Monthly Archives: December 2019

Mystics say one Self, ego, being JSG

ALL THE MYSTICS OF THE WORLD have revealed that there is but one Selfhood, one Ego, one infinite Being. God created individual being, individual you and me, in the image and likeness of Himself, not through the act of human conception and birth, but He sent man forth into expression as the showing forth of all that He is and has—and this without any processes.

Joel S Goldsmith

The Vastness of you. RS&RJS


Are you located inside your sensation/feeling/thought or is your sensation/feeling/thought located inside you?

Answer: It’s located inside you.

What happens when that sensation/feeling/thought is over? Where does it go?

Answer: It goes further within and dissipates. After all, you are the vastness of all infinity. As “it” goes anywhere, it’s gone!


Withdraw your permission RS&RJS


Imagine you’re having a dream and you wake up a little bit – kind of like lucid dreaming. Then you realize that the dream is really a nightmare but you still continue allowing it to happen.

It’s getting more and more unpleasant and you almost forget that it is in fact just a dream. The moment you refuse to give it permission to continue its gone!

Btw, withdrawing permission to continue from a wide-awake world mind illusion works just as efficiently and effectively! You can have a happy day instead.


Nisargadatta Maharaj

True happiness is uncaused and this cannot disappear for lack of stimulation. It is not the opposite of sorrow, it includes all sorrow and suffering.

~Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj


The ONE who is prior to the appearance of the elements is always there.

~Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

OM 🕉 symbol

OM = AUM, everything, source, vibration, consciousness of whole universe, infinite, absolute, opposite of Maya(illusion, world), …

Here is some explanation for you and maybe other members can add, especially from Arabic meaning. Online ‘The Om symbol is a combination of curves, a crescent and a dot. The meaning of the Om symbol, while purely looking at its visual form, comes from the states of consciousness that Aum represents. The letter ‘A’ represents the waking state, ‘U’ represents the dream state and ‘M’ is the unconscious state, or state of deep sleep.

In the symbol, the waking state is represented by the bottom curve, the dream state is the middle curve and the state of deep sleep is represented with the upper curve. The crescent shape above the curves denotes Maya, or Illusion, which is the obstacle that sits in the way of reaching the highest state of bliss. The dot at the top of the symbol represents the absolute state, which is the fourth state of absolute peace and bliss, that is only one state actually. ‘ Yod from Hebrew would definitely be similar to the dot, which is the ‘I’ name of God as also explained by Rupert Spira, and crescent moon has definite meaning in Hebrew and all esoteric traditions and relates to evolution of consciousness. Hope I was able to help a bit. Anna Bharati Wysocka

Anna you covered the most commen in your comment.
The symbol is the first letter in Sanskrit = A.(A is build of 3 lines or I’s.(I-I)
The part 3 from the symbol is the number 3 and means 3.
Its the same as the trinity in Christianity.
Father, son and holy spirit.
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
All there is…
First dot were all is coming from.
Half circle can be the circle of ring pass not the second.( hidden part)
And then the 3.
Its first sound from the new bourn when it comes out from the mother screaming aaa, auuu and ending aummm.
First is birth, second withholding (continuing)and third destruction.
Out breath, pause and in breath then a knew pause that compleat the round. (fourth).
The tail on the 3 that becomes a circle is not always a circle but is included as a tail in the number 3 in Sanskrit.
Often its just a tail(snake, continuous.
But as circle a conclusion of all.
Included in the dot is the the 3 from previous round as its always this 3 that are and it becomes the 3 again…
a little on the subject!

Robin Starbuck I think you can see the link the tail.
Arabic is one of the oldest writhen language.
All languages come as symbols from sound.
Hinduism and Islam are living close and Islam and Christianity are bourn from the same.
Before it become language it was pictures symbols and that become letters and words.
9 is a deep symbol in it self as number nine then as snake, boat, link, spiral, broken circle and circle, nr of initiations to fulfilment, 3×3….
Arabs used it alot as boat(link),snake in there old language and in the Om symbol we can also se it as a link to the new dot a new birth a new round…or just as all there is and will always be in continuum…
So when it become letters and words all languages are conected by symbols,words, sounds that they got from each other and mixed in to there own.

love and light🌟
Rickard. Anderholm

Vedantric vs tantric approaches Spira video

Advaita vedanta – path of exclusion, inwards facing path, direct path to realization of our true Self
Kashmir Tantric approach – path of inclusion, outwards facing path, identification with All
Rupert Spira suggests and teaches both, as they both have strengths and both have weaknesses, and both lead to same ‘place’ of realization if understood and practiced correctly.
Anna Bharati Wysocka

Stop thinking. RA

“[If you stop thinking] you will function much better than you do now, for you will always be taken care of. The universe loves you. It will always supply you with your needs. Forget about other people, what they do, what they don’t do. Do not listen to malicious gossip.

Be yourself. Understand who you really are. You are the absolute reality, unconditioned consciousness. Work from that standpoint. Do not work from your problems. Do not get lost in meaningless gossip. Understand your true reality. Be yourself.”

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)

Bliss is not of this world. RA

Bliss is a word again that cannot be described. It makes happiness feel like nothing. It is not of this world. You do not even experience it. You simply enjoy it. When you are in bliss it is then that you lose yourself completely. The personal-I, the personal self at that time no longer exists. It has been dissolved forever. It is a state that you cannot return from. It is not something that you feel when you are meditating then you get back to the personal self. There is no personal self. You are finished with your ego, with your personal self and with the I-thought. You have become nothing. You have melted. You have been destroyed. Yet you are alive.

You feel that you are alive and you do not know how you live. For so-called life that you have been experiencing previously no longer exists for you. You have become the Self and you can laugh. For you realize that you have always been the Self. There never was a time that you were not the Self. You are free, totally free. The world is no longer the world that you once knew. You continue to see the images but the images are like chalk writings on the blackboard. And you are the chalkboard. You’re free, totally absolutely free.

Robert Adams

Not human happiness but upsetment. RA

If you look into the life of every sage, they didn’t come here to make you happy. They came here to take away your so-called human happiness. They came to show you that human happiness is transitory. It is not permanent. They came to upset you, to upset your lifestyle, not to bring you happiness.

We still have a tendency to believe that when we get into a spiritual teaching, all of our humanhood will improve drastically. If we are sick we’ll be healed, if we are poor we’ll be rich, if we have mental anguish, we’ll have joy and happiness. But that’s not a spiritual teaching. Your feelings and your life so-called and your body have nothing to do with spirituality. You gotta understand this once and for all.

True spirituality goes beyond the relative world. It has absolutely nothing to do with the human condition. Yet you’ve heard me say many times that your humanhood also improves, so it sounds like a contradiction. But what I meant was this: when you make the transcendence, when you awaken to your true self, you have no idea what’s going on with the body. You are in a different dimension so to speak.

Robert Adams

Go all the way, throw all away Mooji

If you want to go all the way, throw all away. And right there, there is a joy, a freedom and lightness. Strip everything back to nothing. Throw your attachments, your desires, your needs and immediately you are in a state of total freshness. Total wholeness. Every human being should do this once in a while. The serious seeker develops this unsparing attitude to free their minds from the cholesterol of egoic identity.

Be in that emptiness and you see that emptiness is completeness. And the more you do it, the more you enjoy the effortlessness of it all. Now, you ignore the voice of the interpreter, the journalist, the accountant or the mathematician and in a short while, you won’t want him back. If you want to go all the way, throw all away
