Most insightful! I do mind being invisible while “men” persist in using “man” “he” “his” AS IF it included women, assume leadership where NONE is needed and dole out “sensitivity” to score more muscle and popularity. RJS
Just Sad that people would rather ‘spend’ their life in the shallows of performance based religion & charismatic hoopla,~ endlessly trying to make a name for themselves..or putting others on a pedestal & following them!~
If you’re a woman and you’re happy being invisible & don’t mind pretending you don’t know anything,~then you can be quite happy there..
Or, you can choose instead, to Realize and Wake Up to the One who is waiting patiently for you within, to discover and uncover Who you really Are! The One you were created to Be from the very beginning.
There’s no place else I’d rather BE. There is so much Richness to be experienced in leaving it all behind and Going Deeper
(excerpt from Flora Samuel ~ “We have left the shore so far behind, when we look back, we can hardly make it out anymore. Doesn’t even seem like it was really us, like a dream maybe. There’s nothing to go back to. Old things have passed away, BEHOLD!
All things SEEM new, but have actually been there the whole time…..awaiting RECOGNITION!
Looking back at all the toiling, effort, might, power struggles and performance, we once were involved in, instead of RIDING ON THE WINGS OF THE SPIRIT AND SAIL ON THE SEA OF LOVE. OH what Peace which indeed surpasses all human understanding”!!!
Kathleen DesVoigne
No need to fill the Void with Direction. No characterization, just Endless Void, nothing’s calling, nothing’s There. No need for company, I am That. Don’t leave. Don’t go. Stay on Forever. Silence is singing Its precious Song. Stillness … Oh, the burning, glorious Stillness. There’s no me, there’s no you, there’s Emptiness sublime. Vastness inexplicable. Beyond describable joy. Nowhere to go for it Nothing to learn. Nothing to do. Don’t leave … see the Void With your feelings. Everything is nothing. Nothing is All. No need to sleep. Simply No need. Breathing’s unlabored, Strivings ceased. What incredible Void Of emptiness Awareness. Praise No One – Just Be.
NOW means not one split second before or after. Therefore no Bible “promises” were ever kept. There were none. There are only statements about present facts throughout the Bible. That’s mysticism and it’s a higher realm than metaphysics. This is for advanced students of Joel and Herb.
When you are living within the skull, the mesmerism of the universe is painting the illusion of matter beneath the level of awareness on an invisible screen.
~ Herb Fitch
A Parenthesis in Eternity –
God Made the World for Man
“I died as a mineral and became a plant, I died as plant and rose to animal, I died as animal and I was Man. Why should I fear? When was I less by dying? Yet once more I shall die as Man, to soar With angels bless’d; but even from angelhood I must pass on: all except God doth perish. When I have sacrificed my angel-soul, I shall become what no mind ever conceived. Oh, let me not exist! for Non-existence Proclaims in organ tones, To Him we shall return.”
If we make contact with the kingdom of God within us, we shall be living through God the rest of our days. Then spiritual sonship—God expressing Itself as individual Self-hood—will be revealed on earth. God formed US to manifest Itself on earth, to show forth Its glory, and that is our destiny.
Conscious Oneness with God Is Oneness with all Spiritual Being and Idea
This is the miracle of mysticism. Your conscious oneness with God makes everything in this world available the moment that you need it. Nobody can keep it away from you, either, nobody. But this is only true if you are following the spiritual path. Conscious oneness with God is mysticism. Conscious oneness with God constitutes your oneness with all spiritual being and with every spiritual idea.
For example, money is just a human concept, but it is a human concept of a divine idea, representing love, gratitude, sharing, and cooperation; it is a spiritual idea which cannot come to you, because it already is an embodied idea and activity of your consciousness. When you feel pressed for money, one of the reasons is that you are looking for it from some source outside yourself, when all the time it is hidden within your own consciousness. It is already within you, but you are looking for it in a person, place, or thing.
In the many, many stories told of the search for the Holy Grail, for the gold cup from which Jesus is supposed to have drunk at the Crucifixion, the seekers always came home, impoverished and broken in health, dropping wearily and despondently at their own door. In every version, is told the story of the person who gives his whole life and fortune to the search in the outer world only to find the long sought for treasure on his return home: He finds it in his garden, perhaps hanging to the branch of a tree; he reaches forth his hand at his own table, and it appears.
The story of the Holy Grail is symbolic of the treasure hidden within our consciousness, within our own being, there by virtue of our oneness with God. That is only another way of stating: My oneness with God constitutes my oneness with all spiritual being and with every spiritual idea or thing. To me that represents one of the highest statements of spiritual truth. It is in my writings in just that simple language, so simple and direct that sometimes people do not recognize it as 'the pearl of great price.' This statement: 'My oneness with God constitutes my oneness with all spiritual being and with every spiritual idea or thing,' ranks as one of the highest statements of truth, one which will bring you nearer the realization of heaven than any other.
“ ‘ Wither shall I go from thy spirit?’ Here where I am, God is, and I need only turn from material edifices, material kingdoms, and retire within to the spiritual edifice, the temple not made with hands, to My kingdom, the spiritual kingdom, and there, within the temple of my own being, within this invisible, spiritual sanctuary which my consciousness is, I can hear the voice of God. There I can bear witness as It utters Its voice. I can hear the still small voice, and I can watch the earth of error — sin, disease, lack, limitation — crumble as this voice says, ‘Be not afraid, it is I. Fear not, I with thee.’ “
Joel Goldsmith
The Mystical I
Chapter 4
Entering The Inner Sanctuary
“I is the way. The presence of I in you is really the way.”
Joel Goldsmith
The Mystical I
Prayer Becomes An Inner Communion