I Am Spirit. I have a spiritual body. In my spiritual body I can only see absolute perfection. Nothing unlike Divine Love touches me or anyone I see with my single eye. I fill all space because I Am instead of space. I’m remembering my spiritual body stretching out beyond the illusion of time. In my spiritual body everyone is healed, happy, whole and gloriously free, as I Am. What safety, what comradery, what pleasure, what love-for-all resides within my spiritual body!

“My Spiritual Body is the only body I have. It can never be sick, it can never age, it can never die. It was never born. It is a continuous expression of the Father. I am always that Spiritual Body. There is no physical power in this entire universe to prevent my being that Spiritual Body unto eternity. I am Divine Existence. Wherever the human mind sees human existence, it is looking only at its own concept, which it has placed higher than the Word of the Father. That hypnosis I am learning to break. The Father’s Word is my authority, not my concepts. Now we’re accepting the Father’s authority, the Father’s Will in us, which says, “Be ye perfect7, All that I have is thine,”8 My Divine Selfhood is thine, My Divine Life is thine, My Divine Body is thine, My Divine Thoughts are thine. All that I am, thou art.”
~ Herb Fitch