Monthly Archives: July 2018

Testimony & my book – Steve Farrar

Robin, there are hundreds of divine nuggets of healing wisdom in your book. I continue to highlight them.

If what we are experiencing here as “life” has levels, your words express so many truths that are very advanced and holistic. They represent an organic, total health wisdom truth.

I know what you have written will continue energizing my health because you are breaking the paradigm of what health really is.
Steve Farrar

I’ve shared that recently I was declared free of any evidence of cancer. As you may remember, five years ago I was given just a few months to live by my doctors.

Dr. Robin Starbuck, in her great healing manual titled, Quantum Dimensions Of Healing: You Can Heal Yourself Now, captures a very important observation about the need for perseverance in prayer, study, and visualization of God’s complete blessing when she wrote:

“People just have no idea how very close they come to a complete healing but they don’t hang in there long enough or strong enough. They don’t go deep enough or far enough or high enough.”

In my experience this is a most critical TRUTH. Perseverance in the face of the direst of medical reports and conditions is of paramount importance.

When I was first diagnosed, I turned to God in prayer and asked Him to give me a key Scripture to hang on to with all my strength. Many times during the dark days of treatments, reversals, symptoms and pain, I turned to this verse:

“Therefore, do not throw away your confidence which has great reward. You have need of endurance, so when you have done the will of God, you will receive the promise.”
Hebrews 10:35-36

Unlocking the secrets contained within this Scripture, as Dr. Starbuck also advises, is key to manifesting the outcome of God’s promises for your life.

He does not promise us disease, death or defeat. He promises us, in Jesus Christ and His Spirit, health, eternal life, and victory. Yet we must apply the mustard seed of faith, of seeking, and asking, and learning the will of God for our life. I’m not talking about will power, I’m speaking of going into the depths with God and learning spiritual secrets which will affect every aspect of your view of life and living.

A dear friend of mine, Carrie Maun-Smith, gave me a bookmark with a quote from Winston Churchill when I was recovering from one of the surgeries I went through in 2010 to remove the initial tumor. On it was written, “Never, never, never, never give up.”

Making the decision that you are willing to go with God through every step of revelation, every lesson of learning, being willing to die to every assumption you have about reality as you know it – is the opportunity presented to anyone dealing with a life threatening prognosis.

I am so appreciative of the many, many people who encouraged me, prayed for me, and supported me to continue pushing forward relentlessly in the strength of the Lord. It is not a journey we choose to make, yet it is a journey we make completely in His care and blessing. Many of those who helped me, such as authors, teachers, preachers, and priests, along with friends and family, will not know how much their insights and words contributed to my healing.

It is to all of them I say, “Thank you, and God bless you!”

Ego Transformation

Ego Transformation ~ The Return of the Divine Masculine

Since January 1, we are experiencing an acceleration of the energies. The fast moving, direct, sharp and “merciless” Divine Masculine has arrived. This energy is really something to get used to. The days of just going our own speed and floating around are over. Free will based on ego needs has no chance to resist this energy. We are confronted with the old immature masculine patterns. The triggers are intense, yet different to how we experienced it when we were healing the old feminine wounds. We are preparing for full embodiment of the sacred union within.

Frustration, anger, disappointment and a feeling of inner resistance are common these days. We might not like the idea, but they are blame and judgment in disguise. This is how the immature masculine WITHIN US reacts to what we see happening around us. The old masculine patterns of aggression, control, protection, manipulation and “needing to solve it all” are all called out now. The triggers we receive now are mainly dealing with guilt and shame and missing boundaries. It is the masculine part of the fear of not being good enough. It asks a lot of honesty towards ourselves to see where we still carry those fears played out by our ego. We need to become our best careful observer.

