Emergency Mode has a very unusual ring for me: it means to regroup and refocus, putting absolutely everything on track for God. That’s when God is able to answer your most urgent prayer(s).
I wish nothing for you – for your whole life – but great success, excellent health, wonderful friends, etc. I honestly do. But probably if you have all these things you won’t want to continue reading. On the other hand, if you need help, if you Really NEED help, you’re much more likely to open the receptors within that will ALLOW for the possibility that God is alive and well and living right there on the inside of you! How exciting is that!
The unfortunate answer is that it’s usually not exciting at all until prompted by a dire predicament. So, let’s take a moment to thank God for this call on our lives and find out what He really has in store.
When your back is to the wall you are potentially in a very GOOD place and you merely need to cash in on your position. Tell God you’ve had it up to -here- with fiddling around (I’m being polite) with the devil [NEGATIVE, PUNISHING, TREACHEROUS AND DECEPTIVE -T-H-O-U-G-H-T-S- THAT SEEK TO DESTROY]
In the name of Jesus Christ, satan (OUR OWN AFOREMENTIONED NEGATIVE THOUGHTS) may as well go back into the abyss because he’ll only receive the mockery he deserves here. Ask God what He’d like to use you for. I guarantee the rewards will be far greater than you can possibly imagine.
![When Full Power is Needed](http://www.drrobinstarbuck.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/same-power-in-you.jpg)