Index of Joel Goldsmith tapes

ONE 1-6

TWO 7-12

THREE 13-18

FOUR 19-24

FIVE 25-30

SIX 31-36

SEVEN 37-42

EIGHT 43-48

NINE 49-54

TEN 55-60

ELEVEN 61-65 skip repeated #


   I N D E X

●●● ONE 1-6 

#1 1956 Barbizon Plaza Private

…..Class, tapes 0155 

#2 He Uttereth His Voice tapes 238 

#3 The Presence of God AS – IS 

#4 There is No Law of Matter or   


#5 Where spirit is, there 

#6 The Practitioner of Spiritual


●●● TWO 7-12 

#7 A New Form of Practice 

#8 Instruction to Serious 

#9 Contemplation Develops the


#10 Spiritual illumination 

#11 The Messiah 

#12 Dedication 

●●● THREE 13-18

#13 Meditation, Sowing to the

……Spirit, Spiritual refreshment 

#14 No Power, No Darkness 

#15 Reason for Treatment 

#16 Simplicity of the Healing 

#17 Womb of Creation 

#18 The Spiritual Storehouse 

●●● FOUR 19-24 

#19 He Uttereth His Voice 

#20 The Invisible Work 

#21 Rising Above Concept of God

#22 Transition from Humanhood

……32:36 tape 8800

#23 Above the Law to Grace 316b

#24 The Art of Meditation, God Is.

……tape 48b

●●● FIVE 25-30 

#25 Holland 1957 tape 806

#26 SOUL FACULTIES tapes 1005

#27 God Consciousness Power

#28 For the Advanced Student

#29 The Practice That Makes You


#30 Laying the Axe at the Root. ..

……Tape 428

●●● SIX 31-36 

#31 The Fourth Dimension, tapes

……1002-1003, 3hr42min

#32 1st Step in Fourth Dimension


#33  HERB  FITCH!!!   16min.


#34 Scriptural Promises Explained


#35 Teaching the Infinite Way, tapes

……133,134. 3:51:56

#36 NOT JOEL but zoom guys

●●● SEVEN 37-42 

#37 The Sword of Spirit 57:39 

#38 “How to Heal” 

#39 The Importance of the God

……Experience tape 8807. 39:17 

#40 Experience of the Christ


#41 The Deep Pool of our Being


#42 Reality and Illusion 100:30

●●● EIGHT 43-48 

#43 From the Metaphysical to the

……Mystical 58:22 

#44 Confidential Material

……tapes612A, 1:43:46 

#45 Individual Spiritual

……Consciousness 53:46

#46 Gratitude for Joel S. Goldsmith,


#47 Spiritual Healing Without 

……Words or Thoughts 54:07 

●●● NINE 49-54 

#48 Infinite Way Message It’s

……Practice. 1:53::24 tapes240

#49 Meditations, tape177b, 1:00:48

#50 Practicality of Spiritual Living. 

#51 Preparation for Easter

#52 A Higher Meditation 53:03

#53 True Withinness tape 1008

#54 Your Self is Divine. tapes437. 

●●● TEN 55-60 

#55 From the Law 1:01:27 

#56 Proving Carnal Mind No Power


#57 Selfless Prayer 1:02:28 

#58 Atmosphere of Prayer 54:50

#59 The Experience of Oneness

#60 Prayer as We Must Understand

……it, 101:00

●●● ELEVEN 61-65 

#61 Not Wrong Thinking But One

……Power 2:03:05 

#62 God is, tape 23

#63 Atmosphere of God, tape 5

#64 Attaining Healing

……Consciousness, Part 1

#65 Attaining Healing

……Consciousness, Part 2

The Stillness

Years ago, I “went into the stillness” – or so I thought. Desired nothing, nothing at all but the empty vastness of infinity. Didn’t give thoughts a chance to formulate. At all. Wanted to go in more and more, deeper and deeper. Nothing happened. However, “thoughts” veered off before manifesting.

Suddenly I saw, I knew, I Am the vastness. I Am the emptiness … empty of all matter. I Am the stillness. I Am the Allness, the infinity, the invisibility that I sought.