Monthly Archives: November 2019

Rate your thoughts


If you were to rate your thoughts,
Each and every one,
Assigning plus (+) or minus (-)
With nothing in between,

How would you measure up
At the end of a pensive day?
Scanning the column down
When all your thinking’s done?


Acim v Joel Goldsmith

I N S T A N T A N E O U S . F O R G I V E N E S S

where we remove all judgement of what the other person seems to have said or done as well as all judgement from ourself for having thought wrongly about them (acim)

………………. MEETS ………………

who says “it” never happened so there is not and never had been anything to forgive.

is a perfect example of two very different approaches to dealing with the seemingly never-ending onslaughts of the world mind, played out in everyday life.


Don’t know crap

An atheist was seated next to a little girl on an airplane and he turned to her and said, “Do you want to talk? Flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger.”

The little girl who had just started to read her book replied to the total stranger, “What would you want to talk about?”

“Oh I don’t know,” said the atheist, “how about why there is no God or no life after death”, as he smiled smugly?

“OK,” she said, “those could be interesting topics but let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow and a deer all eat the same stuff, grass, yet the deer excretes little pellets while a cow turns out a flat patty, but a horse produces clumps. Why do you suppose that is?”

The atheist, visibly surprised by the little girl’s intelligence thinks about it and says, “Hmmm, I have no idea.”

To which the little girl replies “do you really feel qualified to discuss why there is no God or life after death when you don’t know crap?”

And then she went back to reading her book.

(source unknown)


I’m reading a book on anti-gravity…I couldn’t put it down! 😂

Does “God” rub you the wrong way?

D O E S . “G O D” . R U B . Y O U . W R O N G ?

If the term “God” rubs you the wrong way
by conjuring up a litany of angry thoughts
and perhaps bad memories as well,
just know you’re not alone.

Think instead about Spirit, Life, Truth, Love, Oneness, Allness, Ever-presence.
Enjoy deep meditations of Stillness and Emptiness
‘See’ spiritually the one who’s doing the seeing (yourself).

The Universe, the Field, the Matrix, the ALL, yes even the Box
all point to a kind of Divine Principle
and are all located within you.
As long as they include Absolutely nothing pertaining to constructs of deity.

The term du jour manages to finally and fully
lay the axe head at the root of duality and separation,
closes the door on religion and attainment and
Blots out all false allegiances forever.

That! That right there, is God.


As if – final breakthrough

F I N A L . B R E A K T H R O U G H : . ” A S . I F “

Two little words “as if” – when recognized – can accord you the greatest breakthrough you’ve ever known! For some, a courageous reach in their thinking processes brought healings and miracles beyond their wildest dreams while others are still struggling to grasp this phenomenal spiritual truth:


The profoundest of thinkers across the globe want with their whole hearts to mitigate the shock experienced by would-be healers and other scientists and so they make that all-too-popular mistake of watering down the above glorious fact.

Let’s take a good long look at it, shall we? Its bottom line is that matter is entirely non-existent. Quantum physics tells us so, and yet its adherents will dance around that astronomical fact till the cows come home – and then milk them!

That which is at once a wave … and then a particle … is not matter being unreal. Ask Hiroshima. The absolute unreality of matter alone ushers into our Consciousness the realm of pure Spirit from which what translates to healing and other miracles in the so-called physical realm emanate.

How is the world we see an illusion? We see matter: it isn’t there. Now we’re just starting to grapple with the nitty-gritty of a statement that can – and perhaps will – change (heal) the entire world.

When we poke around at matter and squeeze our brains trying to figure out how to lay things out for enormously flawed mortal man to devise an explanation that is palatable to the sheeple, we go further and further down the rabbit’s hole: the answers ain’t there!


So, what do I see out there? You see Spirit if your Consciousness has been awakened. You see illusion, if not.

That’s about as close as a discussion of Enlightenment ever approaches matter: to dismiss it. You see Spirit or you see nothing.


You’ve been looking into the Fifth Dimension where matter is entirely unknown. We’re here, talking together, recognizing one another and anyone else we summon. We see “what appears to be” a blind man, a cripple, a dead person, but we’re seeing right through them to spiritual reality. We see the world as it really is.

On terra-firma, instead of seeing Spirit “as if” it were here where grievous suffering seems to be, we see Spirit alone as we see right through every lie of the flesh. Instead of seeing matter “as if’ it were Spirit or imagining Spirit “as if” it were material, for the first time ever



Awareness of God’s allness

AWARENESS OF GOD’S ALLNESS is in your universe the moment you really, really, really want it. You’ll look and then you’ll REALLY look and you’ll get a glimpse. But this time you won’t let go! You’ll hold on like a bulldog and it’ll have to stay. Why? Coz it was always right where you thought you saw everything else.

In the Stillness

I N . T H E . S T I L L N E S S

About a year ago, I “went into the stillness” – or so I thought. Desired nothing, nothing at all but the empty vastness of infinity. Didn’t give thoughts a chance to formulate. At all. Wanted to go in more and more, deeper and deeper. Nothing happened. However, “thoughts” veered off before manifesting.

Suddenly I saw, I knew, I Am the vastness. I Am the emptiness … empty of all matter. I Am the stillness. I Am the Allness, the infinity, the invisibility that I sought.

Ecstatic joy welled up in me. I could hardly think a coherent so-called thought! Just ineffable joy. Oh how I wish this for everyone of you who read this! It’s what going into the stillness is all about…


Protective work

P R O T E C T I V E . W O R K

Are those two words you don’t exactly relate to? Let’s check ’em out. I’d like to comment on the latter and leave the former entirely up to Joel.

‘Work’ is not a concept I’d shy away from … not anymore! We need to build a spiritual foundation – the very first step being recognizing that Spirit, God, OurSelf does all the work, and not us humanly.

I can’t tell you the number of times in my life I was taken, kicking and screaming (lol) to sit down and dig in with lots and lots of meditation and stick-to-itiveness. When I finally acquiesced, God collapsed time for me and the next thing I knew, I was done! I was exactly where I wanted to be. (My first recollection was at about age 15.) We grow from our honest efforts alone.

Joel Goldsmith, in “The Only Freedom, Chapter 1, astutely advises us:

“In living the Infinite Way, then, you are doing two things all day long. You are doing protective work and you are doing treatment or healing work. You are engaged in those two activities all day long whether or not anybody asks you for help….From the moment of your waking in the morning, you are doing protective work. Do not think of protective in the sense of protecting yourself from evil or anything else. Protective work is the realization that there is no power from which to protect oneself….Protective work is living in the realization that since there is only one power, there are no other powers to do anything or to be anything, and any suggestion of such is this mesmeric influence or mortal mind, or “arm of flesh,” or nothingness.”

May I add that doing our protective work pays tremendous spiritual dividends.


Yearning can be good

T H A N K . G O D . F O R . T H E . Y E A R N I N G . A N D . S E E K I N G

What we urgently seek is what we already really are. We’re nothing but exactly what we yearn to be.

It’s just that simple.


IT IS THE YEARNING AND SEEKING that stirs us up enough to start to open our single eye 👁 of TOTAL non-duality completely.

We must QUIT OUR AUTOMATIC RESPONSES AND LISTEN TO TOTAL SILENCE !! Finally … finally at long last we become silent too.

And, yes, I mean abject stillness and pure undefiled silence. No good ideas – no bad ideas: NOTHING BUT SILENCE !!
We’re not even listening to Spirit, God: WE ARE THAT !!!

No good ideas no bad ideas: gone!


