When striving’s done -rjs

All morning I had a question.
But I didn’t know what the question was!
So then I had two unknowns.
It was most disconcerting!
I yearned to go all the way
Out of the “me” realm
Of the Unreal.
Didn’t care an iota about
Rewards and accolades of flesh.
Wanted to be where striving’s done
And seeing all aright was my
Healing gift to everyone.
“Me” knew that there was a message
A message that would consign her
To having never existed at all.
What is it?
What can it be?
“Unlike most people, you are
Starting to see that there is
Humans love to compromise two realms
Two realities, mis-connections
Pulling them back down when they would soar
But not you Robin and you’ve paid dearly
But this is your prize – to try
To share.”

DrRobinStarbuck, 2018