Monthly Archives: June 2017
‘Cooling my heels’
GOD DOES NOT CAUSE SUFFERING nor does he revel in seeing his beloved in pain. Having said that, I’ve been at this spirituality thing a long, long time and I know it develops with practice. I also know unfortunately (!) that a very large percent of my spiritual growth has been owing to my often being forced to ‘cool my heels’ by facing one seemingly insurmountable issue or another.
Blond men jokes
A blond man is in the bathroom and his wife
shouts: “Did you find the shampoo?”
He answers, “Yes, but I’m not sure what
to do; it’s for dry hair, and I’ve just wet mine.”
A blond man goes to the vet with his goldfish.
“I think it’s got epilepsy,” he tells the vet.
The vet takes a look and says, “It seems calm enough to me.”
The blond man says, “Wait, I haven’t taken it out of the bowl yet.”
A blond man spies a letter lying on his doormat.
It says on the envelope “DO NOT BEND “.
He spends the next 2 hours trying to figure out how to pick it up.
A blond man shouts frantically into the phone, “My wife is pregnant and her contractions are only two minutes apart!”
“Is this her first child?” asks the Doctor.
“No!” he shouts, “this is her husband!”
A blond man was driving home, drunk as a skunk. Suddenly he has to swerve to avoid a tree, then another, then another.
A cop car pulls him over, so he tells the cop about all the trees in the road.
The cop says, “That’s your air freshener swinging about!”
A blond man’s dog goes missing and he is frantic. His wife says “Why don’t you put an ad in the paper?”
He does, but two weeks later the dog is still missing.
“What did you put in the paper?” his wife asks.
“Here boy!” he replies.
A blond man is in jail. The guard looks in his cell and sees him hanging by his feet.
“Just WHAT are you doing?” he asks.
“Hanging myself,” the blond replies.
“The rope should be around your neck” says the guard.
“I tried that,” he replies, “but then I couldn’t breathe.”
An Italian tourist asks a blond man: “Why do scuba divers always fall backwards off their boats?”
To which the blonde man replies: “If they fell forward, they’d still be in the boat.”
A friend told the blond man: “Christmas is on a Friday this year.”
The blond man then said, “Let’s hope it’s not the 13th.”
Two blond men find three grenades, and they decide to take them to a police station.
One asks: “What if one explodes before we get there?”
The other says: “We’ll lie and say we only found two.”
A woman phoned her blond neighbor man and said: “Close your curtains the next time
you & your wife are having sex. The whole street was watching and laughing at you yesterday.”
To which the blond man replied: “Well the joke’s on all of you because I wasn’t even at home yesterday.
Stream-of-consciousness Treatment
“This morning I broke through a great deal of distractions and finally made it to giving myself a full-fledged treatment. this is what I’d like to recommend for you as well. once I had decided that I was going to do this treatment a distracting thought occurred to me so I said “number one” and then another distracting thought and I said “number two” number three I got up Way Beyond number 10 and finally I broke through. in the past I would have called the distracting thoughts the act of the devil but I’ve come to know that the best way to deal with even the slightest thought of the devil is to deny him existence but that’s not what this is all about. I got to that place where I could give my treatment and in this particular case I literally put my left hand tightly over my eyes and determined not to release it until I had finished, so great were the distractions prior to that!
although I know perfectly well that God Lives within me and lives as me and through me, in order to get a smooth communication I elected to regard my listening session as him speaking to me.
“You are on track now Robin and you’re hearing me clearly. yes I am speaking from within you and as you but for communications sake I am telling you that when you look for perfection in order to see me well that’s a very good thing but you’ve kind of got it backwards. You see I AM Perfection and as you see Me you simply see Perfection everywhere. I am love and as you see Me you see love everywhere I am life and you can see true life everywhere and most importantly I am you. you are me. We Are One. what I am and what I have is yours , yay more it is you. everything about you is spiritual and perfect because you remember that’s what I am. when you think of that person that’s been so hard to forgive, think about a whole new spin on that so-called history. It was absolutely necessary in order for you to open your eyes to ME. now they’re wide open, no thanks to all those distractions earlier!!! But we made it. no you want to be able to dismiss that seemingly Unforgivable issue well let’s do it with utmost Authority right now. just see as Jesus sees. see knowing that I’m within you seeing as you. remember trying to locate yourself within your body and you couldn’t find it? the best you could do is to say that you reside behind your own eyes? think of that location & person as I AM because that’s exactly what I AM. think with the mind of Christ because that’s the only mind that you have. do you see now how it is that you don’t need approval from anyone? when people seek approval from you, you can honestly say that they’re on the right track because they are seeing I AM in you [but of course you’ll tell them the Truth.]
Remember, Robin, when you had a hard time with the concept of I Am? it always seemed like an incomplete sentence. it’s God. it doesn’t need to be completed by anything else. it’s you. you don’t need to be completed by anything else.”
The “Accuser” (satan, devil, demons) THESAURUS !!
Why don’t believers really believe this?
This made me very happy today!
“May something beautiful inspire you today. May something powerful comfort you. May something true anchor you today” was the text of a beautiful meme scribed by Chuck Crisco. It gave me quite a boost, coupled with a desire to have it written on my very soul so that my further spiritual growth would start at this position and never slip back again.
