Frank Johnson expands and with razor-sharp precision expounds my topic, drawn from my inquiry into how to put Eastern wisdoms to use in the Western world:
In response to a popular query re. exactly how one could proceed with the task of putting off attachments, I cautioned that I am not a behaviorist, meaning I don’t concern myself with matters on the outside at all.
This issue is 100% a spiritual one, so setting up a plan to adjust your behavior will most assuredly miss the mark. As a matter of fact, it’s an all-or-nothing situation as with Abraham and Isaac.
If you arrive at the point where you need absolutely NOTHING AT ALL, then you’ll know the nature of true bliss. You’ll see for the first time what total freedom is truly about.
Frank Johnson adds:
“True. The religious mind would have you think that change comes about by YOU taking control of your behavior. How many believe that in order to advance to some “higher level”, or to achieve some kind of spiritual breakthrough or intuitive tune-up, you need to really focus on doing better? We’ve all heard the expression… “What would Jesus do?” Does that really work?
Yes, you may achieve some limited or measured results, but ultimately and hopefully you’ll come to realize that all that “doing” is still just you. All that religious effort is still coming from you. What if you were to actually stop, and do something radically different. What if you really did what Jesus did… actually accept the divine reality of your Being? Right now, just as you are!
What if that God that we believe in is the LIFE that we already are and we were never told the truth. How many Believers ever take the time to realize or accept the truth within of who they are? What if you were to realize that the gospel message was not about “you doing something”, but that it was about the change that takes place when we accept and awaken to the truth of who we are.
What if the “I Am” that Jesus knew in himself is the “I Am” of you and me? What if YOU have been fighting the truth of your own Being all this time? Maybe the change we were looking for is found when we finally stop and just learn what it means to “Be”. To learn what it feels like to rest in the truth that it is God–our true Life, that works in, as, and through our physical being. This is how real change takes place. For now we realize that all this time we never knew the truth of who we are.”
Frank Johnson
Oh, that every man, woman and child would say ‘yes!’ to the nudge in their heart that is forever drawing them home to their Source, the reality of who they – and everyone else – are!