Monthly Archives: April 2018

Symbology is a temporary expedient

For those of us who are trying to reach new people, there is good news: we don’t have to hang on to symbolic language as if it had power by itself. Some years ago I read The Book and was so enamored of the expression ‘heaven invading earth’ and ‘Throne Room glory’. These expressions blessed me immensely then but it wasn’t the words or the symbology: it’s what I needed at that time. Since then I’ve learned so much more…

MEMES – 10

You thought you were forgiving as you believed God wanted you to but alas it’s still there!
There’s too much ‘you’ trying too hard

So what should I doooo?
I wanna forgive the $#%& but I caaan’t!
You’re in the wrong realm. God doesn’t live there!

You just don’t truly grasp
H O W _ M U C H
it is true that if God (infinite Good) didn’t make it, it isn’t real.
See Christ instead

Right where you see that awful person/situation know that in Spiritual reality, something very real & substantial was instead: God

I still see people flipping back & forth, back & forth!
Please quit doing that to yourself!
Go. Directly. To. Spirit. God. & Stay.

So what’s it gonna be for the rest of your life?
Th hypnotic state you [no one in particular] have been in
Or break free forever?

If you can begin to see what is & was there instead of awful (seeming) condition, great!
If you can actually see God, Love
WOW !!

Will those of you who have no forgiveness issues to mind please raise your hands!
See that? I didn’t see single hand!

When you still have that gnawing in the stomach after many many years of trying to forgive it’s time to quit.
God has a better way

Over the years I’ve heard so much really good stuff about forgiveness
Really really good!
Only problem is it doesn’t work.

When our relationship with God becomes so unspeakably important that nothing else matters, forGIVING is automatic!


The time will come in your life when
you will find yourself separating yourself from world mind #NoDualism
~Herb Fitch

Thinking you’d like to drop off a few pounds but wondering if you’re too self(small ‘s’) absorbed?
I went from 136 to 120 !
\O/ 😀

You are not going to heal ____.
You are being called upon to step aside and see the perfect divine being right there instead.

One can read posts & think “Well I wouldn’t have said it that way but I see where they’re coming from.”
= encouragement

JESUS said “You ARE the Light of the world.”
In ONENESS we ARE everything God is RIGHT NOW.
Our #Consciousness is already perfect!

Spiritual forgiveness is predicated on the fact that there’s nothing to forgive.
Spiritual healing means nothing to heal.

Jesus never healed the withered arm.
God never created a withered arm.
Or a good arm.
God is Spirit and that’s why we are too!

What if you discovered that whatever sickness, disease, lack ur suffering is 100% in your mind and can be healed?

Searching for your perfect mantra for today?
How about (to any distraction):

Isn’t th endeavor to clean & clear up one’s thinking before ‘going’ to God a lot like washing up before taking a bath?

The only thing mortal about you is your belief in mortality.
With no belief in it we’re released from the cycle of reincarnation

Whatever you know with your five senses is in your mind.
You are in conscious awareness of an incorporeal universe.

All is One Infinite I.
“It is I: do you not hear me?”
The more you can’t find you, the more you’ll find I. #ChristInUsNow

God isn’t corporeal, mortal, finite nor imperfect
Grace will get you to perfect AWARENESS if you’ll let it

You too will step out of the wilderness when you realize that
immortal being.

What jams up new awareness is inquirer insists on hurling himself headlong back into mortal dream in last ditch effort to fix it.

The revelation of immortality is universal.
Jesus doesn’t need to come back to this material earth for us to do even greater works

If you believe in Immortal I as substance of ur being then works that the I did as Christ consciousness in biblical days u can do.

If you accept I as your immortal selfhood, u can surely say with Jesus “I and the Father are ONE !”
Ponder such truths long & deep

There’s a thing been going on with me for quite a long time now
Me: I empty myself of me & want only I AM.
God: Write…
[So I do]

Look within you:
It is I.
Be not afraid: it is I.
The I in the other person (friend or enemy) is the same I that is in you. And me

Do you want to go from a bad state of materialism to a good state of materialism?
Jesus didn’t.
That wasn’t his purpose on earth.

Choose this day who you will serve.
Are you born of the flesh?
Or of Spirit?
You can’t be both although many of us keep trying to!

The I of me is God
I Am protected from the world mind.
Take no thought for your mortal life
coz you never had one! #ChristInUsNow

I in the midst of you Am God.
Be still and know that I Am God.
I can never leave u.
I – your immortal Self – raise u from the dead

If you’re seeing mere mortals you’re in mortal consciousness!
If ur seeing immortals ur in Christ consciousness!
● No confusion ●

You live in a Spiritual universe by being conscious of it
You’re being lifted to new kind of independent life not subject to world

Very few people have no problem meditating.
The reason?
Human beings are trying to meditate.
Turn to I to do all ur meditating…

Dispense with false allegiances

Every once in a while in my very long love relationship with Father, God, I have come across a teaching that knocks my socks off.

