Do you often find yourself caught in the middle of two opposing worlds? If so don’t be hell-bent on mitigating the severity of each by trying to harmonize them: they don’t exist! Start with – and stay with – the answer: the worlds don’t exist and neither do you!
Imagine that! You don’t exist and you never have! What happens to all your issues now, given the fact that neither you nor any other human being has ever trod this imaginary globe? All that background … all those years of abuse … gone!
Gone because they never existed – ever! That little boy/girl who ruled the world until awakening to the dastardly plight of humanhood was never a swimmer in the first place!
Stay with the sheer simplicity of it: back to sleep or be it. It is bereft of all mortality, all humanity, good or bad – the entire colossal illusion etherealized.
The critical point of this writing is that it cannot be scoped with the mind for there is no mind.
IT is absolute emptiness without the slightest trace of ‘thing-ness’ at all, nothingness in pristine purity.
One time awash in concepts and conceptualizations, now free of every last whit! What to do? And how to stay with it?
As the archer, aim for IT 🎯 and stay.
-Robin Starbuck