The egoic sense of self needs conflict
because its sense of a separate identity
gets strengthened in fighting against
this or that, and in demonstrating
that this is “me” and this
is not “me”.
Eckhart Tolle
its sense of a separate identity
gets strengthened in fighting against
this or that, and in demonstrating
that this is “me” and this
is not “me”.
Eckhart Tolle

Built into the very structure of the
egoic self is a need to oppose, resist,
and exclude to maintain the sense of
separateness on which its continued
survival depends. So there is “me”
against the “other,” “us”
against “them”.
Eckhart Tolle

They are looking outside
for scrapes of pleasure or
fulfillment, for validation,
security, or love, while they
have a treasure within that
not only includes all those
things but is infinitely
greater than anything
the world can offer.
Eckhart Tolle