thereby increases sorrow and confusion. The comprehension of this process of ignorance and its self-sustaining activities, of this consciousness focused in and perceptible only to the individual, can alone bring about deep, abiding bliss to man.

June 4, 1936.

The Collected Works
of J. Krishnamurti
Volume III 1936-1944
The Mirror of Relationship
Jiddu Krishnamurti


What is deep sleep? Rigorously explore and trust your experience. Keep pursuing it until you reach absolute satisfaction. Have I ever experienced the disappearance of awareness? The knowing with which you know your experience. (All experience is known, but sights, sounds and sensations disappear.) It’s the I. The thoughts you had 2 minutes ago are gone but the knowing that you had about them remains. The knowing of the thoughts and experiences you had 2 minutes ago 2 weeks ago 2 decades ago is the one stable element. It’s the knowing of these thoughts and experiences. This awareness is the only continuous element. It’s so familiar and intimate. Have you ever experienced a break in the continuity of that knowing? Your experience tells you there’s never been a break in that knowing, so why not trust that? Have you ever not known knowing? That’s the one thing that’s always been continuous. Most people are influenced by what they read. Einstein said, common sense is a series of prejudices that most people acquire by age 18. If you ask the knowing – not the thought, but the knowing – what is your experience of yourself … If knowing could speak it would say in my own experience of myself I am ever-present. I have never known myself to disappear. The world disappears the world leaves me but I never leave myself.
The mind, the body and the world come to an end but the KNOWING WITH WHICH WE ARE KNOWN = THE I = never comes to an end.
You can push it a little bit further. Ask yourself – which means ask this knowing – did you ever experience yourself beginning? No. If you’ve never experienced yourself beginning, don’t presume that you have begun.
Don’t presume that YOU = KNOWING = were born. It is your experience that the body appears and disappears. It’s born and it dies. It is not your experience – that means you, or pure knowing, not mixed with anything else – it’s not your experience that you have ever started or were born. And you have never had the experience of having yourself disappear or of dying. Until you have had that experience don’t presume it, stick to your experience. I am eternally present in my own experience of myself. I wasn’t born, I don’t move or change, and I don’t die.
Deep sleep is most real (consciousness).
Secondary is dreaming (mind).
Tertiary is waking state (matter).
The I that falls asleep is not the I of awareness. Awareness remains in the only condition it knows: wide awake. Awareness is not traveling through time, sometimes awake, sometimes dreaming, sometimes deep-sleeping. The entire culture of the separate self is founded on the idea of temporary existence, temporary awareness. But awareness is eternity, infinity. It’s the timeless time and the placeless place. Awareness is not a fleeting byproduct of the mind which comes into existence
The one who has realized their true nature is wide awake in deep sleep. Awareness doesn’t know – like water (H2o, ice, steam) – about various states.
Deep sleep is not a state that is conceived of by the waking state of mind, which is a concept. I am speaking of ourself – thinking, sensing and perceiving.
The waking state of mind conceives of deep sleep as a state of the mind. I am referring to it as the complete absence of thinking, sensing and perceiving, just the pure knowingness which subsequently becomes.
Thought never arises or appears. This would suggest that some things appear from outside awareness. THERE IS NO OUTSIDE AND THEREFORE NO INSIDE: THERE IS JUST AWARENESS.
This sole substance of experience is modulated and becomes thinking, sensing and perceiving. That which IS never ceases to be. That which is not never comes into existence.
Now we are retracing our steps from feeling we are a body. We are seeing that less and less. This is knowing substance is aware, wide awake. We are leaving our experience of successive layers of superimposed concepts.
We were never a body. There is no real veiling of our true nature. Nothing needs to be opposed in our life. There are no parts, no separate self to oppose.
Unhappiness is the separate self arising and creating the world which we oppose or we cling to. Happiness is when there is no separate self and no resistance. It is the natural condition of all experience, not the experience of a body but all experience experiencing itself.
Experience experiences everything with nothing to resist, no place to go.
In India they say there is no real ignorance and no real resistance, therefore no suffering
Since I have no awareness of deep sleep , should I conclude that it doesn’t exist? Yes.


Rupert says such a preposterous thing and repeats it in video after video that one wonders if he’s going to be able to make his case or not! But knowing Rupert Spira, you know he’s going to make it powerfully!

Waking, dreaming, deep sleeping, which one is closest to awareness? Methinks most people get it right on the third try!! That’s right, it’s deep sleep and here’s the reason, to the best of my surmising.

During our so called waking hours we are under the hypnotism of the world mind, carrying out our activities with nary a thought of how much we are Not in control of our lives. In the dreaming state it’s a little clearer how it certainly can’t be nearest to awareness because it’s by definition fantasy; but at least it’s not tied down to the limitations of being “awake” under an hypnotic spell.

Yes Rupert maintains that the deep sleep most nearly approximates full awareness. The reason for this is that our own experience is what bears it out. We know, or at least we can know, from examining ourselves, that we have never experienced non-awareness. By examining ourselves enough we can finally trust our own experience. This is Rupert’s measuring rod.

We’re guilty of having assumed that our human minds are capable of discerning what is awareness and what is not. We let them trample over the amazing fact that awareness doesn’t come and go but is something that we can really depend upon.

We’ve never seen awareness go nor have we seen it come, and we can trust this experience of our own to realize that during what the human mind dubs deep sleep there’s no deep sleep at all but pure awareness of the complete absence of racing thoughts, feelings, sensations, fears, doubts, you name it.

That is real awareness. It’s being conscious of pure absolute nothingness. No thing. No mind. No power. Just wonderful, wonderful conscious awareness.