A very fine point that I gleaned in the ensuing study was this: ONCE YOU DETERMINE THAT THE TEACHING IS ROCK SOLID (1.) Dispense with trying to poke holes in it. Holy Spirit has already sent you there. (2.) Quit obsessively trying to make it blend with your old method that has failed you for so long. (3.) Look for the new message that Papa wants you to come away with.

Be courageous and trust that God doesn’t need or want to hold you back with old methodology, uninspired interpretations and false allegiances. God is pure, vibrant, living Love.

Crippled man’s baptism not wrong

Briefly watching on fb a water baptism of a very elderly crippled man, my first thought was “Why…?” Then I realized that while his relationship with God was quite different from mine, it didn’t mean that one way was superior and another inferior: they were just different.
One very valuable expression of love – the Jesus type of love – that we can always exercise is to see our every-brother as God sees us AND ACT THAT WAY !! There exist multifarious similarities between ourselves, wanting to enlighten the world and others who also want to share.
So, where the elderly gentleman had all he could do to get his aching body into the baptismal tub, he certainly was exhibiting an astounding degree of faith. Who am I to say his way – though not my way – is wrong? Judging one another’s pure heart of God will bring untold unity.

Misinterpreting and mocking

To “follow” someone doesn’t mean walk after their human body (dead or alive) in your human body.
It means to appreciate what they’ve given the world in terms of spiritual insight and inspiration.
Why do we get such a kick out of misinterpreting what someone says and then mocking them? What loving purpose does it serve?

The same extreme commitment – rjs

Have you ever tried and tried
And tried some more
To get Spirit fully infused
In your conscious awareness
But nothing ever worked until
You hit an emergency situation
Where hope had vanished and
Help was nowhere in sight?

In utter desperation you had an
Epiphany: “Nothing else matters
In this sorry mess of mine
Or anywhere else in the world.
I don’t care anymore, that’s all I know.
God, divine Spirit, I want only You ….. Everything was SUDDENLY HEALED?

You were astonished beyond measure
Sure you were dreaming – how could
It be that you … unworthy for lack
Of insight and perspicacity … you
Could have received such an
Unspeakably amazing miracle
Midst all the sad drama of yesterday?

But now that’s months ago already
And you’re trying, trying, trying
To keep the elation, the astonishment
Alive. You want to bask in it forever
But how? What to do? Should I dare
Recreate an hideous, horrible, Life-
Threatening situation?

Think deeply now: it’s not the situation
But the exact same degree of intense
Critical commitment that you finally
Had in place the last time — moments
WHATSOEVER except proof that Spirit,
God, was fully in charge.

On Mysticism – RJS

(Dr Robin Starbuck)
We mustn’t tarry, fret or fear
When our heart’s desire
they cannot hear.
It wasn’t meant for them –
not now. Just listen, for
God will show you how:
“What if I told Mary,
Joe and Sue
things that weren’t
Intended for you?”
So what? Who cares?
We’ve our own way
A mystery generated
On our eternal Day.

Long past time we discover – Frank Johnson

The pursuit of truth will require a change in our life. It may help to take notice of the example of Jesus, remembering that he spent 30 years in preparation before he began is public ministry. It helps to drop all assumptions; in other words, don’t assume that Jesus was on some divine fast-track. Jesus spent countless hours in silent prayer before he went public. Does it take 30 years? No. What we are seeking can happen in an instant.

There is no singular path to truth; but, the introspection necessary will assuredly require the prayerful courage to step out of our religious doctrinal box. You are not looking to affirm your beliefs, you are looking to discover, to experience and realize the truth for yourself. In the past, you simply believed. Now the question becomes “Who am I”? Jesus knew who he was… it’s long past time that we discover that same reality for ourselves.
~Frank Johnson

Discovering the unreality of matter

When we first get an inkling that there’s another realm – the realm of Spirit – we can’t help but get rather curious about how it could impact our life.
Our thoughts naturally go to “spirits”, demons and things that go bump in the night. But we be wrong!! It’s Spirit (capital S), Infinitude, Eternality — the realm of God. Don’t run away yet – wait till you hear what’s really going on.
We get to choose which to believe: (a) matter is overwhelmingly real, solid, formidable, subject to birth, death and all the ills in between or (b) matter is pure illusion.
When we decide that we really want to “get” the claims of enlightenment (born out by such reputed scientists as Einstein himself) that matter doesn’t of its own accord have a leg to stand on, we find there exists a ‘substance’ (called Spirit), having precious little in common with matter.
The only fine point that we find so difficult to wrap our matter-based, matter-laden brains around is “how in the world is it possible that infinite, perfect, eternal Spirit is right here where matter seems to be?”
When we do start to realize this unspeakable, glorious truth, a whole new world opens up for us. All we have to do now is to realize we’ve just got the first inkling: there’s infinitely more waiting to unfold!