WHETHER YOU LOVE DONALD TRUMP or not, there’s a great deal you can do to benefit this country and the world: ‘see’ him (‘see’ being an Action Verb), really, really ‘see’ him as the perfect image and likeness of God – not for a few minutes, but for always!
Hey, I said absolutely nothing about what I think he should do or not do, but I can promise you that your own spiritual contribution will help everyone immensely: SEE DONALD TRUMP AS GOD SEES HIM – AND DON’T STOP !!
Monthly Archives: September 2018
JSG reading my diary
Joel must’ve been reading my diary except for three things:
• He wouldn’t know where it was.
• He passed on 50+ years ago.
• I don’t have a diary.
He said that very serious seekers of higher level consciousness often have some unhealed issues and that he was glad for his own unhealed issues coz they kept him on track.
Can you imagine that – Joel Goldsmith going off track?
I never could have imagined it until I thought of yours truly – me. I’ve been glued to the grindstone all my life. Oh, I’ve done stuff but could never go astray very much. Joel said for him being 80% was perfect.
His 80% has blessed the world beyond belief.
I myself am quite content at 70% – that’s about how much I’d trust my ‘self’.

Why no healing?
But, be ready. An internal argument begins to rage as soon as we open ourselves spiritually. “If all is spirit, therefore harmonious and good, and if spirit heals false experience, why is my disease or pain or fear or lack or insecurity not yielding?”
The answer is that, for a short period, belief and its pictures of sense still grip us. We still believe that there is God and “this world.” Our remaining belief out-pictures itself as seemingly real condition.
The battle within and without ceases as we lift higher into the realization of God alone.
Paul F. Gorman
Spiritual power’s purpose
“Spiritual power never operates for your good or my good; it cannot be used; it cannot be channeled or directed. There is no way of praying for your particular good or mine because in the eyes of God there is no “you” or “me” separate from all the other children of God. There would be no way to gain God’s grace for you or for me or to direct God’s presence or power to this individual or that individual. This is a personalized concept of Deity that has wrecked the religions of the world and has made prayer as ordinarily practiced ineffectual.”
“Only when God is understood to be a presence and power universally and equally available to all, only in that consciousness in which we do not see each other as separate and apart from the divine Being, can spiritual power flow. If we were to sit quietly, recognizing the invisible presence and power of God permeating all being, anyone who is receptive and in tune with divine love would receive blessings and benediction, Grace in some form or other. It might be as comfort, as peace, as greater health, or as some form of greater abundance, but it would happen; whereas, if an individual were to try to direct God’s grace to someone, he would be outside the realm of spiritual power, and he would fail.”
-Joel S. Goldsmith – “The Altitude of Prayer” – Page 55
Don’t “go in” the stillness or silence
Spinning my wheels a few precious minutes this morning
Found that unacceptable!
Like a naughty child ‘me’ wailed
“I just can’t get in (-to the Stillness). I can’t concentrate.
Nothing is coming!”
My sincere desire to ‘get in’ (in where, i dunno)
Was enough to afford me this help:
“Teach it to an imagined inquirer.”
“Immediately I heard myself silently say
“Start with any good, solid Truth.
“Here, let’s use your protest “I can’t get in (concentrate).
“Stand it on its head. You CAN get in coz you already ARE in.
“‘In’ implies ‘awareness of God’s allness and everywhereness.
“‘In’ indicates your center – the very center of your being.
“How could you not be there?
“Are you aware of your right hand? Of course. You didn’t have to do anything…
“You didn’t even have to keep your right hand uppermost in thought in order to stay aware of it and maintain its existence.
“The same is true of your spiritual awareness.”
I don’t think I’ll be protesting lack of concentration again anytime soon!
After setting the Bible down
THE GREATEST VALUE TO BE OBTAINED FROM READING THE BIBLE IS FOUND AFTER YOU SET IT DOWN. [caps mine RJS] The book is a collection of writings that act as a pointer. It is not pointing to itself, but to the truth of the life that you are. To realize the truth, the Christ of your being, you have to drop all external aids, abandon even your belief in a personal self, that the Divine may been realized as your true Life. Otherwise, you will remain a captive of the natural mind, which has no capacity to know the things of the Spirit.
~Frank Johnson
The I that I am
From – The Master Speaks
Chapter 5
by Joel Goldsmith
On the Spiritual Path you will be tempted, not a hundred times, but a thousand times, to believe in a selfhood apart from the I that I am; you will be tempted to believe that you are that selfhood, or that your son or your daughter is a selfhood separate and apart from God.
