Monthly Archives: January 2020

I AM one with God

● I AM.
● I .
□ Note well: Some mystics have gone through this progression many, many years ago while others have yet to meet it. Furthermore you who have not experienced it in its entirety have undoubtedly met many other glorious illuminations that the likes of myself have not yet seen.


Apology is good for the soul

I learned an important lesson about a week ago. I commented on a friend’s post, not realizing that my comment mitigated against his entire message to a very specific audience.

In my zeal to ‘correct’ him, I was sending out a message that was unloving, unimportant and most certainly, unnecessary.

Let me please be far less critical, and far less demanding, drawing merely from my own perspective, as truly helping another, means knowing when to lovingly back off.


Re-typing = no good

Isn’t it possible to copy and paste FROM AN ORIGINAL? People will copy and paste, or simply share from here with its many typing mistakes. They will think they have a correct copy so they will in turn share it. Joel’s books are immaculate and not subject to misinterpretation because of re-typing with mistakes. (I know this because I shared another post that was re-typed with many errors. I noticed it later after it was shared from my post 3 times.)

The Mystical I

Page 32, “I Am Come”

   As long as you have no graven image of God in your thought, not praying to afar – off or close – at – hand God, as long as you are abiding in I – I, Omniscience, I, Omnipresence, I, Omnipotence, – then by the grace of God your needs are met.

   Now, as of old, the danger is that you will pray for material things or desire material things, which means that you would like God, Spirit, to fulfill your concepts rather than to express God’s way and God’s will. To pray and have in mind anything or any condition that you want from God is to create the barrier separating you from it, because there is no God separate and apart from you, and that “you” has no problems.

I and my Father have no problems. I and my Father are incorporeal, spiritual. I and my Father are truth. In this right identity, His word goes before me to “make the crooked places straight.” His word that knows my need fulfills it.

   Do you not see that setting up an “I” with some problem, with some desire, with some need to be fulfilled is setting up a selfhood apart from God? Do you not see that this is a denial of the Masters teaching?

   I and the Father have no problems. I and the Father are not immature or aged: I and my Father are ageless. “Before Abraham was, I am…. I will never leave thee…. I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.”


Lazy interpretations are harmful



Spiritual laziness possesses would-be interpreters of enlightened texts who opt for a quicker feel-good, replete with copious worldly rewards!

Your words, Frank Johnson, are like a bucket of ice-water in the sleeper’s face, admonishing them to wake up and reach higher in order to show their ‘followers’ by their own reaching how spiritual enquiry is done:

“The Philosopher, the Theologian, and to be sure, the average Churchgoer, would likely read [enlightened] words and label them as ridiculous, more likely, heretical. Why?

“Because the human mind has been conditioned to only seek after what it can understand, what it can accept, what it can rationalize. Such is the path of Religion. Religion is where everything is presented with a logical explanation.

“Yet in all this logic, who is showing the Believer how to awaken within to realize the truth that they believe in? We’ve been trained to believe doctrine without a hint of inner Awareness.

“The words from the Bhagavad Gita, as an example, emanate from the path of inner direct experience (like that seen in Jesus), not from some teaching that someone would tell you to merely believe.” FJ

I’d (rjs) like to add what I feel will aid tremendously in putting teacher and student, leader and follower on track for a major enlightenment breakthrough. Give up all self-seeking desire for wealth, leadership, popularity. Just listen truly sincerely for what might be the first time.

Sadhana (practice) begins when study stops

Robert Adams
Excerpt from: Satsang
‘You’re only playing games with yourself’

When your mind begins to think, stop it, catch it, put an end to it. Many of you are still under the impression that you come to hear lectures, talks. Let me ask you, how many lectures, how many talks have you been to all of your life? And what has it done for you? It simply adds more confusion. Always remember what you are trying to do. You’re not trying to add more knowledge to your ignorance. You’re trying to empty yourself of all your knowledge, all of your ignorance, everything that you have accumulated. You want to become empty.