The mind is nothing -RA

Well, you know, the mind is nothing. The mind is only a bunch of thoughts. Thoughts about the past and the future, that is all a mind is. But, the Heart is a center of stillness, of quietness, of Absolute Peace. When you rest your mind in your heart, you feel a joy and a bliss that overwhelms you, and you will know. Surrender your mind to your Heart, and you will feel it.
~Robert Adams

Confusing* All karma happens

When Ifirst read this I was not a little disquieted. Then I got it: of course, in the illusion – if you believe it – you’re in it!


“Whatever your karma is, is going to happen, no matter what you do. So why concern yourself ?
See whatever you’re going to do, you will
not be able to stop.
“The way to see it is like this. Let your body do whatever it has to do. Do not think about it too much. Do not identify with it. Do not attach yourself to it. Everything was preordained before you came into existence. It will take care of itself. The apples grow, the grass grows, the sun shines, there’s warmth to make human life exist, there is a power that takes care of everything and it has nothing to do with our thoughts.”

Robert Adams: The Collected Works

[Robert Adams Community, Vineet Anand]

All is well & unfolding -RA

All is well and everything is unfolding as it should. There was once a Prime Minister of a large Kingdom. And he went to his Guru who simply used to say, “All is well and everything is unfolding as it should.” And the Prime Minister used to wonder why he says this. And the Guru would say, “Just come here and listen to those words and repeat them to yourself.” He did this often enough, enlightenment came. And he did realize, all is well and everything is happening as it should.

So he went back to the kingdom and sat in his chair and gave advice to the people as he usually did. Now the head of the security force had a problem. That day he was due to get promoted to chief and he was bypassed and somebody else got promoted, so he was disturbed. He went to see the Prime Minister and told him his troubles. And the Prime Minister smiled at him and said, “Don’t worry, all is well and everything is unfolding as it should.” And the guard got mad, he went away mumbling, “How can he tell me something like this, this is ridiculous.”

Now the head chef had a problem because his wife ran away with one of the cooks. And he was very disturbed. He came to the Prime Minister and said, “Mr Prime Minister what should I do? My wife ran away. I feel very bad.” The Prime Minister said, “Don’t worry, all is well and everything is unfolding as it should.” And the chef got very upset and he left.

He was walking down the hall and he bumped into the guard and they related their stories. And they said, “Lets fix this guy. He can’t tell us things like this, we have serious problems.” And they were thinking of a way to get even. They were walking down the corridor and they saw the royal barber shop. And there was the king getting his royal shave. The barber inadvertently slipped and cut the kings throat and it was deep gash. Royal blood was spilling all over the floor. (laughter) And they both looked and they said, “I know what we’ll do,” they conceived a plan. When the king was feeling better with a bandage around his neck. They went and said, “Your majesty, we went and told the Prime Minister that you cut your royal neck and you know what he said? He said, All is well and everything is unfolding as it should.” So the king said, “What! Bring him to me.” So they brought the prime minister and the king said, “Look at my neck, I’m in total pain. Do you see the cut and the bandage? What do you think of that?” And the prime minister looked and he said, “Don’t worry your majesty, all is well and everything is unfolding as it should,” and the king said, “What! How dare you tell me something like this when I’m in pain, throw him in the dungeon!” So they threw the prime minister in the dungeon.

Now, it was Wednesday afternoon. And every Wednesday afternoon the king went hunting in the jungle with the prime minister. But since the prime minister was in the dungeon he went hunting by himself.

Now in the jungle there lived a tribe of Kali worshippers. And these Kali worshippers always sacrificed somebody to Kali. And this was the day of the sacrifice. So the chief of the Kali worshippers told the worshippers, “Go out and find me somebody virtuous so we can sacrifice this person to Kali.” They got on their horses and rode out. And sure enough they found the king. And they didn’t care whether he was a king or what he was. They grabbed him and took him to the chief. And the chief said, “Good you found somebody, undress him and bathe him and let’s sacrifice him.” They proceeded to undress him and they saw the cut on his neck. And they showed the chief and the chief said, “What! This guys no good, he’s not pure. Throw him back where he came from.” And they took him back and let him go.

On the way back to the kingdom the king started to think and he said, “Now wait a minute, if didn’t get this cut I would be dead meat. The prime minister was right,” and he rode back to the kingdom, to the palace and he said, “Release the prime minister.” Which he did and he related the story to the prime minister and he said,”you were right all the time.” So the prime minister said, “Not only that your majesty, but if I rode with you today and you didn’t throw me into the dungeon, they would have caught me also and I didn’t have a cut and they would have sacrificed me to Kali. So by being in the dungeon my life was spared.” This story shows you that when something happens to you and you try to solve it by blaming others or believing there’s something wrong you are making a dreadful mistake. For if you are able to see the whole picture, whatever happens to you is for your ultimate good.

Never curse the darkness if you don’t understand what’s going on.

This is why when things are troubling you and you have no idea, why, and you think you have got bad luck, or people are against you, or life is very hard. If you would merely go within yourself, dive deep within yourself and ask yourself, “To whom does this come?” or “who am I?” and follow the I to the source, everything will be revealed to you. EVERYTHING will be revealed to you. And you will find unalloyed happiness, total joy and total peace. But you have to do the work. You cannot just ride through life and take things as they come. Simply begin the work of self-inquiry and everything else will take care of itself. And remember do not ask about time, when it’s going to happen. It will take care of itself.

Robert Adams

Transcript 29
More On Satsang
9th December, 1990