Honesty with ourselves

Where do I still feel I need to solve problems for others or myself? Where do I push myself onto others with my own methods and truth without them asking for help or support? Where do I still feel I need to save others or myself? Where do I make myself small and compromise myself to protect others from pain and myself from feeling guilty? Where do I still judge and blame others or myself for the situation I am in? Where am I still trying to manipulate others or myself to react in a way I want? Where am I still feeling I need to convince others or myself? Where do I still get frustrated or annoyed when someone or myself is “not getting it”? Where do I still make outside circumstances responsible for my own situation? Where do I still have expectations towards others or myself? Where do I still try to control the flow instead of trusting it? Where am I still impatient and want to put things into action before they are ready? Where am I still dividing the world into right and wrong, black and white, spiritually correct or not? Where do I still judge others or myself to be not ready and still having to reach something? Where do I still create a certain dogma or belief of “this is the only way to do it right”? Where do I still support the system of fear, victimhood and duality? Where am I still going against my truth, not expressing what I truly want and instead make it right for others? Where do I still compromise with myself? Where do I still feel others or myself have to reach something to be enlightened/whole/awakened etc.? Where do I get impatient with myself and others?

“Going against our essence becomes downright unbearable and painful.”

All of these questions lead us to the unhealthy masculine programming still running in our own body and system. It is uncomfortable to have to face another round of releasing. But this energy is relentless, and we have no choice but to surrender at some point. Simply because going against our essence becomes downright unbearable and painful. Empowerment is where we are taken into. That does not only mean to empower ourselves, it also means to learn to stop to take the power away from others. Whether we are trying to solve someone else’s problems, to avoid someone’s pain, to control or manipulate to reach a certain outcome etc. WE AND EVERYONE AROUND US IS PUSHED INTO OWNERSHIP OF THE OWN ENERGIES. Being responsible for our own experience and journey. All of these questions above help us to find what wants attention within. The beauty of this new energy is that transformation goes really fast once we see the mirror. We have the power of choice. What is still serving our experience, and what can we just shift our focus away from to release and delete it from our reality field.

Letting go of the “have to reach”

A lot of us are facing situations now where we have to deal with guilt and shame and the fear of being a failure and the fear of being used. The feeling of not being able to take this any longer and not being able to do the job we came here for. Becoming impatient with humanity, becoming frustrated with all these masculine still going in circles and not seeing the new way yet, being annoyed of the momentary chaos and feeling it is all stuck, including us.

And that is exactly the mirror to look into and the pattern to let go of. We don’t have to reach anything. We can only feel stuck and impatient, when we feel we have to get somewhere. When we still experience lack. We are exactly where we need to be and we are always ready and whole. We don’t have to save the world. ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS FIND OUR OWN INNER BALANCE AND ACCESS TO LOVE AND LIGHT THAT IS ALWAYS AVAILABLE. It is a question of being connected and aligned or not. We are here to shine our light for those that are ready to come into it. Again… lighthouses don’t run around trying to save ships.

The immature masculine can only come out of this vicious cycle when we are transforming that energy and are no longer reacting in old masculine ways. We need to accept in ourselves what we see in those around us. That is what shifts it. And there is no need to push. The triggers and the releases come exactly at the right time. We don’t have to force ourselves to dissolve or transform something. Awareness of an imbalance and the mirror is enough. The rest will follow.

The new Earthly Masculine

Welcoming these triggers and the thoughts and emotions that come with it is supporting us in transforming the old masculine patterns into the new strong Divine masculine. The new earthly masculine, that commits, is courageous and rebellious, unconditionally from the heart, without any expectation of a certain outcome or a need to control or fight. The healthy masculine that sets boundaries out of self-love, not borders from fear. The one that knows exactly what he wants, expressing it with clear intentions. The strong new earthly masculine, that knows exactly when it is time to change and let go of old ways of working and relating. Also in our spiritual work we are asked to check whether we are still aligned with the new energies in terms of our mission and work. The Divine Earthly Masculine is not afraid to look into the mirror and through the mask into the core of authenticity. He is not afraid to share that with others.

“Although the Divine Masculine is a fast energy with focus and action, he respects the Divine Feminine and her balancing part of patience and nurturing.”

