“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force…. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”
— Max Planck, 1944
With these words, Max Planck, the father of quantum theory, described a universal field of energy that connects everything in creation: the Divine Matrix. The Divine Matrix is our world. It is also everything in our world. It is us and all that we love, hate, create, and experience. Living in the Divine Matrix, we are as artists expressing our innermost passions, fears, dreams, and desires through the essence of a mysterious quantum canvas. But we are the canvas, as well as the images upon the canvas. We are the paints, as well as the brushes. In the Divine Matrix, we are the container within which all things exist, the bridge between the creations of our inner and outer worlds, and the mirror that shows us what we have created. … In Divine Matrix, you are the seed of the miracle, as well as the miracle itself.
Gregg Braden “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force…. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.” — Max Planck, 1944
Hebrews 6:18 KJV
That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us:
Even quantum physics bears this out!
Hebrews 1:3 KJV
Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;
Do you believe it? Are you the image and likeness of God?
Genesis 1:26 KJV
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
I think we all know that empty prayer and vain repetitions don’t avail us of much. We need to “see” ourself already healed and victorious now, not 20 minutes from now. In the nebulous soup of quantum possibilities, the field or matrix doesn’t speak a tentative language: it needs us to be specific. We have a power within us that transcends all lesser possibilities.
Question: Is compassion the force that holds everything together in the universe? OR, is compassion a feeling in the body?
I’M WONDERING ……. JUST WONDERING ……. how many of you out there can do honest research on a topic that you haven’t been in agreement with? You mustn’t answer too quickly because this requires very careful mental scrutiny. I’m not talking about reading something while taking to the reading your own preconceived notions: I’m talking about assuming that your preconceived notions are somehow completely WRONG! I’m talking about an open mind that is really honestly open. I know as an absolute fact that most people CANNOT do this. They have their well thought out, well prayed over set of prejudices – whether they want to realize it or not!
I tried doing this kind of research on a topic that I don’t even care to disclose here because the topic is so hot that nobody fails to have a set of opinions about it. But I did do something that I’m truly wondering how many people can even do: I broached an issue RECOGNIZING AND ACKNOWLEDGING my own personal prejudice and gave it a kind of Cartesian litmus test. I knew that I wanted to find proof that something is very, very wrong and abhorrent in God’s eyes. Descartes’ “I think, therefore I am” comes into play as “There is, therefore God is”.
Of course the Scriptures are the place to turn to – that’s a given. What I want to quit doing is bringing my own preconceived notions into my interpretation of Scriptures. That’s a pretty hard thing to do when you’ve got to draw the line somewhere as to what more you’re going to take in from the Anointed scholars out there. I know that the Holy Spirit is/was perfectly capable of guiding and teaching me. The issue that I had personally found so reprehensible … well, I was unable to prove that people who buy into this paradigm are forever lost and I even had to deal with a sense of disappointment because my sense of justice and judgment had been shaken to its core.
Anyway, my whole point is to ask if anyone … anyone at all … is willing to acknowledge that they do have prejudices and preconceived notions which absolutely must be put on the shelf if they want to read anything honestly and squarely. The only way to put this junk on the shelf (suspend judgment) is to acknowledge that you have it in the first place!
Are You adequately open-minded?
EVERY TIME YOU TURN OFF THE WORLD in your mind and just listen to ME speaking to you directly from the inside – every time you keep listening no matter what the distractions, every time you turn your back on the slightest interruption and listen to Me with your whole heart, soul, mind, I will tell you great and wonderful things specifically for you in your life. May I begin by saying let’s call it Our life – the life that you and I share as one being and the reason that I am always with you. I love you; I have always loved you and I always will. We have great and wonderful things to do together as one person. We can start by recognizing that our vision is perfect and we can “see” our every-brother as he was created: pure and perfect, like us. We can hear with the same measure of perfection that God gave us from before the beginning of time: we can demonstrate it here and now. We are healed and whole, just as we were always intended to be. Immanuel = God with us = God in us
A Bible teacher once told me “In Him we live and move and have our breathing!” We both giggled at his creative interpretation but it was just what I needed at about 4 1/2 years old. This was my foray into the world of quantum mechanics as I was already making associations between God’s be-ing and my breathing! Genesis 2:7 tells us that “… the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” While we can’t see the underpinning of quantum physics on our entire uni-verse, we can certainly learn to appreciate that it’s with us, in us and all around us – as is its Creator, God!
Robin J. Starbuck In Him we have our breathing!
John G. Lake’s Consecration Statement as A Christian.