You see, I had a brief flirtation with futurism when I first enlisted in social media. They were fine, loving people who wanted nothing more than to pluck me from that list of fence-sitters who more than likely would wind up in hell.
I got skeert coz I wasn’t sure what they were seeing! Whenever I posted my own “God is Love, Spirit, Life” they would jump down my throat like there was no tomorrow!
Their mantra was always to ‘rejoice’ because I wasn’t(?) going to hell like thousands, maybe millions, of others were. This thought never actually gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling.
But this morning I got a unique message that I think will keep me in that spiritual place that I crave: “You have got the prize: the awareness that I am IN you, I am AROUND you, I AM YOU !! . This is not a message that excludes anyone but includes everyone! It blesses all who my thoughts rest upon! And it blesses all who my thoughts don’t.
All of the above has made me very happy today!
I’d take no prisoners!!!
A. You’ve got a problem – a huge one that just won’t let go. It’s not your fault and you shouldn’t be suffering so much. The more you try to reason with them the worse the situation gets and you really want to do something drastic to turn it around but that would be reacting emotionally and you know better than to do that.
B. What now? You know how things should be going and you wish you could find a way to make them happen. They were clearly wrong, anyone could see that. It’s just simply not fair.
C. What if you took a whole different view of everything? What if God had a whole different plan for you than the one that’s been swimming in your head? What if this were the greatest opportunity for you to pack it in with that whole lifestyle? Could you pull it all together and walk away from that whole mindset and all its participants? I think you can.
D. But the temptation is still to settle. What you need is a replacement, not a license to pick up and start down another similar rabbit hole. You don’t want a sufficient amount of improvement to move about with agility and abandon. Been there, done that, right? You want OUT !!
E. Let’s put off the old you and put on the new you: we’re talking about an astronomical change! The new you is the real you, exactly as God created you to be, full of wonder and joy and perfect fulfillment.
F. The new you is what YOU would love to be in your wildest dreams as it has everything to do with being inexorably connected (aware of) your loving Creator.
G. That conscious awareness is your ticket to an indescribably glorious new life! It’s already within you and all around you: all you need is to wake up to it. Everything you need will fall into place miraculously as you learn to look away from the old and into the new.
Linda Binette: Robin I truly love this. I dream of the person I desire to be but I am not sure how to get there. I am at a starting over place AGAIN and I really want my life to be different.
Robin Starbuck: I’m going to imagine that it’s me we’re talking about (it’s safer that way, lol!!). I would give up!! I’d quit!! I mean I’d give up the whole nine yards, the whole kit ‘n caboodle! The whole megilla!!! Dump it all and recognize that God is in me, living through me and AS me. That’s huge. It’s astronomical. Everything changes to make way for God’s (my) allness to take over. I’d take no prisoners. I’d inform God (who is my true self) that I am now going to shut up and listen to Him. He loves to talk to me and love on me and ask me what I’d really, really, really like to do with the rest of my eternal life. I’d answer Him and then I’d shut up again. But that’s only me.
Healing & S.Hawking
YOU WOULD LIKE MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE in the world to have a certain manifestation (healing) and as hard as you try not to focus on it, it’s just there all the time, n’es pas?
Let’s take a two-minute gander through the lens of human psychology: What would that demonstration (healing) buy you? Indescribable overwhelming joy forever?
IS IT POSSIBLE TO ACHIEVE THAT NEWLY-DESCRIBED PRIZE IN ANY OTHER WAY THAN WHAT YOU’VE INITIALLY OUTLINED? Let’s visit the world of astro-physics for a moment: “Professor Stephen Hawking is backing a new search for alien intelligence on an astronomical scale that within 10 years could reveal if we are alone in the universe.” (Farflex)
Stephen Hawking, is world famous not only for his amazing breakthroughs in physics but also for the fact that he’s quadriplegic. I have often wondered if he would deign to trade his condition – and his extraordinary brain – and be like lil ol’ me.
In view of all the aforementioned, how about you? Can you redefine ……… ………….. STOP !! Hold it right there!
Can you let God redefine for you what form “Indescribable overwhelming joy forever” might feel like? Where it might emanate from? How it might express itself in your life? Don’t be TOO quick to answer – make sure you’ve got your whole self on board.
Let’s state once again our disclaimer: we don’t believe that God is an omnipotent being outside of ourself. He’s Omnipotence, period! But we do accept His open invitation to talk with and listen to Him, just as Jesus does and taught us to do.
Whereas a physical ‘healing’ (bodily, monetarily, etc.) may have severe repercussions, including complete reversal, God’s healing really IS forever! AND !!! … it’s the most receptive place anyone can possibly be to receive full, complete, irreversible healing.
Eternal life revolution!
Your influence going out into the world can start a spiritual revolution by virtue of the fact that you’re no longer connected to the ego. That victory won can cause a domino effect as it spreads its love everywhere.
You can enjoy the kingdom of God here, now and forever: It’ll rub off on many, many more people than you can possibly imagine. Nothing unlike God belongs in our thinking and we can flush it out with the overwhelming love of God. There are not two powers: God AND error, evil, devil, carnal mind, disease, lack, fear.
We’re not trying to get God to do anything. Where the spirit of God is there is freedom and perfection. It’s as simple as that!
See God absolutely everywhere! See God INSTEAD OF every fleshly claim. Live in Him: He lives in you! This IS living your eternal life now!