The two are now preparing to dance the perfect dance WITHIN ALL OF US. In this time of outer turmoil, where everything is accelerating, stillness and slowing down is key to check in with our deepest core essence. What are our own body, mind and soul giving us in terms of impulses to follow? Where do we still feel resistance? That is exactly where we need to look into, accept and experience it to find our answers and relief.

It is not easy to admit, and to see the patterns in the mirror presented to us. We need to be downright honest with ourselves. We are the ones we are waiting for. Once more, we are asked to drop the protective masks we are still wearing that had served to hide our vulnerability, which we mistakenly had been defining as our biggest weakness. Now we are learning that it is our biggest strength and once we drop that mask, once we accept ourselves and everyone else the way they are and where they are in their journey, once we share our true authentic vulnerable self, including our shadows, we discover the immense connecting and co-creative power of vulnerability. We are now establishing the missing link to allow the perfect divine, sacred dance WITHIN US and sharing and connecting it with those around us: The embodiment of sacred union.


– Vera Ingeborg
[Jacobi Padua]

MEMES – 26

Einstein opining?

How’re you doing re. finding a cause for error?
Let’s talk it thru shall we?
Error is unreal so ur looking for cnoause for no-thing!

S -I -L- E -N -C -E
S -I -L- E -N -C -E
S -I -L- E -N -C -E #ThisCanHealYou

The Wright Bros’ plane stayed up 57 seconds proved one can stay 57 hours.
Going 100 mph => 1000 mph
Heal headache =>
Heal anything

To be open to the Spirit you have to DROP OUT OF THE ILLUSION OF MATTER !
How can the material self receive the Spirit?

Joel tells you not to focus on matter and material universe coz there isn’t any.
Herb tells u how & why that’s true.

(a) To get that healing, promotion, opportunity or
(b) To use ur need as open door to pure Spirit?

SPIRIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
GOES . . . . .
. . . . . . . . …WHERE SPIRIT . . . . . . .
. . . IS !!!

Have you ever entered into the silence to listen to the Spirit
and then heard nothing??

When you get into ur quietness & go beyond death –
the place to go for healing is
beyond the illusion of death, beyond incarnation

IF YOU REALLY WANT HEALING, you must literally see, think & feel nothing but healing.
There’s no room for commiseration!

When your mind is overwhelmed by your body it has a very hard time hearing the exact opposite, e.g., healing – mental and physical

Do your level best to refrain from describing sickness, etc, etc,

Get to the Self that doesn’t live in physical form: there is such Self
What a glorious experience – seeing aright at last! #AWAKEN

than ur immediate needs everything changes.
U enter realm of bliss u never knew existed

The feeling derived from standing up for a friend who is being spoken ill of is precious!
It takes real godlike courage to do so.

When you ‘identify’ ‘your’ ‘problem’
you’ve already exacerbated it more than u could imagine

Imagine Heisenberg, Einstein & Schrödinger worried about whether their findings are under rubric of opinion, perspective, judgment

Be ‘willing’ to do the hard work – the very thing u thought u couldn’t – or didn’t want to – do.
U’ll find yourself

When you finally let go, to transition, you’ll feel another life stir within you and wake you up to the eternal kingdom of God.

What if EINSTEIN had said:
“E” may be equal, but it may just be my perspective stemming from my opining&judging…
to MCsquared

Can you actually
that you are pure Spirit? If so, your body CANNOT hurt you nor can u lack or fear or feel anxious at all.

When my 18 yr old sister was killed n car accident I clung to spiritual Truth
God IS her life & I could never lose her

I’ve decided to develop my spiritual acuity a little more every day by acting from a spiritual rather than material point of view.

Be ‘willing’ to do the hard work – the very thing u thought u couldn’t – or didn’t want to – do.
U’ll find yourself

Spiritual vs human integrity
Judge no one
= spiritual integrity! See Spirit in everyone!

Extremely helpful:
ANYTIME u wonder if u have time to spend w God in ur chosen way,
Then it’ll get done!