Yet most people seem to go to different teachers, read many books, and they add on. They keep adding, adding, adding, adding, adding. Yet the day must come in your life, when you stand naked before God, so-to-speak, when you have no crutches to hold onto. All the books are gone, there are no more teachers for you, there’s no one to ask for help, there’s no one to ask if you’re on the right path. It is then that your sadhana actually begins. Ponder this very well. Your sadhana, your spiritual practice does not begin when you’ve gone to many teachers, and you’ve read many books.

It actually begins when you give up everything. That’s when real sadhana begins, when you have surrendered everything, when you’ve emptied yourself of all knowledge, all desires for liberation. When you have become an empty shell, then your spiritual life begins. Until that time you’re only playing games with yourself.

No-thing page

There are no mistakes. ET rjs dance

“Ultimately, there are no mistakes. There are only temporary learning situations. It’s all taken you to this moment of presence and so it worked. If you look at your own suffering, you can see that it has its place and it has had its place. It has deepened you. You probably wouldn’t be here without it. You would be watching TV or something like that. So you can see that it has produced the deepening or it will produce the deepening in every life form.”

Eckhart Tolle, Freedom from the world (2004 lecture)

Understand this immensity through negation JK

To understand this immensity, the timeless quality of life, surely you must approach it through negation. It is because you are committed to a particular course of action, to a certain pattern of existence, that you find it difficult to free yourself from all that and face a new way, a new approach. After all, death is the ultimate negation. It is only when one dies now, while living, which means the constant breaking up of all the habit patterns, the various attitudes, conclusions, ideas, beliefs that one has—it is only then that one can find out what life is. But most of us say, “I cannot break up the pattern, it is impossible; therefore, I must learn a way of breaking it; I must practice a certain system, a method of breaking it up” so we become slaves to the new pattern which we establish through practice. We have not broken the pattern but have only substituted a new pattern for the old.

Sirs, you nod your heads, you say this is so true, logical, clear—and you go right on with the pattern, old or new. It seems to me that the real problem is the sluggishness of the mind. Any fairly intelligent mind can see that inwardly we want security, a haven, a refuge where we shall not be disturbed, and that this urge to be secure creates a pattern of life which becomes a habit. But to break up that pattern requires a great deal of energy, thought, inquiry, and the mind refuses because it says, “If I break up my pattern of life, what will become of me? What will this school be if the old pattern is broken? It will be chaos”—as if it were not chaos now!

You see, we are always living in a state of contradiction from which we act, and therefore we create still more contradiction, more misery. We have made living a process of action versus being. The man who is very clever, who convinces others through his gift of the gab or his way of life, who puts on a loincloth and outwardly becomes a saint, may inwardly be acting from a state of contradiction; he may be a most disastrously torn entity, but because he has the outward paraphernalia of a saintly life, we all follow him blindly. Whereas, if we really go into and understand this problem of contradiction within and without, then I think we shall come upon an action which is not away from life. It is part of our daily existence. Such action does not spring from idea but from being. It is the comprehension of the whole of life.

The Collected Works of J. Krishnamurti – Volume XI 1958-1960: Crisis in Consciousness
Jiddu Krishnamurti

Modern mystics, JSG, MBE

Consciousness Is Body

Right away we are to hear truth that has been misunderstood, or not properly and thoroughly understood, for 4000 years. Truth has been given to humanity by the greatest illumined beings who have walked the earth including Gautama the Buddha, Jesus the Christ, Nanak, Mohammed, Shankara, Lao Tzu, Rumi, Maimonides, St. Francis, Brother Lawrence, Meister Eckhart, Jacob Boehme and many others, to the more contemporary mystics particularly Mary Baker Eddy and Joel S. Goldsmith. Yet only the very, very few throughout history caught and were, and today are, able to demonstrate the great truth that man is a spiritual being living in a spiritual universe, not a physical being in a material universe. As spiritual he and she are infinite, eternal, divine beings, forever free in truth, perfect and purposeful in and of the One presence: God.

“Healing of The Body”
Paul F. Gorman