Everyone is expanding, changing, evolving, growing and becoming..
In order for a relationship to thrive, it must be allowed to be alive ~ to expand, with freedom to grow, in order for you to become the one God has in mind..
People will see things differently – because we are each at different stages of growth and becoming…
Religion expects people to conform – walk in lockstep, speak the same language – and whatever you do, don’t run out ahead or heaven forbid, question anything… That is not freedom, or love, or acceptance, and this is not good for any living thing…especially me.. & You!
<3 Kathleen~
~Kathleen DesVoigne
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I've often tried to pinpoint how it is that religion always goes amuck. The culprit as I see it is the expansion of the egotistical craving to Control others.
Monthly Archives: May 2018
MEMES – 11
The living reality becomes I to you
until there’s no longer any u left at all.
There’s just I.
There is no me sitting to meditate.
There’s no mortal being trying to get Spirit to do something.
It can’t be done!!
We’ve really gotta graduate from that belief !!!
I’m finding I’m not trying to control life
I can flow with Life’s internal rhythm.
Trying to control life is re-entering mortality
Everything I see out there is the world broadcast within me.
Reality reveals itself as the life of God, the Christ, in me.
Thinking you’re going to come out of the human form is like trying to cure the disease that isn’t there!!
You are not the flesh: you’re the child of God, entirely spiritual.
‘Knowing’ this is spiritual living, or sowing to the Spirit
I & the Father are One, living as one Son.
Spirit is everywhere: your Spirit everywhere is ur identity.
How glorious it is to see!
Got a problem? – You’re living in the 3rd dimension.
Want God’s help?
Go to the 4th dimension
How? By seeing ur already there! \♧/
As you let the mortal consciousness die I will step out of the tomb of mortal consciousness.
The Immortal, perfect, unchanging I is your name.
A great weight of world opinion hangs over all of us
World consciousness is fake
If ur not in Christ consciousness then ur subject to mortal law including sickness, lack, terror, storms, death
If you were to look upon a dead body &
you (God AS you) could raise the dead!
Would you like to try an exercise with me that will give your spiritual awareness a boost?
A “clear the mind” exercise UNTIL you break through to pure spiritual awareness should not be your goal but your STARTING POINT.
The Light is my being.
It doesn’t depend on mortal circumstances and mortal beliefs.
God expresses as the Light of my being.
Labels, Titles, special anointings – anything that separates us from others – only alienates the very people we’d like to inspire
Even mortality appearing as you will respond to your
If u see me u see Father
We’re accepting spiritual divinity
When you make a mistake [think contrary to your true identity] for heaven’s sake don’t exacerbate it by condemning yourself
You are a transparency for the infinite invisible but if you’re caught up in a personal self the Comforter can’t come unto you.
Let my every thought bear out that God, Truth, is expressing now right where the world sees me.
~Joel S. Goldsmith
In Spirit there is nothing to improve upon.
Whatever you believe needs improving is unreality
Stay illuminated!
Don’t meddle with falsehood!!!
Simply acknowledge the truth and let the truth do its work.
You shall
– K N O W – the truth
and the truth shall make you free.
There. Are. Not. Two. Powers. #NoDualism
“Thou seest me thou seest the Father”
The Christ = the Father.
Christ liveth my (Paul’s) life
The invisible Christ is our identity
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if no one ever tried to get money or popularity by sharing what they know about enlightenment!
No money!
Who told u that you couldn’t meditate without any human guidance & simply trust (Holy) Spirit to be in u where He has always been?
When bottom line is to gain money and/or popularity (or any other selfish pursuit) –
THAT’S religion !!
The antithesis of freedom
God has most amazingly incredibly wonderful ways of rewarding u for listening to Him who lives AS YOU !!
#Duality is terminated!
God is All.
This is ONENESS !!
Just because it’s not new discovery doesn’t make Oneness (Allness) any less amazingly wonderful!
Does a sunbeam seek the sun?
Behold, the kingdom of God is within you!”
Yeah more – God lives AS you!
