Are you feeling an overall sense of disconnect from the past and dissociation with all flesh? A feeling of sheer joy replete with a ‘knowing’ that it’s finally permanent? A contentment within that’s effervescing on yours and everyone else’s path? Not quite there yet? Join the club – I’m the president!
I’ve been at it a very long time but that’s okay because I recognize that sharing my path IS my calling and is only for the purpose of blessing you. I’ve made some strides of late that have me gobsmacked with wonder!
And yet I still revisit issues of the past – not anywhere near as much as I used to, but enough to mention to you now. Oh, the issues themselves aren’t important per se but utilizing them to go deeper into spirituality with its requisite absolute forgiveness has brought on some strange and wonderful fruitage.
It got me wondering why I had received a directive to get a Ph.D. I had endured unmitigated abuse of the worst kind – not physical, but mental, throughout my life, so then I was to come out a victor with special qualifications! Many, many times I’ve made such brazen statements about the nature and allness of God that the reader wound up doing a search on me, thinking I was some kind of a nut, only to find a nut with a doctorate!
My statement to the world that hopes for enlightenment is “a little feel-good experience now and then won’t get you where you yearn to be: it’s just not enough! It’s waaaay not enough! When you arrive at that spiritual feel-good, you’re merely approaching the front door: it’s time to pull out everything you know about God ‘n you and apply, apply, apply til the cows come home! Once stable, don’t back off or back away, keep applying what you already know until the world dream is demolished – stripped of its hypnotic hold. Amen.”
drrobinstarbuck 2018