I like that E=MC2 stuff that happens in the spirit. Time loses its effect on matter as light explodes in my spirit, birthing miracles directly from the unseen real outside of time. Things which appear are not made of themselves but are created from substance just beyond the veil where the great high priest over the house of God has His continuing ministry. He loves it when we breach the divide and bring back the power of the kingdom.
~ Frank Hanks
Monthly Archives: September 2016
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Thousands of scientists have spent countless millions of hours studying and postulating various theories about the world of quantum physics. Some of the most complex mathematical equations ever conceived by the human mind have been developed in an attempt to crack the mysteries of quantum mechanics. As the world’s greatest physicists and mathematicians have sought to plumb the depths of the mysteries of the quantum world, they have found themselves staring straight into the creative mind of God.
Quantum Glory
The Science of Heaven Invading Earth
~ Phil Mason
If string theory turns out to be an accurate representation of quantum reality, then the whole physical universe is actually a manifestation of energy at a sub-atomic level, all of which is created and sustained by the creative Word of God. But as we begin to speak of the entire universe consisting of energy it must be asserted that from a biblical perspective this is a created energy and not the actual energy of the Holy Spirit.
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In order to be faithful to the biblical worldview we must always maintain a strong differentiation between the Creator and the creation whilst affirming the seamless relationship between the Creator and His creation. Perhaps we could say that the energy of the Holy Spirit is the power source that excites and energizes these created strings that are themselves a manifestation of energy that exist within other dimensions.
Quantum Glory
The Science of Heaven Invading Earth
~ Phil Mason
Sorry, my friend, but physics is beyond the constraints of mathematics. It is sheer wonder at the way things truly are and an almost divine interest in how that is describably so. Physics, unencumbered by the tediousness of mathematical equations, is sublime godlike enchantment!
I like that E=MC2 stuff that happens in the spirit. Time loses its effect on matter as light explodes in my spirit, birthing miracles directly from the unseen real outside of time. Things which appear are not made of themselves but are created from substance just beyond the veil where the great high priest over the house of God has His continuing ministry. He loves it when we breach the divide and bring back the power of the kingdom.
~ Frank Hanks
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We were taught in Christianity regarding our will that by that free will we must make Jesus our personal Lord and Savior. It more than implies that if you have to make Jesus your personal Lord and Savior then obviously your will is to be involved with eternal issues. Here again, Evangelicalism has come up with a statement which is not in the Bible. There is no place that has anything to do with the will of man declaring that Jesus is Lord. The only one who was to make and declare Jesus as Lord was God himself. There is just no room to credit man’s will with making Jesus Lord. God’s will was designed to redeem man in spite of man’s will and without man’s involvement because if our fickle and inconsistent will were involved, all humanity would fail. The reason why we have an unfailing redemption is because we are not involved. We are the recipients of the most magnificent event that has ever happened to the human race carried out by the will of God. We and God are One! Period.
. . . . . . . ONE . . . . . . .
The gospel according to Mike
THIS right here is why
August 30, 2016In the beginning NOTES, You Can Heal Yourself Edit
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The Almighty God, by the Spirit, comes into your soul, takes possession of your brain and manifests Himself in the cortex cells of your brain. When you wish and will, either consciously or unconsciously, the fire of God, the power of God, that life of God, that nature of God, is transmitted from the cortex cells of your brain and throbs through your nerves down through your person, into every cell of your being into every cell of your brain, your blood, your flesh, and your bone, into every square inch of your skin, until you are alive with God! That is divine healing.
~ John G. Lake
So I told the Holy Spirit that I could think of 10-12 thoughts that I’ve already entertained that wouldn’t pass muster with God. He kindly informed me that those were what I had freely chosen instead of the level of Healing that John G. Lake speaks of. :'(
Quantum and astro- physics – created and creating – by God
It behooves us, as sincere seekers of Truth, to reclaim the entire realm of the quanta, that is, to broadly proclaim that the Father of Jesus Christ is the Creator – the Builder and Maker – of the universe! Invisible waves of energy which constitute the quantum field are intimately held in the loving hands of our God, ready to be visited by us as we open our consciousness to His Oneness, Allness and absolute Everywhere-ness! Selah.
Link to quantum
If you’re looking for the scientific (physical) answer, you can start a search using the info below. If you’re looking for the miraculous, the realm where Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead, walked on water, turned water into wine, fed the multitudes, etc., the answer includes knowing God. Quantum physics straddles the two ‘worlds’.
Questionable theology
What in the $%^&^% is their problem? So, a person messes up badly, obviously misinformed or whatever. Finally like all of us, they die. And the religionistas want them – not to suffer for a million years – but to suffer FOREVER. What in the blazes is up with that???