Spiritual vs human integrity
Judge no one
= spiritual integrity! See Spirit in everyone!

You must change ur way of life in order to be true to who u are
entails BE-ing Spirit & SEE-ing Spirit in

Every condition that is not in I-Christ is false belief
How to get rid of it?
Get rid of mind causing it!
U Have Mind Of Christ

I-Christ is all power
I am the “I” of everyone.
The life of Christ of me is invisible & indivisible #ChristInUsNow

Gradually you will find it’s a lot easier to live as a spiritual being.
Let’s walk from this instant on in our spiritual self.

I wonder if actors forget they are not the characters they’ve been portraying.
We too forget we aren’t these floundering mortals!

Love not the world – not even beautiful skyscrapers.
They’re not of God because
Ding! Ding! Ding!
They’re not Spirit & don’t last.

God has promised us eternal life.
is God,
L <3 V E Why should I have to love everyone I see? Coz everyone is the same stuff you are - SPIRIT It's a very, very powerful thing to do I've HAD it ALL and LOST it ALL, and in LOSING it ALL I've come to the REALIZATION I lost NOTHING at all. . Albert Joseph Jefferson If I can't see Christ, Spirit, God, Love, Life, Omnipresence in the other guy HEY! THAT'S ON ME !! I know the reality of ONENESS If you don't love the other guy u don't love God in him!!! Meditating on that will shed new light on ease & urgency of FORGIVENESS WHAT IS LOVE ? [you expect an answer to such a ginormous question in this lil meme?? Òkay here goes:] Love him = love God IN him ENTER THE SILENCE means just that! S-h-h-h-h Not a sound. Not even listening. Needs to be developed. S . I . L . E . N . C . E You don't have to love Joe Smith or Sue Whatever as you know them JUST LOVE GOD in them. You'll see mind-boggling happy changes! Verizon. Had helluva hard time w them while back FINALLY I GAVE UP all self-efforts completely. Only wanted God's will => HEALED !

Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Wasting or cherishing your life?

So … you’re young and handsome and have the world in the palm of your hand, huh?
You want to get your mix of the Spirit and material working just right for you? And you wonder if someone who’s been there, done that would sanction your approach?
Come all the way out from egotism and false glory and see just what you’re missing with your mixing mechanism. Can you not even see a ‘world’ free of selfies and pleasure-seeking? A world in which you as a separate entity simply don’t exist?
Hey I’m not putting you down … no way Jose!! Remember I’ve been there done that. I had a pretty good mix going … or so I thought! The mind was clear – fuzzy – clear – fuzzy! That’s euphemistic for being led around by one’s whims.
Do you have the gumption to focus all your precious attention on a non-material life? I don’t know, do you?

Explaining the inexplicable


People don’t go far enough in their application of the principles of truth.
It just shouldn’t have to be that way. If a person genuinely wants to see so-called ‘supernatural’ events occur they need to be willing to pay the price of discovering that “matter as such does not exist”. It requires mental effort – not the usual mental laziness – to grasp this profound spiritual healing fact.

Health – detox plus

Your intestines are as big as a football field and if you think that you don’t have to detox your body to be able to release weight, parasites, mucous, sticky fecal matter and or absorb proper nutrients from clean food, then you’re mistaken. Clean out your gut!!! Holding on to what no longer serves you well keeps you stuck in the past.😁🤗💚 INGREDIENTS!!!
6 organic lemons cut in half, 20 ounces of water, one tablespoon of freshly cut ginger root and one teaspoon of honey. If you triple the recipe ingredients, you’ll make enough for one 8 ounce cup per day for 7 days. Don’t make more than that amount because you want it to be as fresh as possible. Boil lemons and ginger for 5 minutes. Let cool for 10-15 minutes. Remove the lemons, strain the pulp and ginger from the water. Pour 8 ounces of the liquid into a tea/coffee cup add 1 tsp of honey and drink it everyday in the morning before you eat. Put the remaining mixture in the refrigerator. It can be reheated or drank cold. This mixture aids in weight release, boosts energy and metabolism, assists in digestion, clears the skin, cleans the intestinal tract, refreshes your breath and so much more!😁🍋👍🏾✨✨✨💚💚💚
Patricia Patton
Shared by Sharon Palmer Tucker

