Monthly Archives: August 2017

Andrew Wommack – God is all good: here, in heaven

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. MATTHEW 6:10 Jesus continued to praise God, declaring, “Father, I know that it’s Your will for things to be done on earth the way they are in heaven.”In heaven, there’s no sickness. Therefore, it’s not God’s will for you to be sick! There’s no poverty in heaven. So it’s not God’s will for you to be poor here on earth! In the presence of the Lord, there is abundant joy, shouting, singing, praising, and worshiping. That’s what heaven is like, and it’s how He expects us to be here on earth!
~ Andrew Wommack

Pride VS what God really is

PRIDE NEEDS TO BE HAMMERED AWAY AT: it’s worse than useless – it’s utterly destructive!
I am not a good, generous, kind, philanthropic person. Those qualities are God in me, or better yet, God as me.
KNOW YOURSELF !! BE YOURSELF !! But for goodness’ sake, know that your I AMness, your Oneness, IS GOD.
That’s what God is!!!!!

“False teaching” is an easy cop-out!

It’s just a little bit too fashionable to judge everything as “FALSE TEACHING”.

I’m becoming more and more uncomfortable with the idea of “false teaching.”

It’s just a mostly meaningless term that we slap on anything we disagree with, or haven’t been studious enough to actually look into for ourselves. When we use it, we defile, in both our own eyes, and those who respect our opinion, ideas and thoughts that may be true, but that we were either too lazy, complacent, or fearful to actually look into. The thing is, though, if you take the time to familiarize yourself with an idea, even if you continue to disagree with it, you at least come away with a respect for it when you understand how it works, where it came from, and how it emerged. Like a person whose story you take the time to learn, ideas can be respected, even while being fully rejected. Of course, this does not work across the board, and sometimes the history of an idea only adds to our disdain for it, but most things Christians carelessly slap the label “false teaching” on, do not fall into that category.

When you place a label like that on an idea that is central to a person’s identity, you not only defile the idea itself, but the person, in your mind, and open the door for you finding justification for mistreating and disrespecting that person. And that is never ok.
Jeff Turner

Love your enemies

Ye have heard
that it hath been said,
Thou shalt love thy neighbour,
and hate thine enemy.
[44] But I say unto you,
Love your enemies,
bless them that curse you,
do good to them that hate you,
and pray for them which
despitefully use you,
and persecute you;
[45] That ye may be
the children of your Father
which is in heaven:
for he maketh his sun to rise
on the evil and on the good,
and sendeth rain on the just
and on the unjust.
[46] For if ye love them
which love you,
what reward have ye?
do not even the publicans the same?
[47] And if ye salute
your brethren only,
what do ye more than others ?
do not even the publicans so?
[48] Be ye therefore perfect,
even as your Father
which is in heaven is perfect.
Matthew 5:43-48 kjv

Houston flooding

If you want to pray
About the flooding in Houston
Wouldn’t it be more godlike to
Pray for all of Houston?
And more effective to want to
Know Who and What
God really is?
We miss out on so much
When we keep pulling God down
(As if we could!)
To our extremely limited view
Where checking against
Our expectations is the norm.
Instead let’s lift ourselves up
To full Spiritual awareness
And stay there.


Could I just say one little thing
About the God you’ve discarded?
That wasn’t God!!
People are making sport of synonyms:
They believe in ONE,
But not in God.
They believe in creating,
As if that term conjures up
No chance of misappropriation!
But they whisk away Spirit, God,
Who is behind all glorious creativity.
Oneness is not a new dis-covery!
I AM was before the flood!
God can be misunderstood,
Misinterpreted, mistaken
But He cannot be affected by all of that!
God is not loving: He IS Love.
God’s not spiritual: He is Spirit.
God isn’t powerful: He’s all power.
God isn’t beautiful: He is Beauty, Harmony, Perfection.
Why does man want to separate
The very Substance of his Being
By refusing to recognize

Rooted in God consciousness

We are rooted in God:
We live, move
And have our being
In Him.
Consciously knowing it
Is quite another thing.
When we indulge
In a little hatred
A bit of fear
Jealousy and envy too
We separate ourselves
From all His love.
Now, how could that be
You say,
When we are rooted
In God?
Check your spiritual
What do you want
To attain
When you have infinity
In your palms?
And how dearly
Are you loving
Your eternal life?
As an heir of God
You have all –
Every last thing –
That God is.

The higher level

God’s work is finished. The higher level is spiritual and is accessible now! We don’t need to do anything: we don’t even need to wait. Let go of all the preconceived notions about what you think you want, need, should feel, should have, and only believe. A joy heretofore unknown should sweep over you and wash through you, confirming that you are in the center of His will right this very moment … and forever.