My Consecration as A Christian
I, this day, consecrate my entire life to glorify my Heavenly Father by my obedience to the principles of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. All my effort from now on will be directed in an effort to demonstrate the righteousness of God in whatsoever I may be engaged… Principle 1 All the things earthly that I possess shall not be considered my own, but belonging to my Heavenly Father, and shall be held in trust by me to be used and directed by the wisdom of the Spirit of God, as the law of love of men as Christ loved them may dictate. If at any time God should raise up men wiser than myself, I will gladly commit my all to their use and turn over all my possessions to them for distribution. If at any time in my life I should be engaged in any earthly business and should employ men to aid me in conducting it, I shall reward them justly and equally, comparing their own energy expended with my own after adding a sufficient amount to my own to cover all risk that may be involved in the operation of my business. I shall consider my employees my equals with rights to the blessings of nature and life equal to my own. I shall not strive to elevate myself to a position of comfort above the rest of my employees and shall direct all my efforts to bring all mankind to an equal plane, where all enjoy the comforts of life and fellowship together. Principle 2 I shall not cease to cry to God and implore Him to deliver mankind from the effects of sin so long as sin lasts, but shall cooperate with God in the redemption of mankind. I will have seasons of prayer and fasting in behalf of mankind, weeping and bewailing their lost condition and imploring God to grant them repentance unto life as the Spirit of God may lead me. Principle 3 I shall live my life in meekness, never defending my own personal rights, but shall leave all judgment to God who judges righteously and rewards all according to their works. I shall not render evil for evil or railing for railing, but shall bless all and do good to enemies in return for evil. By God’s grace I shall keep all hardness and harshness out of my life and actions, but shall be gentle and unassuming, not professing above what God has imparted to me, nor lifting myself above my brethren. Principle 4 I shall consider righteous acts as more necessary to life and happiness than food and drink, and not let myself be bribed or coerced into any unrighteous action for any earthly consideration. Principle 5 By God’s grace I will always be merciful, forgiving those who have transgressed against me and endeavoring to correct the ills of humanity instead of merely punishing them for their sins. Principle 6 I shall not harbor any impure thoughts in my mind, but shall endeavor to make my every act uplifting. I shall regard my procreative organs sacred and holy and never use them for any purpose other than that which God created them for. I shall regard the home as sacred and always guard my actions in the presence of the opposite sex, so as not to cause a man and his wife to break their vows to one another. I shall be chaste with the opposite sex who are married, considering them as sisters. I shall be careful not to cause them undue pain by playing on their affections. Principle 7 I will always strive to be a peacemaker. First, by being peaceful myself and avoiding all unfruitful contentions, and treating all with justice and regarding their rights and their free agency, never trying to force any to my point of view. If I should offend anyone knowingly, I shall immediately apologize. I will not scatter evil reports about any person and so try to defame their character, or repeat things that I am not certain of being true. I will strive to remove the curse of strife among brethren by acting as a peacemaker. Principle 8 I shall not become discouraged when I am persecuted on account of the righteousness mentioned above nor murmur on account of any suffering I undergo, but shall gladly give my life rather than depart from this high standard of life, rejoicing because I know I have a great reward in Heaven. I shall strive to make the above principles the ideal of all the world and give my life and energy to see mankind get the power from God to practice the same.
The Collected Works
of John G. Lake To emulate John G. Lake
If you have doubts, questions, and fears concerning the Bible and its inspiration, we know that if one soul ever heard from Heaven, another soul may. If one soul ever had an interview with God, another soul may. If any man ever knew his sins were forgiven at any period, another man may know his sins are forgiven now. If a man or woman ever was healed by the power of God, then men and women can be healed again. The only thing necessary is to return again in soul experience to that same place of intimacy where the first individual met God. That is the way you prove the Word of God. That is the reason Christians love the Word of God.
John G. Lake John G. Lake was a great healer
As we seek to uncover more and ever more of the infinite ebullient nature of God, we can appreciate the contribution that science affords in the language of quantum physics. String theory, coupled with the non-locality of soundwaves wants to explain the alignment between itself and the supernatural discourse with its Maker. We no longer have to wonder whether there is ample support underlying the miracles that we’re experiencing with such speed and regularity. Yes, it’s God and His tireless efforts to draw us to Him in the here and now: not a waiting game anymore but a divine awakening of magnificent proportions!
Robin J. Starbuck Miracles explained In quantum language
I WAS FEELING THIS THING CALLED “MEH”, coupled with a little symptomatic stuff, kinda yukky. Began to wonder how to get instantaneous healing, regeneration, joy, when PAPA (Abba) said “Breathe!” I replied that I was planning to anyway. He said “hehehe, now breathe!” I took in a nice loooooong breath (just one) and I felt love and joy and excitement and healing – all coming in and utterly replacing the former junk. There was no prayer of petition, no asking, no nothing. I just listened and there it was!!!
Robin Starbuck Healing by listening