Are you no longer teachable?
Are you so far above all the rest?
Have you a special title and position?
Are the rest of them unenlightened?
Are you gathering them all around you?
Do you never entertain selfish thoughts?
Have you forgotten the infallible key?
Just asking.
Monthly Archives: October 2017
You have arrived!
You need to know now
That you have arrived.
Not a ticker-tape parade
But a knowing …
A deep, deep down knowing
That you’re here, you’re fully
Prepared, you’re ready
This IS your eternal life.
Nothing outside has changed
Not a thing. But you’re here.
You’ve always wanted to be
Right here – right where you are!
All the old stuff sits frozen
Unable to call the shots
Anymore. You’ve gotten to the
Place you’ve always dreamed of!
You could scream and shout
Hallelujah I’m here! Or, better yet
Just enjoy your brand new
Capacity to love.
This fulfilled dream of a lifetime
Cannot fluctuate, cannot fade
Cannot betray, cannot die.
Bask in it, sweet one, you’re here!
Spiritual measuring rod
I can’t tell you
strongly enough
how very very important
it is to have a spiritual
measuring rod
to guide you
through the maze
of new-old spiritual
The moment you find
the slightest trace
of personal sense
on your part or another’s,
beware: it shouldn’t be!
Don’t despair now
but do avail yourself
of that which pulls you
back to unconditional
all-inclusive Love.
Empty yourself completely
like you’ve never
ever thought possible
but when an unwanted
self-serving craving
comes a-knocking
remember your charge
includes only perfect man
– every-man – joined by
perfect infinite Love.
Mike said I was a human being! Waaah!
I remember like it was yesterday, running to mama, crying “W-a-a-a-a-h, Mike said I was a human being! :'( I’m not a human being – I’m a girl!
Well, I’ve come a long way since then, I hope :p . But this is reminiscent of what I’m seeing everywhere these days – stuck-in-the-mud type thinking. A real Christian doesn’t do thus and so. They think thus and so. Living a schizoid life seems more “christian” than fully discovering their true Self. 🙁
Standing in that place between two thoughts
On forgiveness –
We tend to harbor enmity, judgement, criticism towards a person that we’re struggling to forgive. But where does our blaming exist sandwiched between two blaming thoughts?It’s not there! That’s the place of forgiveness. (ACIM calls it the Holy instant.) It happens outside of time as time requires thought. Between thoughts there isn’t such a thing as time.
During that timeless moment I am simply pure self-aware being, not having perceptions, feelings, sensations or even thoughts to regard. And the person we’re trying to forgive is exactly the same self-aware, unlimited person as we are. In that space is love: that’s what we have in common.
In other words with love as our shared being we can rise above the sensations and thoughts that color our perceptions. We have the same being and can experience the fact that we are one.
True forgiveness is not imposing forgiveness onto my thoughts: that’s why it never worked before. That place within ourselves that stands between two thoughts but is always present behind our thoughts is our actual empty, transparent, self-aware being, free of thinking and feeling.
We don’t have to forgive. We simply need to stand in that place where there is nothing to forgive there is only our being in love with the other person. That place is in between two thoughts.
God is our very Life.
The entire revelation of Jesus is that God is our very Life. “When you see me, you see the Father” (Jesus). What then is missing, or why don’t we see this reality? We are not aware because our religious instruction is so shallow, and so poor; we are not shown how to let go of self and realize our true Nature as Jesus did. Believing is a good first step, but it is not the same as inner realization.
~Frank Johnson
I was learning different things
“I have passed through fire and deep water, since we parted. I have forgotten much that I thought I knew, and learned again much that I had forgotten.” J.R.R. Tolkien, LOTR
No time to say, with AJJ, It depends.
I’m caught up in a dilemma
Not quite sure how to resolve.
I have a very full friends list
FB, twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn,
Bunch a blogs ‘n other stuff
Number exceeds 20,000
Not only that but the variety
Is most deliberate: all ages,
Races, levels of spiritual
So-called knowledge! From newbies
To gurus and back again,
If you know what I mean!
My hope, my dream, my heart’s delight
Is to alienate as few people as possible.
When those outside our sheltered
Internet world ask That Question:
“Are you a Christian”?
“It all depends on how one defines CHRISTIAN. If one is referring by that nomenclature to traditional doctrinal beliefs promulgated by a Western understanding of Holy Scriptures, then, NO, I AM not a “Christian.” However, if one means one’s belief in the Universality of the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS which is one with LOVE being one’s natural and only state, then, YES, I AM a Christian and brother to CHRIST and a Son of My Father.” <3 ~PA~. Albert Joseph Jefferson
Sometimes they need a “Yes/No” answer
As in the case of a
Brief presentation.
There’s simply not the time
Nor space to say, with AJJ, It depends.
One was deemed real, but dies
as it approaches the Light.
The other never was real
so it leaves nothing to die
as it becomes overwhelmed.
The latter was imaginary
born of the ego or finite mind.
The latter is you and me
and our glorious love-laden
Christly imagination.
There is no death to a non-entity.
The ego gets seen through.
The person’s spiritual eyes open.
Seeing no one ever separated
From the Consciousness of God.
The ego is a non-entity
Good news! Good news!
The ego is not your enemy
to overcome in battle.
The ego is a non-entity,
a misapprehension,
having nothing to do with
“I” (God) who is really you!
Dwelling on the negative
is futility at its pristine best
futility born of pain and fear
unable to withstand any test
we open our eyes now and
begin to see I AM, God, is me.