#ThisCanHealYou, #AWAKEN
The “Christ” is in everyone and can be seen especially as we see Christ in ourself.
one living Son of God
Can a <"///>< leave the ~~~ and go search for the water? Its matrix is ~~~ Our womb is God. ~~ <"///>< ~~ Needing professional supervision to clear our minds completely = once again 'buying' into religion. Spirit alone destroys duality. Where isn't He/She if omnipresent? It is no longer,Come Holy Spirit, but Thank-you Holy Spirit for always being here in me! Kent It doesn't matter what name you give your problem(s), Christ moves mountain of error into the sea. We must be connected #NoDualism Just this moment I had a glorious realization: I'd been strongly desiring to go higher in my spiritual awareness. It has happened! We don't want to improve mortal body. Am I physical being? Or am I spiritual, perfect I that loves not the world? Be what you are. You fear for a loved one coz u think their life is in their form - but it isn't! Spirit, God is their substance. #DEHYPNOTIZE There is no external world. This forces you not to go outside of yourself. Why would u want to go into something that isn't there? Nothing has ever come to you from the external world. There isn't any! In "I" (Spirit) world no longer exists. Ceases to function. The sick person ur worried about isn't there. "I" is there right where suffering body seems to be. Can u see I-Spirit right there? There is no sickness in your spiritual body. There can be no disease, lack, impairment, aging, dying in your spiritual body.
Trouble pondering deeply?
Having trouble pondering deeply?
I wish I could think of a better expression than “flesh out” but that’s exactly what we want to do. [This is in direct contrast with going into the silence – deliberately clearing the mind completely – to be with one’s Source wordlessly.]
“God is All.” What does that mean to you? How can you apply it to your present understanding? What impact can be anticipated? Not only is God All, but He’s also Omnipresence and Omnipotence. Sickness, disease, lack, etc. cannot be where God is All, but God is All everywhere!! And what can attack you from the outside if God is all-power?
Sometimes I-Spirit makes a demand on us, something that will help us tremendously in our quest; but, alas, all too often we ignore this critical summons. That’s the time to ask “What didn’t I do that Spirit asked me to do?” That could contain the answer to all your problems!
Malpractice: universal and impersonal
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One of the greatest discoveries of this age is that our problems are caused by a universal, impersonal malpractice, brought about by the acceptance of the belief in two powers.
~Joel Goldsmith
The Contemplative Life
No doctrinal double-speak
A lot of heartache could be averted and a lot of inspiration gleaned if we would realize how lame our overly zealous quasi-religious expressions sound to new people – especially the young. Speak about Jesus, God, I AM, but let’s try emptying our terminology of doctrinal double-speak. Anyone and everyone on the planet deserves to know that God is within them – whether they acknowledge it or not. But a high and lofty throne room of glory? Tell them that symbolism has its place as an invaluable teaching assist, but at least always be able to speak plain relevant accessible truth.
Why does self separate itself? – Magdi Badawi
Friend: How come I imagine myself to be other than what I am, other than the Self? How come I imagine myself to be so separate? You speak over and over that we are wholeness and yet, we all experience being separate. Can you explain and help me solve this conundrum?
Reply: It is your freedom and infinite potential to create and conceptualize. The I-seed of conceptualization is planted within you. It arises since the ground is fertile, you assume the I-thought and the I-dentity as a separate form, a dream form.
The multiplicity of forms arises from the initial I-seed-form.
You dream yourself as form, as a concept, but all along, you remain as you are. You feel and believe something has happened, something is happening while nothing is happening.
You forget your knowingness in order to perceive the multiplicity. Upon your lost interest in the forms and names, you return to your recollection and realize your innate wholeness.
The multiplicity of form is imagined. It is mentation and like a dream, it completely dissolves upon your awakening from the dream.
At the core of all mind impressions is the stillness, the void emptiness of all forms.
Thoughts take you on a long and far journey and at some point they return to their source and reveal their emptiness.
The Self never goes anywhere. Where would it go since it is beyond concept?
Friend: Thank you. I understand the teaching and yet I feel trapped as if my life is a routine, spinning the same thing over and over without being able to escape.
Reply: You dream this spin as soon as you leave yourself. You are perceiving through the concept and you have defined yourself as a form in order to experience the world body mind.
It is not your life that is a routine. Rather it is you that is a routine: ‘I am the body mind’ is the routine that spins you. It is this limited identification that is repetitive. It suffocates you and spins you around the same belief.
Upon awakening from the dream, the repetitive images cease and you find yourself awake as you have ever been.
Friend: I cannot wait to awaken!
Reply: Look behind the mirror. The images in the mirror lure you and distract you. Ask yourself: What am I truly? but do not address this question to your concept or your past. Ask it to the Self.
The real one who is asking and the real one who is being asked are one and the same. None of which has ever been anything else but the Self.
~Magdi Badawi
Steps leading to breakthrough
WHEN YOU EXPERIENCE a major spiritual breakthrough, try to vividly recall the final steps leading to your glorious overcoming. Then when the world mind tries to pull you down with a brand new horror story, you’ve got that critical moment leading to a huge victory to bask in once again and forever!