Fear comes from the very deep association of consciousness with the body that if this tiny fragment of a vulnerable body disappears then I will disappear. This is the core exclusive association of consciousness with the body. If we don’t avoid that discomfort and cover it over with other activities but rather have the courage to stay at that uncomfortable place and allow the reality of the experience to reveal itself because the reality of the experience is that this knowing presence is not exclusive. This sensation is JUST A SENSATION! Just the fact of witnessing it is the loosening of it – just simply sitting with it and seeing, allowing the bodily sensation to be whatever it is and allowing it to do with absolutely no agenda I mean why have an agenda with a bodily sensation? It’s not necessary to get rid of it because it’s a sensation. It’s not a problem. It’s only a problem when it is half seen, when it’s believed to be what we are and therefore it is felt that when it disappears we’re going to disappear. So it’s only lack of clarity lack, of clear seeing to what is actually a neutral bodily sensation to become an abode of fear.

Meditation is not something we do, it’s letting go of this tightened fist contraction hold over our real identity.
We know with our “mind” consciousness cannot be personal, but we feel that it is, which presents a contradiction… There’s a mixture of consciousness plus a collection of sensations which we call the body. If our eyes are closed our only experience of our body is sensations – either a single sensation or a network, a cluster, of sensations. There’s no distance between the sound and you the perceiving consciousness. Consciousness is impersonal. All there is is what is. Not solepsism, not the same. There is only what is doesn’t refer to objects. Only what is present in deep sleep is real. Ramana Maharshi. Only Consciousness is.