Monthly Archives: July 2017

Instead of waiting…

Instead of waiting for God to speak to you, you can literally start the communication. For example “Remember, YourName, that I Am ……” and “Bear in mind [YourName] that …….” [You fill in the blanks AS God talking]. It will blossom into a full-fledged contact with God and immediate communication from Him. The real rest will ensue.

Something else!

we were always the Son of God.
Always means always.
All of us means all of us!
It’s all about recognition.
Recognition of
Christ in us.
There was never a moment that I
was not the Christ, the I AM,
Even when I thought I was
Something else!!

Connecting with God

Words are not necessary: they can help you align your thought but the goal is actually REST in God. When your mind is still, God’s mind can fill you up with a level of joy that is indescribable! So, listen with your whole heart.

When the connection is made – and maintained – consistently over time, you’ll start to think as God instead of needing to make contact with Him.

Eventually – after much surrendering and hearing His voice, a most delightful event will occur: you’ll recognize that His voice ACTUALLY IS YOUR VOICE !!!

States and stages

You may be more aware in one area and I may be more so in another in our apprehension of spirituality but it behooves us to exercise our freedom to follow God alone and not be swayed by appearances.

One thing is consistent, though. We cannot help an ailing patient if our thought and feelings are on the same level as theirs. Far better is it to go off to our private place spiritually, see the claim for what it is and bring our conscious awareness of God’s ever-presence and power to bear on it.

It has been my experience to have healings take place on the inside before I see any evidence on the outside. Oftentimes a problem disappears when all focus on it has been removed.

Bearing in mind our Goal is total Rest in God and acknowledging we’re anything but that right now, we’ve realized there’s no harm in making a supreme effort to contact God! Ironic as it seems – Him living in and through and AS us – we must want to hear him within.

You can’t go wrong to hold your runaway worldly thinking in check and deal with issues in a more graded manner ‘fore they run you totally off your course. The discipline that you allow to assure this is accomplished is only temporary, rest assured (pun intended).

Talk to God. But be sure to quiet down and listen to Him. Exercise that discipline against intruding thoughts UNTIL you are overcome with Love flooding all your senses and welling up in that thinking box that tried to give you so much trouble! Don’t be afraid to stay put indefinitely – nothing in the world could be more important.

Nothing whatsoever.

What is matter and from whence came it?

Dark matter, the major constituent of all matter, is still a conundrum for scientists and cosmologists alike as they probe existing theories and propose new ones that hope to finally explain exactly what matter is … and isn’t.

The latter, fuzzy dark matter, is being called into question as cold dark matter has proven to be more consistent with data provided be theoretical physicists at University of Washington’s astronomy department.
Dr. Robin Starbuck

Want to contact God?

IF YOU WANT TO MAKE CONTACT WITH GOD, look away from your problem(s) with such absorption in God that you literally want Him more than the answers you think you need. This changes a person’s whole attitude and opens up a wonderful receptivity to God.

Imagine realms

is a word I used to relegate to New Agers with the automatic assumption that it referred exclusively to the use of the human (carnal) mind and that it necessarily probed the deep recesses of darkness and confusion.

Maybe so, but taking leave of the material realm, our imagination is free to soar the boundlessness of Spirit, God. This ability is developed with use and shows us mind-boggling realities of Truth unbound!

Needless to say, now whenever I hear ‘imagine’ I need to know which realm as they’re all right here, right now right in our face!!

A testimony explained

Late last night I started with chills then a fever for about 3 hours. Its been about 34 years since I had something like that. After about 3 hours I said ok, wait a minute, I don’t have to take this. So I decided to listen for Gods voice, what many say is a still small voice, although it has never been still nor small for me. After about 15 minutes I gave up and started to thank God for all He has done for me whether I understood it all or not. After another 15 minutes of praising God and thanking Him, I finally heard His voice. He said, “now you are getting it. Now You understand that it makes no differance whether it’s My voice or your voice, they are the same! We are one!” “It is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives in me” as Paul said! What I spoke caused what I desired to come into the visible realm from the invisible realm. I was speaking my own healing, or rather He was, or we were together! You see The Mind of Christ in me together with the faith of Christ showed me how to create or preceive what always was in the spiritual realm and speak it, or manifest it in my body! Now that is revelation! Jesus Rocks!
RJS: I was especially blessed, Tim, by this part: “He said, “now you are getting it. Now You understand that it makes no differance whether it’s My voice or your voice, they are the same! We are one!” “It is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives in me” as Paul said!”
It comes to me like that occasionally but not nearly often enough. I’ve been finding myself more and more willing to let go of more and more junk to make room for a fuller demonstration of the “REST” of God. Your testimony has truly encouraged me. Tysm