“The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been before”.
~Albert Einstein

Access to God thru silence – JSG

The access to God is through spiritual discernment, and spiritual discernment is a faculty of the Soul, the spirit, which is within you. Therefore, since access to God must be through the Soul, it can only be through silence, stillness, quietness. Then, “In the moment that ye think not, the bridegroom cometh.” In the moment when you are not thinking, the spirit of God, the voice of God, the action of God can take place within you. We read the books with the mind and we hear the tapes with the mind, but only in order that the message itself may quiet and still the mind and convince you of the need for that quietness.
Remember that behind the mind, there stands you. Take that with the word “I.” Behind the mind stands me. I am behind the mind and I can think thoughts through the mind, or I can still the mind. Then, in the stillness, the Soul faculty is in action. It comes awake in you, it comes alive in you, and then through the power of discernment you can know that which is unknowable, see that which is unseeable, hear that which is inaudible. It is a state of grace attained through stillness. “Be still, and know that I am God.” Then be still and listen for the still small voice, the voice of God.
When you have thought about and pondered this daily for quite some time, you will understand what I believe is the greatest principle revealed in the message of The Infinite Way: “My conscious oneness with God constitutes my oneness with all spiritual being and idea.” We call this the practice of meditation, or contemplation. Contemplation is a step before meditation. In contemplation you agree that the mind must be still so that you can listen and receive impartations through your Soul faculties. In order to receive these impartations you must be one with the spirit of God in you, the consciousness of God in you, and you attain this oneness through stillness.
In the beginning it is possible that you can hold this stillness for only five to ten seconds but, as you continue the practice, you will find you can hold it for a minute and that is really enough. Later you will be able to hold it as long as you wish or as long as there is a need, but only a minute accomplishes your purpose which is conscious oneness or conscious union with God. The moment I attain that stillness I am receptive, and my inner ear is open. And the moment I make that contact I know it because of a deep breath or because of some other manifestation. The moment I am one with it, I am one with everyone on the spiritual path and I am one with all spiritual grace, spiritual law and spiritual life that is in the entire world. It is for this reason that you need “Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on.” It is for this reason that you need take no thought for the human aspect of your life.
When you go into this meditation, clear out all thought of how you shall be healed, enriched, or how you shall be at peace with your neighbors. Drop all of this, for it is as foolish to take thought for these things as it is foolish afterward to give thanks for the new health or the new supply or the new business or the new friends. There is only one thing to be grateful for–that you have received the spirit of God. The palaces and the yachts can disappear as quickly as they came. By taking no thought for things and by centering your whole attention on this oneness with your source, what happens to the world of things makes no difference because even the lost years of the locust will be restored.

J. S. Goldsmith: Consciousness Transformed. Silence; Stillness; Quietness!; Kindle location: 5617-5644

HF Exercises

1. Take the babe from RE-CREATION to CREATION. Nurture it and develop it.
2. Transfigure yourself and the world. Understand that God is in you and all around you = God is you.
3. 10-15 min. Close your eyes but stay wide awake. Clear your mind and see what happens. Come out of the recreated material world and go back into the created world of God.
EXERCISES from HF Realization 1972 3A
4. There is no form (matter, body, thing-small or ginormous) outside of me, coming at me.
5. Everything is inside me. the truth High School menu your physical but within the cosmic consciousness.
6. Rest in the consciousness that you are Immortal Life. You have dominion in the knowledge of your identity. You do not accept the opposite of Immortal Life.
7. You are invisible. Practice it. Some day you’ll suddenly realize it. 93Chicago1a Immaculate conception
8. For 30 days practice the Light. It’s everywhere and everybody!
9. 15 min. in Spirit will teach you amazing things.
10. Search for your spiritual invisible body.