E X C E L L E N T !!!
Sheldrake: Does your philosophy relate to Western idealism or not? SPIRA: Yes it goes all the way back to PARMENIDES who says there’s a single unchanging infinite reality from which everyone and everything derived their apparently independent existence. I think exactly the same way and if you were to ask me the nature of this independent reality I would say its consciousness. Spira was educated in the Vedantic Kashmir Shaivite tradition (Not science and Western philosophy). What we perceive as the physical universe is what the activity of that consciousness looks like from a localized prospective.
I reasoned that when we dream at night we dream of the world in our dream mind. We cannot directly from our mind. In order to dream we have to localize ourself and enter into our own imagination as a character in the dream from whose perspective the activity of the outside world appears as the outside world in our dream. This gives us a very good model for the ultimate dreamer in infinite consciousness whose activity is the universe (not an entity made out of matter).