~Prof. N. R. Krishnamoorthi Aiyer.
The following verses constitute the teachings of Siva to Ribhu, who in turn transmits those teachings to his disciple Nidhaga Rishi.
The treatise goes by the name Ribhu Gita.
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Sahaja Samadhi
- Remaining alertly aware and thought-free, with a still mind devoid of differentiation of Self and non-Self even while being engaged in the activities of worldly life, is called the state of Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi (the natural state of abidance in the Self when all differentiation has ceased). This is called Akhandakara vritti, the ‘I’ of infinite perfection as contrasted with the ‘I am the body’ notion of those who have not realised the Self. (Ch.18, v.40)
*Sahaja (Sanskrit: सहज sahaja) means spontaneous enlightenment, or “spontaneous union with one’s self.”
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18.40. If all these do not exist, I am, without nonexistence. I am only Brahman, the goal. This only is the endless sorrow. This, indeed, is the changeless, never-ending joy.
(Translated by Ramamoorthy and Nome)