Any building whose structural integrity depends on everything remaining exactly as it’s always been, is not truly a structure, but merely an illusion. If the changing of a light switch plate here and there, or maintenance on a bathroom will cause the entire building to collapse, there is no actual structure to the building, it is merely illusory.
In the same way, a Christianity, or a belief system, whose structural integrity depends on beliefs always remaining exactly the same, without movement, growth, or development, is not a belief system, and certainly not Christianity, but merely an illusion. If one cannot question doctrines like biblical inerrancy, or eternal conscious torment, or even something as banal as the origins of “Satan,” without the entire structure collapsing, you have no structure.
To put it simply, all structures, all *true* structures, that is, ought to be able to handle deconstruction, without it resulting in a full collapse. Sadly, today’s brand of Christianity is not deconstructable, and the moving or changing of a single belief truly will result in the entire system’s fall. This is why we must allow certain old structures to fall, without attempting to reform them. Then, after their fall, we can sift through the rubble, and reclaim some of the artifacts the former, illusory structure had hijacked, but attempting to reform such structures can only result in you being buried by its fall.
It’s time to find a new and better way, and to allow the old to collapse.
Jeff Turner
… [S]ince I stopped preaching “accept Christ” and started several years ago to “accept your acceptance” I have seen a marked difference in the quality of disciple. I would not go back to the way I did it for 35 years for anything. People now actually want to share their faith
Don Keathley
Link to quantum
If you’re looking for the scientific (physical) answer, you can start a search using the info below. If you’re looking for the miraculous, the realm where Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead, walked on water, turned water into wine, fed the multitudes, etc., the answer includes knowing God. Quantum physics straddles the two ‘worlds’.
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The tools scientists have used to deal with paradoxes in the physical world can also be applied to gain important insight into various paradoxes in Scriptures. Difficulties that have plagued the Christian community for centuries are not only clarified when ‘seen’from the point of view of one living in a higher dimension, but those same difficulties also become the basis for strong proof of the supernatural inspiration of the Bible. This book [QG] will provide food for thought for any student of the Word, and will, no doubt, begin a new area of biblical research to which others can contribute.”
–David Rogstad, physicist
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
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In order to be faithful to the biblical worldview we must always maintain a strong differentiation between the Creator and the creation whilst affirming the seamless relationship between the Creator and His creation. Perhaps we could say that the energy of the Holy Spirit is the power source that excites and energizes these created strings that are themselves a manifestation of energy that exist within other dimensions.
Quantum Glory
The Science of Heaven Invading Earth
~ Phil Mason
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Thousands of scientists have spent countless millions of hours studying and postulating various theories about the world of quantum physics. Some of the most complex mathematical equations ever conceived by the human mind have been developed in an attempt to crack the mysteries of quantum mechanics. As the world’s greatest physicists and mathematicians have sought to plumb the depths of the mysteries of the quantum world, they have found themselves staring straight into the creative mind of God.
Quantum Glory
The Science of Heaven Invading Earth
~ Phil Mason
If string theory turns out to be an accurate representation of quantum reality, then the whole physical universe is actually a manifestation of energy at a sub-atomic level, all of which is created and sustained by the creative Word of God. But as we begin to speak of the entire universe consisting of energy it must be asserted that from a biblical perspective this is a created energy and not the actual energy of the Holy Spirit.
Think again, and again!
If you say,
“I don’t know –
I don’t have all the answers,
Understand this:
You have just denied
The power of God
Residing within you
Not once, but twice.
And most emphatically too.
Do you really think
You can undo the damage
By simply saying
And meaning with your whole heart
That God is good
And His grace is sufficient
To pull you out of the mess
And heal you?
If so, you’d be
Scientists have performed experiments with atoms and their subatomic particles such as electrons. If you paid attention in school, you saw the diagram of an atom with the electron orbiting it like the earth orbits the sun. The interesting thing is that scientists have discovered that the electron that is shown orbiting the nucleus is not always there in particle form. It exists in a wave state (like a cloud, everywhere at once) until someone looks at it. When the scientist observes it, it suddenly appears as a dot (particle). What we all want to know, is, “How does it know someone is looking at it?” It obviously is responding to the observer’s interaction with it.
Annette Capps
Quantum Faith
“For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.” Mark 11:23
Construction of truth triumphs over deconstructing error!
IS IT JUST ME ??? I have found that as I build truth into my life that is revealed by the Spirit and that revealed truth continually makes me free, that deconstruction of all that is false is automatic and it evaporates from my belief system. My whole theological world has been turned upside down the last 13 years and it has come from a construction of what is truth and not a deconstruction of what is false.
Don Keathley