Each time it will be an effort to remember: I is God; I is infinite being: I is infinite individuality. Then when you have achieved that realization you can rest—but only for a few minutes, until the next temptation comes along.
The Burning Silence RJS
Omigoodness, gracious!
Is THIS what some people
Have been trying to share?
The Stillness – the Silence –
Is unspeakably glorious!
You’ll never guess in a
Million years what I found there!
I’ll save you a little time and
Just tell you:
Unfinished sentences, words whose
Meanings simply extinguished!
Wherever I looked, I was the Light.
Little piles of … unfinished,
Unwanted ‘thoughts’ fizzled
Before my Eye!
Omigoodness! So much more:
The calmness, oh the calmness…
And the joy!
Good thoughts and bad alike
How do you say: S-s-s-s-s-t … Gone!
Sentences in my mind world,
Phrases too, and interjections, gone!
The Light was (IS) beyond belief!
You can do it too….
Just close your eyes and
Look compassionately on petty
Intruding thoughts coz when you do
The Light that you are consumes them
In an ever-burning flame of love.
Mooji’s background
Mooji was raised in a Christian environment. All of his pointings can be found in the bible. For instance : the inquiry, looking at every thought . The bible says to ” take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. He refers to the Christ Consciousness “our hope of glory Christ in you” . And every thing else he says can be found in the bible. Mooji refers to the Absolute or The Supreme, God. He says that even once we realize self there is one watching this one . Which is the Absolute Supreme Being. God. Mooji said in one of his video’s ” I am not God. I didn’t create all this. We can never be equal to God”. But the bible does speak of Oneness with God. Perfect Unity. Mooji says that he speaks with God and with Jesus. That we are a child of God. The bible says that “eternal life is to know God and to know His Son”. Mooji does not claim to be God. The Supreme. The Absolute. Mooji also says that the Absolute cannot be spoke about. But I believe Mooji has communion/fellowship with the Supreme Being. God. When asked these questions ” How do you connect to God?” and “How do you feel God?” Mooji’s reply was this : ” I don’t have to turn to the left or the right to be with God. Not one breath is taken outside of God’s Being. I am only an image made of energy painting a painting by God. There is no distance. Thee is no distance. There is no way I could escape to be someplace outside of God. Nor even there is the will or the urge. Everything that I o, whether it be right or wrong, takes place in the accommodating presence of the Lord. Thee is so much Love. I can never feel shame in front of God. God is the source of myself, my being, but that source has no distance. God gives me the power to call Him , “Me”. The Light that removes even the smallest shadow of doubt. I don’t have to remember God, and I cannot forget.” End. This shows me Mooji very much has relationship, onesness “with God”. But his pointings seem to stop at the enquiry. Some I see are in the enquiry for years?? Should not our ultimate goal to be All God created us to be? The ultimate communion , fellowship, oneness with the Absolute? The Supreme Being? God ? There is little spoke about after awakening. God is. Should not we seek to go higher IN GOD ? Mooji does speak about going to higher levels but not very often. Since Mooji does quote the bible often He must believe what it says. The bible does say that Eternal life is to know God and to know His Son. Joh_17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. Also says we are sons of God. Just as Mooji says “you are a child of God” Joh_1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Rom_8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
Is this not our ultimate goal? Mooji has communion/fellowship WITH God. Should not that be our ultimate goal as well? Not just seeing what we are not. And what we are as the Self ? Should not our ultimate goal to be going beyond “Self” to that place of seeing where the Self is also seen? There were three birds in the tree , in the story Mooji told. The bird on the lowest branch busy building it’s nest etc. Then a second bird above that bird on a higher branch watching all that activity. But then Mooji said there was a third bird on a higher branch watching both birds on the lower branches. He said that was the Absolute. Should that not be our goal , to enter into Oneness with that bird? Why stop on the second branch? Communion with the Supreme God. The Absolute is real and possible. Mooji has referred to that many times.
Kathy McDonald > Mooji Sangha
From convo: JSG passed at 72
Why do people believe life is eternal, God is all, … until something happens? A person’s death proves God is not all, Life is not eternal? Does a perfect life in this body prove anything at all? Understanding eternal life and God’s allness goes a long way to bringing healing to bear and probably complete understanding and knowing guarantees healing. But mortal man has his own interpretation of what healing entails. Since life is eternal it’s not limited to this earthsuit. [Besides 60 years ago 72 was not as ‘young’ as today.] How do we know that Joel didn’t on some level want to step aside and let Herb take over? How do we know they’re not here now if God is truly All?