“DON’T LOOK FOR PEACE. Don’t look for any other state than the one you are in now; otherwise, you will set up inner conflict and unconscious resistance. Forgive yourself for not being at peace. The moment you completely accept your non-peace, your non-peace becomes transmuted into peace. Anything you accept fully will get you there, will take you into peace. This is the miracle of surrender. When you accept what is, every moment is the best moment……….”
You will eventually discover that the substance of illusion is the same whether the claim is a cold, a headache, a cancer, consumption, a broken bone, poverty, or unemployment. . . . It is nothingness, the ‘arm of flesh,’ appearance. Behind it is the activity of a universal malpractice or hypnotism which is produced by the universal belief in two powers.
If there is a you conceiving of a God, thinking of God, hoping for God, searching for God, there is duality and failure. The moment there is the realization, “I Am That I Am,” not “I will be; I long to be; I hope to be: I would like to be worthy of”; then God has become incarnate as individual being: God the Father manifest as God the son, but still just One. God the Father is God the son.
Until you can see that I, God, am expressing my Self as I-Joel, and therefore all that I-God has is I-Joel’s, because we are not two but One, you will be missing the mark. Only this realization of oneness can stop you from wanting something or someone external to yourself. As long as there is a want or desire, there is a sense of separation.
One of the Infinite Way Wisdoms states that “desire is sin.” Why? Is it not because if I desire integrity, am I not acknowledging that I do not have it? If I desire companionship, am I not acknowledging that I do not have it? Even if I desire God, is it not an acknowledgment that I do not have It? All this is sin, because I and the Father are one, and all that the Father has is mine.
As I abide in the Word and let the Word abide in me, I have no desires. I am living only in this moment, conscious of the fact that whatever I need an hour from now will appear, whatever I need tomorrow will appear, whatever I need next year will appear. Why? Because I now embody it. I have meat that the world knows not of.
What I have to do is to be patient, live in this very moment, feel assured that all that the Father has is embodied in me, and that it is unfolding every moment in accordance with my need. If my need this moment is dollars, then those dollars will appear at the moment they are needed, often before that. If my need is transportation, at the right moment it will be waiting for me. Whatever the need is becomes apparent, not because I desire it, not because I want it, not because I need it, but because I already possess it.
J. S. Goldsmith: The Art of Spiritual Living. Chapter Nine; The Consciousness of the Individual; Why Desire is Sin; Kindle location: page 149-151
To recognize that we live in two worlds, the world created by the five physical senses and the world of Consciousness, is to bring ourselves closer and closer to illumination. Joel S. Goldsmith
Those who love God are brought into one household, one family, one companionship, into a sharing with one another; and just as we are sharing with those coming into the Light, so somebody with an even higher consciousness is sharing with us.
When you have The Spirit of God consciously alive in you; you have the substance, the law, and activity of all form; and you will find that this recognition, and this realization of this presence, and power of God within you will appear outwardly as every form of activity, every form of supply, every form of health, and every form of infinite good that you could possibly dream of, and far above even your ability to dream! You need not to desire health! Just desire to know The Father within you!
Joel S. Goldsmith
Meditation on the Presence
Transcribed by Ron Jones
As we leave this plane and are drawn to those who have attained spiritual wisdom, our development continues. Then, even if we do reincarnate on earth, we will be fulfilling ourselves in a sphere more closely akin to a spiritual activity. Those who have not gone far enough spiritually will fulfill themselves culturally, educationally, artistically, or musically, but if they are developed spiritually, there will be a spiritual function for them to perform, even before they incarnate, because there are influences working behind the scenes that animate those who are on the spiritual path here.
Joel S.Goldsmith
The Infinite Way
Nobody who is in a position of leadership in a spiritual activity here is dependent entirely on his own state of consciousness. He has attracted to himself a spiritual atmosphere, a spiritual support and guidance, because on the spiritual level there are no such barriers as heaven and earth, as over there and over here: they are one. Once we are in some measure spiritually attuned, we are in the consciousness of all those who are so attuned, whether they are HERE or THERE. In other words, we are in and of the household of God.
If you’re seeking greater spiritual understanding, don’t sell yourself short: soak in a good teaching until you know you’ve ‘got it’ fully and completely. Nothing in the whole wide world could be more urgent by virtue of the fact that nothing in the whole wide world exists!