Monthly Archives: October 2017

Spiritual due diligence fantasy interview

I just had a fantasy interview in my mind. A big shot TV personality wants to question me:

BigShot: So, lemme see if I got this straight. Yer sayin’ . . .
theRobin: Lemme stop you right there. I DO NOT answer questions about Spirit in the material realm. I’ll give you three chances.
BigShot: Why don’t you …?
theRobin: Coz He ain’t there. Strike One.
BigShot: I thought you claimed …
theRobin: “I” didn’t “claim” anything. Strike Two.
BigShot: Wait a minute! I’m gonna mess up this whole interview just because I didn’t do a little due diligence. What can we tell our viewers that will open their eyes to the spiritual realm and enable them to glean its beneficence?
theRobin: YOU have just arrived!

Courage to forget

Isn’t it spiritually logical that
we should have the promises of God
and the abilities of Jesus?
What is there to stop us? Nothing.
OUR IDENTITY is God’s very BE-ing.

It really, really, REALLY
behooves us then
to let the whole world slip away
as we bask in the glow of
perfection everywhere.

See your true identity
without beginning, without end
loving everything and everyone
out of our own effervescing bounty

Wrong foundation => lack of awareness

Our entire Western culture –
brilliant as it may be (sarcasm intended)
is founded upon the mistaken
assumption that our conscious
awareness starts and ends within
the confines of our bodies.

Everything we think and do
is but an extention of this
unfortunate false belief.
Praise God said the poet
Whose oneness knows no before
Nor after – unless ’tis He.

Give value to … above all else …
Worthy of our praise: Consciousness.
How long can we sit, looking down upon
The truest of wisdom of the ages?
Who is the ” I ” behind the observer,
the holy thinker, the infinite “Us”?

Point of view, they query,
Is One only – undefiled and true –
Knower and Known, Awareness
Not trapped inside the carnal.
But free within the parameters
Of the Eternal Now.

“Trying to grasp, handle, be boss” JM

I must confess I’m still trying to ‘grasp’ it at times and it’s always way too slippery to handle, but then ‘handle’ in this case means I’m still trying to be Boss and retain control.
This is reminding me more and more of when I was learning to ride a bicycle. Temporary success followed by repeated failure until one day I finally ‘got it’ and just simply glided away…
~Jim Muffo

Keep affirming and affirming

I’m just a person – like you.
Listening to Spirit’s leading
Wanting all He’s given us
And willing to do my part.

I’ve prolly had ’bout erry kinda
Problem man is heir to
Then I began listening to my own
True self, free of fear ‘n doubt

Free of dualism too
No more Two Worlds for me.
Just gotta keep on affirming
The beautiful realm of God.

It’s all about identity

If you are trying very hard to believe, you’ve missed the whole point. You don’t have to try to believe that two times two is four (2 X 2 = 4) because you know it is. Any effort that you may make to force yourself to believe something that you just don’t see at all is worse than futile.

Now you’re ready for the exciting news! The fact is that the real you is invisible and is the Christ living through you, as you instead of the troubled and lonely person you thought you were! You can choose to identify with the real you once and for all. You don’t have to try to con yourself into believing something far-fetched: God and his kingdom are the real deal!

God’s allness within

God’s purpose is not to make
this world hunky-dory for everyone.
His thoughts don’t begin at birth
and end at death.
And yet the kingdom of God
according to the Bible,
is in heaven and on Earth.

How this can be is only
discovered as we loosen our hold
on the fleeting and material,
dare to think without the box
and discover the realm of the real –
the realm of I AM, BE-ing, ONEness,
God’s allness within.

All problems from Separate Self <=> Invisible Self

Every problem you have ever had
is simply your unawareness
of your invisible self.
You are laboring under the illusion
of a self separated from God.

You keep wandering off, don’t you?
Wanting to solve all these problems
All these god-forsaken problems
The very best way you can
But you don’t know how to!

Even when you hear that you’re
only ever snipping off the tips
and never ferreting out the roots
you still really don’t know
quite what to do!

All of the “problems” and “mistakes”
can be instantly boiled down to one:
a false belief in a separate self –
lack of awakening to the fact
of your invisible being!

One way or the other
there’s a glorious bright side.
The extraordinary good news is
you still have a wonderful journey
of finding your identity in the Invisible.